Painting Supply List
Paints –
- Gamblin
- Ultramarine Blue
- Transparent Earth Red
- Alizarin Permanent
- Quinacridone Magenta
- Chromatic Black
- Cadmium Lemon Yellow
- Transparent Earth Yellow
- Viridian
- Titanium White
- Winsor Newton
- Cadmium Yellow Pale
- Cadmium Yellow Medium
- Cadmium Orange
- Cadmium Red Light
Medium –
- Gamblin Galkyd
- Gamblin Gamsol or Turpenoid
Paper Towels
- Bounty – General wiping
- Viva – For wiping out paint on the canvas
Canvas panels or boards – 8x10, 9x12, 11x14, 12x16
(Centurion OPX Panels from Jerry’s are a good choice)
- Filberts - #3, #4, #5, #6, #8
- Flats - #2, #4, #6, #8, #10
Palette Knife
Small Trash Bag
Bug Spray
**Please note: These are my suggestions. If you prefer a certain brand of canvas or paints, please feel free to use your own materials.
Pastel Supply List
Pastel Supply List
Soft Pastels – Unison, Terry Ludwig, Sennelier
Paper Towels
- Bounty – General wiping
Paper – Cut into any of the following sizes - – 8x10, 9x12, 11x14, 12x16
- Sennelier LaCarte
- Canson
Drawing Board
Clips or Tape to attach paper
Small Trash Bag
Bug Spray
**Please note: These are my suggestions. If you prefer a certain brand of pastel or paper, please feel free to use your own materials.