Science Magazine assignment

Assignment: Summary paper of a science article related to Historical Geology.

Due: Friday, May 11, 2007

Description: Choose an article from a mainstream science magazine (for example, American Scientist, or Scientific American. These magazines are available from the CRC library.) Read it. Write a 2 page paper (~500 words) that include the following sections:

1)  Summarize the article

2)  Explain how the article relates to what we have covered in Historical Geology.

Historical Geology - related Articles
Chapter 6
Taylor, R. E., 2000, "Fifty Years of Radiocarbon Dating", American Scientist, v. 88, no. 1 (January-February 2000).
Chapter 7
·  Grant, Peter R. and Grant, B. Rosemary, 2002, "Adaptive Radiation of Darwin’s Finches", American Scientist, v. 90, no. 2 (March-April 2002).
Chapter 8
·  Gurnis, Michael, 2001, "Sculpting the Earth from Inside Out", Scientific American, v. 284, no. 3, pp. 40-47 (March 2001).
·  Murphy, J. Brendan and Nance, R. Damian, 2004, “How Do Supercontinents Assemble?” American Scientist, v. 92, no. 4 (July-August 2004).
Chapter 9
·  Murphy, J. Brendan; Oppliger, Gary L.; Brimhall, George H., Jr.; and Hynes; Andrew, 1999; "Mantle Plumes and Mountain Building"; American Scientist, v. 87, no. 2 (March-April 1999).
Chapter 11
·  Warmflash, David, & Weiss, Benjamin, 2005, "Did Life Come from Another World," Scientific American, vol. 293, no. 5, pp. 64-71 (November 2005).
·  Valley, John W., 2005, "A Cool Early Earth?" Scientific American, v. 293, no. 4, p. 58-65 (October 2005).
·  Russell, Michael, 2005, "First Life," American Scientist, v. 94, no. 1, p. 32.
·  Hazen, Robert M., 2001, "Life's Rocky Start", Scientific American, v. 284, no. 4, pp. 76-85 (April 2001).
·  Lutz, Richard A.; Shank, Timothy M.; Evans, Robert, 2001, "Life After Death in the Deep Sea", American Scientist, v. 89, no. 5 (September-October 2001).
·  Delsemme, Armand, 2001, "An Argument for the Cometary Origin of the Biosphere", American Scientist, v. 89, no. 5 (September-October 2001).
Chapter 12
·  Hoffman, Paul F., and Schrag, Daniel P., 2000; "Snowball Earth", Scientific American, v. 282, no. 1, p. 68-75 (January 2000).
·  Bottjer, David J., 2005, "The Early Evolution of Animals," v. 293, no. 2, p. 42-47.
Chapter 13
·  Fortey, Ricard A., 2004, “The Lifestyle of the Trilobites,” American Scientist, v. 92, no. 5, p. 446- (September-October 2004).
·  Droser, M.L., R.A. Fortey, and X. Li, 1996, "The Ordovician Radiation," American Scientist, v. 84, pp. 122-131.
·  Erwin, D., J. Valentine, and D. Jablonski, 1997, "The Origin of Animal Body Plans," American Scientist, v. 85, pp. 126-137.
Chapter 14
·  Clack, Jennifer, 2005, "Getting a leg up on Land." Scientific American, vol.293, no. 6, pp. 100-107.
·  Shipman, Pat, 2006, "Missing Links and Found Links," American Scientist, v. 94, no. 6, p. ?
·  Turner, Susan, and Miller, R.F.; 2005, "New Ideas About Old Sharks, " American Scientist, v. 93, no. 3, p. 244-.
Chapter 16
·  Padian, K., and L.M. Chiappe, 1998; "The Origin of Birds and Their Flight," Scientific American, February 1998.
·  Flynn, John J. and Wyss, Andre R., Feb. 2002; "Madagascar's Mesozoic Secrets," Scientific American, v. 286, no. 2, p. 54-63.
