Paint Mix Room, Pump Supply
& Circulation System Basics
by Todd Anderson,
Technical Application Specialist, Graco Inc.
This document is intended to explain the basics of pump supply selection and circulation system design. Specific circulation pipe sizing are not fully addressed in this document, as in depth line sizing requires further analysis to properly design a complete paint circulation system. The intention is to provide enough detail to understand the basics of paint mix room pump selection, pump commissioning and the various types of circulation systems and their differences. Waterborne materials are also addressed, as there are specific differences when dealing with waterborne paints vs. solventborne.
Paint Pump Selection
A major component of a paint circulation supply system is the paint supply pump. This pump is required to supply paint 24 hrs/day, 365 days/year. The most important factor is to ensure the pump supplying each of the circulation lines is sized appropriately for the continuous circulation volume required to maintain proper paint shear, viscosity, particle paint suspension and to minimize paint degradation. The pump must also provide enough additional volume requirements for intermittent paint supply as gun drops are in use. The pump must provide the proper fluid pressures for the continuous and the additional intermittent volumes. It is important to note that the additional pump flow required when guns lines are opened may be very small depending on the responsiveness of the Back Pressure Regulator (BPR) under the production conditions.
The most popular pump designs for paint circulation supply are large volume 4 ball piston and centrifugal pumps. Graco Midrange and High Flo Plus 4 ball piston pumps (pneumatic and hydraulic) are the most widely used throughout the industry. The Graco Imperial centrifugal pump is also widely used and proven to be extremely reliable. An important factor regarding pump selection is paint degradation of metallic materials caused by the continuous circulation of the material through the pump, piping system and back pressure regulator. Piston pumps cause the least amount of degradation to both the brightness and color two-tone effects exhibited by a metallic finish in comparison to rotary lobe style pumps. Centrifugal and rotary lobe pumps will cause some initial degradation to the brightness flop of the metallic paint but the rotary lobe pump will dramatically increase this degradation with extended use. [1]
When selecting a piston pump for each circulation loop, Graco recommends a pump with a continuous duty cycle of 12 cpm (cycles per minute) or less and a maximum intermittent duty cycle of 20 to 30 cpm. Pump packing and piston wear is directly related to pump cycle rates. Therefore, pump selection is key to ensure limited wear for continuous duty operation. Pay close attention to the pump performance curves for fluid pressure and flow rates at the recommended cycle rates. Maximum piston pump flow rates are typically rated at 60 cpm and are poor indicators of circulation pump size. Pump cycle rates are directly related to pump wear. It is not uncommon to find installations with pumps running near 4 cpm to minimize wear, especially with aggressive materials like Xirallic flake materials or heavily pigmented materials.
Graco Imperial pumps should also be sized for the proper flow rates and pressures by referencing the proper pump curves paying close attention to the viscosity and the specific gravity of each material. Graco Imperial pumps are sized in stages and oversizing or undersizing an Imperial pump can produce excess pump strain, limited or excess pressures and flows with excess energy concerns, typically in the form of heat and excessive motor current draws.
When selecting supply pumps for waterborne materials, ensure the wetted parts of the pump are stainless steel. Graco Midrange High Flo, High Flo Plus and Imperial pumps are well accepted for waterborne materials for high flow circulation applications. This includes waterborne clear coats as well as waterborne metallics and primers. The larger High Flo pumps (High Flo Plus), utilize a Plasma (Tuff Coat) pump rod. Caution must be taken when using Plasma rods with waterborne and other corrosive materials. Corrosion can occur if the rod is left in a stationary position for a period of time with corrosive material exposure. To eliminate corrosion concerns with the large High Flo pumps, hard chrome pumps rods (and pump assemblies) are available.
There is currently a trend in the industry with the use of Xirallic flake metallic paints. The Xirallic flakes used in these metallic paints are typically 20 to 35 times harder than the typical metallic (mica) flakes used in the past and will produces different wear results because of this quality. When selecting a Graco Imperial pump for Xirallic materials, use the Graco Imperial Severe Duty pump. This Severe Duty Imperial pump has carbide coated wear parts to combat the abrasive nature of these Xirallic materials and have worked well in those applications where Xirallic is heavily used. The Graco 4 ball Midrange pumps offer Chromex or Maxlife rods and Maxlife cylinders as choices for applications where abrasive materials are used. (i.e. heavily filled Xirallics) The Graco High Flo plus pump can be supplied with Plasma (Tuff Coat) rods for long life characteristics (only for continuous duty applications only.)
