c/o Droitwich Spa Town Council
St Richard’s House
Victoria Square
Droitwich Spa
07811 461617
November 2013
Dear Classic & Vintage Car, Motorbike & Commercial Vehicle Owner
held in conjunction with ST RICHARD’S FESTIVAL
Droitwich Spa is proposing to hold its Classic & Vintage Car, Commercial Vehicle & Motorbike Rally on Saturday 3 May & Sunday 4 May 2014, in conjunction with St Richard’s Festival. As in previous years, dependent upon the response we receive, we intend to close the High Street, St Andrew Street and Victoria Square for Saturday. On Sunday all vehicles will be displayed in the car park on the right hand side of Waitrose overlooking the canal in Vines Park.
As usual, a charge of £5 per participant is being made which will go to Midland Air Ambulance. The £5 fee covers the whole weekend. For those of you who may not be aware, it does cost around £1200 to put on this event (we have to cover road closure, insurance, security etc) and a contribution to a worthy charity makes it all worthwhile.
Activities and entertainment will be available over the whole of the weekend, from Friday to Monday. and there will be free entertainment and a Real Ale Bar in Vines Park on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday . In addition to our usual Italian and Craft markets and Medieval Festivities, we will be holding a Boat Rallyin our newly opened Netherwich Basin at Vines Park, for you and your family to enjoy. Please let me know if you would be interested in coming for Saturday and Sunday (no extra cost).
Should you wish to come along and participate, please fill in the form below, indicating which days you will be able to attend ie, Saturday or Saturday and Sunday and return it with your cheque, made out to DROITWICH SPA CLASSIC & VINTAGE CAR RALLY,to the above address at your earliest convenience. Your prompt reply would be appreciated as we need to know the numbers in order to sort out the road closure situation. Please note we do not acknowledge receipt of applications due to postal cost, but you should receive your badges 2 weeks prior to the event.
I would be grateful if car club secretaries could get in touch with me on the above number so I can forward applications direct to you for onward distribution.
New participants would be most welcome so please pass on the information to your friends and colleagues.
I look forward to meeting you all again at the beginning of May
Yours sincerely
PS: We raised over £700 this year for Midland Air Ambulance
We will/will not be able to attend the Rally on Saturday 3 MAY 2014.
We will/will not be able to attend the Rally on Sunday 4 MAY 2014.
NAME: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
ADDRESS: ………………………………………………………………………………………
POST CODE:………………………………………………………………………………………
Telephone No (H)…………………………………………………….
Email address:……………………………………………………………………………………..
Registration year ……………………………………………………......
Car Club(if any)……………………………………………………………………………………...
NB: Please let us know if you no longer wish your name to be included on our database for this event.
We are also attempting to send out application forms this year via email where possible. Please let us know if your email address has changed by emailing