DARU Update19th April 2010








Commission Welcomes Important Move to Improve Quality of Care at GP Visits

Australian Human Rights Commission, 9th April 2010

Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Graeme Innes, has welcomed the proposal of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) to ensure better access to medical care for people with a disability by making it mandatory for general practice surgeries to have height adjustable examination beds in order to meet industry standards.

"I want to congratulate the National Expert Committee on Standards for General Practices for listening to the many thousands of Australians who were represented in submissions from disability organisations, women’s groups, professional bodies and organisations representing ageing Australians," said Commissioner Innes.

Height adjustable examination beds will: assist general practice teams to reduce the risk of injury to all patients; limit the risk of misdiagnosis or non-detection of serious medical conditions; reduce the occupational health and safety issues for health practitioners, and; reduce the risks associated with legal responsibilities under discrimination law.

Media contact: Brinsley Marlay 02 9284 9656 or 0430 366 529

Charter Report Highlights Human Rights as a Key Driver of Liveability

Victorian Council of Social Services, 14th April 2010

‘VCOSS calls on the Victorian Government to improve liveability in Victoria by strengthening its commitment to protecting and promoting human rights’, says Cath Smith, Chief Executive Officer of the Victorian Council of Social Service.

‘The Making Progress report tabled in the Victorian Parliament yesterday highlights the strength of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities in improving Victorians’ wellbeing and quality of life. A range of VCOSS members have implemented a human rights approach in their organisation which has achieved fairer outcomes for both individual Victorians and the community.’

‘However, the Report also highlights that further steps are required to ensure human rights are fully protected in Victoria. The social impact of legislation such as that which gives police more powerful stop and search powers severely limits the rights of particular groups, including young people, Indigenous Victorians and homeless people.’

‘Further steps are also required to improve equality in Victoria, including addressing systemic discrimination. VCOSS believes that the current Equal Opportunity Bill 2010 before Parliament is a key step to achieving this.’

‘It is clear from the Report that there is nothing to be feared and much to be gained from a Charter in Victoria. By protecting human rights, we create fairer laws, policies and practices which ultimately will improve liveability for all Victorians.’

Media comment: Cath Smith, CEO – 0421 350 643

Stronger Equal Opportunity Act - Great News for the Community

Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission

The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission has welcomed the passage of the new Equal Opportunity Act as a historic step to strengthen and modernise the state’s approach to human rights and responsibilities.
Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner, Dr Helen Szoke, said the law, which will come into effect in August 2011, is great news for the community. “The availability of flexible and faster dispute resolution, tools to address systemic discrimination and a particular emphasis on the prevention of discrimination will lead to a more equal society,” she said.
Equal opportunity law is now more focussed on preventing, exposing and tackling systemic discrimination, and places a positive duty on organisations to eliminate discrimination as far as possible.
“The Commission looks forward to continuing to work closely with the community, business and other bodies to support the right of each person to have an equal chance to contribute to society,” said Dr Szoke.
The Commission will provide assistance and practical resources - such as telephone advice, training, online material, publications, guidelines and auditing tools - to ensure that organisations understand, and can comply with their responsibilities.

For more information go to http://www.humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au/News%20and%20Events/media%20releases/20100416.asp

HREOC Cinema Exemption Application

The Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) has considered the application from Hoyts Corporation, Greater Union Organisation, Village Cinemas and Reading Cinemas for a Temporary Exemption under section 55 of the /Disability Discrimination Act 1992/ (Cth)(DDA) from complaints in relation to the provision of captions and audio description in cinemas operated by the applicants.
The Commission has decided not to grant the exemption.
In making this decision the Commission considered:
- Whether the activities that are the subject of the application
constitute discrimination contrary to the Disability Discrimination Act;
- Whether granting the exemption would be consistent with the
objects of the Disability Discrimination Act;
- The applicant's reasons for seeking an exemption;
- Submissions by interested parties; and
- All relevant provisions of the Disability Discrimination Act.
While the Commission has in the past granted temporary exemptions on the basis of applicant commitment to progressively meeting the objects of the DDA, in this instance on balance the Commission did not consider the application to represent sufficient progress to be considered reasonable.
A full decision with reasons is being prepared and will be available in due course.