Part of the pump selection process is the upfront costs of the pump selected for the circulation application vs. the operational efficiency. Typically air operated (pneumatic) pumps are the least energy efficient but are typically lowest in installation costs vs. hydraulic. Hydraulic operated pumps are very energy efficient but require hydraulic power packs to drive the pump motors, which may push the installation costs higher than pneumatic and electric. An electrically operated pump is relatively easy to implement and usually has a minor installation cost impact. Because of the ease of installation for an electric operated pump, like the Graco E-Flo Plus, and the need to minimize energy production costs, current industry trends are towards electric energy efficient paint supply solutions.
Pump Commissioning
Before a paint supply pump is commissioned for service, some circulation pipe system cleaning may be required. Typically, caustic cleaners are used to clean the paint piping system before the paint is loaded through the paint supply pumps. These cleaning materials are typically corrosive and not recommended at any time for use with Graco paint supply pumps. If caustics are required to clean the paint circ lines, use an alternative pump specifically designed for that process. (i.e. a diaphragm pump with the proper wetted components, compatible with the cleaning materials.) A pump large enough to easily supply high flow rates/velocities is typically required during this cleaning process. High flow rates and velocities are required to clean the pipes, these cannot be produced properly with the paint supply pump. The paint supply pump should not be used to supply the caustic cleaning materials. The risk of over cycling the piston pump is likely. There is a definite risk of compromising the packings as well as the hard components within the Graco piston pumps.
For waterborne applications, the paint supply lines may be loaded with DI water and circulated before loading the paint in the system. DI water is corrosive, therefore a dedicated flush pump should be used that is compatible with DI water. If the paint supply pump is required to cycle the DI water through the circulation lines, this circulation time should be limited to the shortest time possible. The Graco Midrange and High Flo Plus pumps require TSL (Throat Seal Liquid) in the wet cup at all times to keep the rod and packings wet and avoid dried paint on the rod surface. When pumping DI water or waterborne materials, the wet cup should never be filled with DI water. The DI water is corrosive and should never be used in place of TSL. During the flushing stage of cycling DI water through the Graco Midrange or High Flo Plus 4 ball pumps, siphoning of wet cup liquid into the pump is normal. Care should be taken to ensure there is liquid in the wet cup at all time during this DI water flush cycle. Once paints are loaded through the pumps the siphoning of the wet cup materials will stop. Graco has found TSL to be compatible with both solventborne and waterborne materials. (See below for TSL details.) Also listed below are alternative wet cup fluids for waterborne applications that have been used successfully as alternatives to TSL.
Graco TSL (contact Graco for part numbers)
- Blue Label (This is Graco’s new standard formula)
- Red Label Classic (proven to be a good choice for years, some customers prefer to continue the use of the red label TSL for paint circ applications.)
Alternative Wet Cup Fluids (Waterborne applications):
Monopropylene Glycol
Butyl Glycol diluted with 10% Water
Butyl Glycol (undiluted)
Circulation System Design Basics
A circulation system is a properly designed piping network used to deliver paint to the applicator stations as well as maintain and control the material characteristics that are critical to the finishing process. As discussed early in this document, it is important to remember most of the systems are circulating paint 24 hr/day, 365 days per year. The first concern in the design of a paint circulation system is to assure that the proper pressure and volumes are being delivered to the application stations throughout the production facility. Included with the design concerns are the ability of the circulation system to control and maintain paint shear, viscosity, particle suspension and minimize paint degradation.
Particle and Pigment Suspension
The material velocities in a properly designed paint circulation system keeps particles and pigment settling to a minimum and produces a consistent and uniform finish once applied to the production component. Proper paint mixing and agitation in the supply tanks are not enough to ensure proper paint suspension. Without the proper circulation of the paint in the pipe supply and return lines, separation and settling of the paint pigments and solvents will occur in the piping. This settling is typically considered “dirt” in the piping with possibility of this settled material ending up on the production part.
Viscosity and Shear Control
Fluctuations in the paint material temperature during the production process can result in materials that will not atomize properly and adversely affect the quality of the finish. Some waterborne materials rely on the shear produced by the piping system and the circulating pump to reduce the material viscosity. Conversely, these same materials with their unique blends of pigments, micas, metallics, solvents and water, will breakdown with excessive shear. Care needs to be taken to ensure the piping system has smooth interior surfaces and transitions. Properly designed paint circulation systems are an important component used in the control of the paint material characteristics.
