Palace Road Surgery

February 2016 Newsletter

Palace Road Surgery


Surgerycontact details

Palace Road Surgery

3 Palace Road

Streatham Hill



Tel: 020 8674 2083/2787


Palace Road Surgery has a website:-

Please have a look at the website; there is lots of useful information. Patients can book appointments on line and order repeat medication.

Move to Number 1

Palace Road

The Surgery is looking forward to a move from Number 3 Palace Road to Number 1 Palace Road. We hope to have moved into the purpose built surgery by the end of the year. The surgery will have an in-house pharmacy and we will be based on the ground floor of the new building. The surgery staff will miss the current surgery because it has so much character and memories but we are excited about relocating to a few doors down the road. Please feel free to see how the new building is progressing.

Health Information:-

Please see the following websites:-


Patient Info



Age UK

Ordering Prescriptions

Please allow 48 hours for repeat prescription requests. You can order your repeat medication on-line. We use electronic prescribing which means the surgery can send your EPS prescriptions straight to your chosen pharmacy in a matter of seconds. Please choose a pharmacy and they will set this up for you.

Results and General Queries

This is just a gentle reminder to try and avoid our busiest times on the desk for queries about test results, general queries and prescription queries. The telephone system tends to be busiest from 8am until 11:30am because our reception staff are dealing with appointment bookings and urgent hospital inquires. Please call between 11:30am-12:30pm for urgent test results and we will put you through to a doctor provided that they are finished with their Surgery. The receptionist may need to take a message if the doctor is still in consultation with patients.


We have a morning emergency surgery from 9am-11am for medical emergencies ONLY. Please note that this will not be with your preferred doctor.

On The Day Appointments

9 appointments are reserved on a daily basis. These appointments are released at 8am and are primarily for patients who become ill on the day.

Inappropriate use of Accident & Emergency Services

You may have seen the news reports about how over-stretched the hospital A&E Departments are at present.

We receive reports from hospitals where patients have attended A&E with a coughs and colds. We also have reports of patients attending A&E during surgery opening times with minor ailments.

Please think twice before attending Accident & Emergency - inappropriate use of A&E services means that patients who are critically ill are kept waiting for hours unnecessarily.

If you have an urgent medical problem please contact the Surgery.

Minor Ailment Scheme

Some pharmacies offer free prescriptions for patients who fall under the exemption criteria, please inquire at your local pharmacy.

Anushia Seevaratnam

Assistant Practice Manager

On behalf of the Surgery