Disability, Self Advocacy & Independence: Your Life, Your Way

When Starts Tuesday 27th April 2010, 10.30am to 12.30pm.

Where Yooralla, Ground floor, 244 Flinders St Melbourne

RSVP To register contact Christian or Jeanette via email or phone 9367 6044. You may also RSVP to Jeanette via email or phone 9916 5800. Please let us know if you need attendant care support and/or interpreters. Morning tea and coffee will be provided.

Diversity and Disability - Migrant Resource Centre North West in partnership with Community Learning & Living - Yooralla are offering a 10 session course called 'Disability, Self Advocacy & Independence: Your Life, Your Way'.

Generally for people with a disability it is harder to be independent, particularly because of family and community perceptions, lack of accessibility and information on services and support available. Do you feel the need to develop more skills to speak up for yourself and believe in what you can achieve in your life? If all this sounds familiar, these group sessions are for you.

These sessions are specially targeted towards Ethnic people with a disability but everyone is welcome.

Alfred Health – Disability Action Plan Workshop

When Tuesday 4th May 2010, 8.45am for a 9am start - 12 noon.

Where AMREP Seminar Room, the Alfred Hospital, 55 Commercial Road, Prahran

Register To RSVP by 27th April, contact Tanya via email au orphone 9076 2409.

Alfred Health is holdinga Disability Workshop at The Alfred hospital to help them develop their Disability Action Plan.

The workshop will include Alfred Health staff but we are also looking for consumers, carers and community members to attend to provide us with feedback. The purpose of the workshop is to seek feedback around three outcome areas that the planneeds to addressas follows:

1)Reducing barriers to persons with a disability accessing goods, services and facilities

2) Promoting inclusion and participation in the community of persons with a disability

3) Achieving tangible changes in attitudes and practices which discriminate against persons with a disability

Consumers, carers and community members will be reimbursed for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses to attend the workshop. The details of the workshop are as follows:

Attendees will receive an agenda before the meeting as well as a map of how to get to the Seminar room.

For more information contact Tanya via phone 9076 2409.

ArtsAccess DnD Support Group

When - Thursday 6th May 2010, 10.30am to 12.30pm

Where - Migrant Resource Centre North West – 45 Main Rd West, St Albans (opposite St Albans train station)

Register - To RSVP by Friday 30th April email or phone 9367 6044. Please let us know if you need attendant care support and/or interpreter.

Diversity and Disability under the auspices of the Migrant Resource Centre North West in partnership with Arts Access Victoria, are running a free Support Group called 'Discover the Artist in you. The session will run every 2 weeks.

These sessions for people with a disability are a chance for participants to explore and discover their own unique creative expression. Beginning with a focus on the visual arts, we will explore various approaches to drawing, painting, printmaking and creative collage leading onto much more. This is an opportunity to discover the artist in you!

Ethnic people with a disability are encouraged to attend this session which is open to all people with a disability.

Accommodation & Social Participation Conference

When Thursday 6th – Friday 7th May 2010

Where Jupiters Hotel and Casino, Gold Coast

Register To register online go to http://www.ors.net.au/NDS_ASPC10.html

The NDS 2010 Accommodation and Social Participation Conference will focus on ways to achieve this. Drawing on policy, research and practice, it will offer presentations and discussions appealing to a broad cross section of staff from service providers, but is also designed to be of interest to people from government departments and academic institutions

For more information go to http://www.nds.org.au/events/1266965870 or contact Sarah Maguire via phone 02 6283 3200 or email


DARU Workshop - Resilience Training

When Wednesday 12th May, 9.45am for a 10am start to 5pm

Where VCOSS Boardroom - Level 8, 128 Exhibition Street Melbourne

Register Facilitator will be Stuart Taylor from The Resilience Institute Australia.