Circulation Rates
Typically circulation velocity requirements for proper material suspension for solventborne materials are 60 fpm (feet per minute)(.3 m/sec) through the main circulation loops with 30 to 60 fpm (.15 to .3 m/sec) velocities through the system branch lines, low pressure returns and gun drops. The same rates are also used with waterborne materials but care should be take to ensure the minimum velocity rates are achieved throughout the circulation system. Waterborne materials are typically more sensitive to viscosity changes and are likely to increase in viscosity when not under a minimum shear rate. Waterborne materials may not need the 60 fpm (.3 m/sec) minimum velocity for the main circulation rate and may only require 30 fpm (.15 m/sec). Ensure the material supplier is in agreement with this before designing the system for this lower circulation rate. Many paint suppliers are reluctant to agree to the 30 fpm (.15 m/sec) main circulation loop velocity, until they have achieved some history with the material and found the lower circulation rates are adequate.
Circulation System Design Types
There are typically 3 types of circulation system designs for high flow paint supply facilities. (Reference attached system layouts.)
- Graduated 2 Pipe System (Direct Return, Reverse Return)
- Dual Regulated 3 Pipe System
- Branch Line System
In smaller industrial applications, a single circulation pipe “Dead End” system is also commonly used. This system is typically used by industrial customers with limited production requirements and will not be discussed in detail here.
Described below are the basics of each of the 3 main types of circulation systems. The focus is on the basics without the details of specific paint line sizes. Sizing requires a full analysis of the requirements of the paint system. Ensure the proper material compatibility of the paint pipe system is used for the current materials used as well as any future potential materials changes.
2 Pipe Paint Circulation System
A 2 Pipe paint system uses the balancing of pipe diameters to ensure the “balancing” of pressures and flows for every flow path. Essentially, there are no regulators to balance the system pressures at each individual paint station. A graduated piping network takes the place of mechanical pressure control devices for the control of pressure and flow at each paint drop. The only regulator in the system is the back pressure regulator located near the paint system supply station to control the overall paint system pressure. Gun mounted regulators or “Y” restrictors are normally used to control individual spray gun delivery.
- The Direct Return version of a 2 Pipe Circulation System uses a sequential parallel paint supply and return. The highest pressure paint is supplied to the last branch and returns from the first paint branch. This type of system may require higher pump pressures and flows to support multiple branches.
- The Reverse Return version of a 2 Pipe Circulation System uses an inverted parallel paint supply and return. The highest pressure paint is supplied to the first paint branch but returns from the last return branch. This type of circulation will require additional paint circulation piping for either the supply or the return.
A properly designed two pipe paint circulation system can be very cost effective and generally has the lowest pressure, volume and the lowest fill volume of most of the circulation system choices. The complication of the balancing of pipe sizes to ensure proper volumes and pressures at the application stations makes this system difficult to expand.
3 Pipe Paint Circulation System
Commonly called a Third Line System, the 3 Pipe Paint Circulation System is a popular circulation system because of it’s flexibility. A 3 Pipe system consists of a high pressure paint supply pipe with pressure regulators at every paint station and a low pressure paint return line, to allow circulation to every station. In addition to paint station regulators, the high pressure supply lines and the low pressure return line are equipped with back pressure regulators located at the paint supply stations. Each paint station in a 3 Pipe system generally has a spray gun mounted regulator or “Y” restrictors.
The major advantage of the 3 Pipe system is it’s ability to be easily expanded. This system generally has the highest pressure, volume and highest fill volume of most of the circulation choices. The 3 Pipe system has the advantage of ensuring proper material velocities at each application station by the station fluid pressure regulator. The 3 Pipe system can be a critical advantage for sensitive waterborne materials that require minimum circulation velocities at all locations.
Branch Line Paint Circulation System
The branch line system uses a fixed diameter supply pipe in combination with a graduated diameter return pipe to allow circulation to a group of application stations. At a give spray booth, the branch line piping will join the supply piping after the last application station and down stream of a back pressure regulator installed in the supply piping. The point where the supply piping and the return line branch piping join is referred to as the branch line termination (BLT). The back pressure regulator installed in the supply piping at the BLT is referred to as the branch line termination back pressure regulator (BLT/BPR). Each paint station in a 3 Pipe system generally has a spray gun mounted regulator or “Y” restrictors.