·  Motani, Ryosuke, 2000, "Rulers of the Jurassic Seas", Scientific American, v. 283, no. 6, pp. 52-59 (December 2000).
·  Prum, Richard O. and Brush, Alan, 2003, “Which Came First, the Feather or the Bird?” Scientific American, v. 288, no. 3, p. 84-93 (March 2003).
·  Horner, John R.; Padian, Kevin; Ricoles, Armand de, "How Dinosaurs Grew So Large -- and so small," Scientific American, v. 293, no. 1, p. 56-63.
Chapter 17
·  Thomson, K. S., 2005; "American Dinosaurs: Who and What Was First?" v. 94, no. 2 (March-April), p. ?
·  Erickson, Gregory M., 1999; "Breathing Life into Tyrannosaurus rex", Scientific American, v. 281, no. 3, p. 42-49 (September 1999).
·  Abler, William L., 1999; "The Teeth of the Tyrannosaurs", Scientific American, v. 281, no. 3, p. 50-51 (September 1999).
·  Thomas, David A. and Farlow, James O., 1997; "Tracking a Dinosaur Attack", Scientific American, v. 277, no. 6, p. 74-79 (December 1997).
·  Johnson, Claudia C., 2002, "The Rise and Fall of Rudist Reefs", American Scientist, v. 90, no. 2 (March-April 2002).
·  Kring, David A. and Durda, Daniel D., 2003, "The Day the World Burned," Scientific American, vol. 289, no. 6, p. 98-105 (December 2003).
Chapter 18
·  McGowran, B., 1990, "Fifty Million Years Ago," American Scientist, v. 78, p. 30-39.
·  Wolfe, J., 1978, "A Paleobotanical Interpretation of Tertiary Climates in the Northern Hemisphere," American Scientist, v. 66, p. 694-903.
·  Wong, Kate, 2002, “The Mammals That Conquered the Seas,” Scientific American, v. 286, n. 5 (May 2002).
·  Sieqert, Martin J.; Dowdeswell, Julian A.; Svendsen, John-Inge; and Elverhoi, Anders, 2002, “The Eurasian Arctic During the Last Ice Age,” American Scientist, v. 90, no. 1, p. 32- (January-February 2002).
Chapter 19
·  Agnew, Neville, and Demas, Martha., 1998; "Preserving the Laetoli Footprints", Scientific American, v. 279, no. 3, p. 44-55 (September 1998).
·  Tattersal, Ian, 2000; "Once We Were Not Alone"; Scientific American, v. 282 no. 1, p. 56-62 (January 2000).
·  Begun, David R., 2003, “Planet of the Apes,” Scientific American, v. 289, no. 2, p. 74-83 (August 2003)
·  Wong, Kate, 2003, “Stranger in a New Land,” Scientific American, vol. 289, no. 5, p. 74-83 (November 2003).
·  Wong, Kate, 2003, “An Ancestor to Call Our Own,” Scientific American, v. 54, no. 1, p. 54-63 (January 2003).
Chapter 20
·  Wong, Kate, 2005, "The Littlest Human" Scientific American, v. 292, no. 2, pp. 56-65 (February 2005).
·  Esty, Amos; 2005; "Investigating a Mega-Mystery: Two recent studies try to help unravel the causes of late Pleistocene extinctions," American Scientist, v. 93, no. 5, p. ?
·  Alley, Richard B. and Bender, Michael L., 1998; "Greenland Ice Cores: Frozen in Time", Scientific American, v. 278, no. 2, p. 80-85 (February 1998).
·  Siegert, Martin J.; Dowdeswell, Julian A.; Svendsen, John-Inge; and Elverhoi, Anders, 2002, "The Eurasian Arctic During the Last Ice Age", American Scientist, v. 90, no. 1 (January-February 2002).
·  Sturm, Matthew; Perovich, Donald K., and Serreze, Mark C., 2003, “Meltdown in the North,” Scientific American, vol. 289, no. 4, p. 60-67 (October 2003).
·  Bindschadler, Robert A. and Bentley, Charles R., 2002 “On Thin Ice?” Scientific American, v. 287, n. 6, p. 98-105 (December 2002)
Last update 4/16/2007
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