·  Want to reduce the burn-out factor?

People who cope best with hard times tend to have one trait in common: resilience. The characteristics of the resilient people include: good self-esteem, a positive outlook on life, a flexible outlook, the ability to change plans mid-stream, the ability to ‘switch off’ and a philosophy that hard times are a valuable learning experience, rather than a punishment.

This interactive learning workshop will introduce participants to the core frameworks of Resilience, give practical strategies on how to remain resilient. What more could a Disability Advocate ask for?

DARU offers training free of charge to Disability Advocacy Organisations. To download a copy of the DARU 2010 Training Calendar and Registration form click here

For more information contact DARU via email or phone 03 9639 5807.


Australian Human Rights Commission's - Monthly E-Bulletin

The first Australian Human Rights Commission's monthly E-Bulletins has been released.

The E-Bulletin aims to keep you up to date with their latest programs, projects and news. For more information go to webpage



Research Project – Participants Required

A research project is being conducted to look into the musical and mathematical skills in Asperger Syndrome. As part of the project the organisersare also interested in Vision Impairment.

The research has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee at the University of Melbourne, ensuring that the research procedures protect the safety and rights of participants at all times.
Participants will be reimbursed for public transport and taxi fares, parking permits and fuel.

Organisers would like to hear from interested people who are congenitally blind, or who have been blind since the first 3 months of life. Participants should be male, and between the ages of 18 to 30 years. It is also preferable that participants are not light sensitive.
As a volunteer participant, you will be asked to contribute approximately 4 hours of participation, divided into short sessions of 1 or 2 hours each. Participation will take place at Melbourne University.
You will be involved in activities relating to basic musical and mathematical ability, and other problem-solving activities.
There will also be three questionnaires to complete that will ask about your social activities, medical history, and any previous musical or mathematical training you might have had.

To participate and for more information contact Loretta via mobile0421 041 390 or .


The Victorian Federation of Community Legal Centres - Sector Development Officer

·  Ongoing full-time employment based in Melbourne CBD

·  Package up to $77,522 (includes super, leave loading)

·  Generous additional tax benefits available

·  5+ weeks annual leave

The Federation of Community Legal Centres is the peak body for Victoria’s 51 community legal centres (CLCs). CLCs are independent, community organisations that provide free public legal services focused on helping the disadvantaged.

The position of Sector Development Officer will draw upon your experience in management, capacity building, professional development and/or legal practice.

To download a copy of the position description click here.

Closing date for applications is Monday 3rd May 2010.

Victorian Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission – 4 positions available

Senior Adviser, Media

·  Fixed Term for 12 months

·  $74,018 - $89,556

Working closely with the Commissioner, this is a rare opportunity for a skilled media adviser to work in an issues rich, dynamic environment and contribute to increasing public knowledge about human rights and responsibilities.
A talented and hardworking professional is required for the role, which encompasses media relations, issues management and speech writing. A background in journalism will be highly regarded.

Manager, Community Relations Unit

·  Ongoing

·  $90,789 - $121,495

The Commission seeks an experienced professional to lead and manage provision of our education, complaints lodgement and public information functions under the Equal Opportunities Act, the Racial and Religious Tolerance Act and the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities.

The successful applicant will demonstrate sound skills in strategic planning, leadership, staff management, commercial acumen and change management. The ability to establish strong and enduring relationships with diverse stakeholders is also required

Senior Advisor – Human Rights

·  Ongoing

·  $74,018 - $89,556

The Commission seeks a lawyer with a background in human rights law and experience working in a public policy environment. This position will play an instrumental role in the Commission’s performance of its functions under the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities, with particular responsibility for developing the annual Charter report.
Communications Assistant

·  Ongoing

·  $51,818 - $62,917

The Commission seeks a Communications Assistant to assist with the implementation of a range of internal and external communication projects.
For more information on these positions and on how to apply, visit the Commission website.