TUESDAY – 7:00 P.M.
May 14, 2013

1.  Call to Order, Moment of Silence, and Pledge of Allegiance.

Harley Kulkin called the meeting to order.

Tom Waters lead the Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance.

2.  Discussion and Possible Decision regarding Moving the Order of or Deleting an Agenda Item(s).

Dr. Waters moved item 10 to follow Item 2.

Mr. Kulkin pulled agenda items 3, 13, and 14.

Item 10. Advisory Board Reports from Advisory Board Chairpersons and/or Town Board Liaisons on the Status of Advisory Boards

Andrea Sposato and Cameron Lynch updated the Town Board that the Youth Advisory Board would be making a list of projects that the youth of Pahrump may like and that would have more activities they would enjoy.

Note: After Item2 and before item 3 the Town Board presented Arlette Ledbetter with an award for her hard work and dedication to making Rural Roundup 2013 such a wonderful event, and

Note II: the Marine Corps League presented Bill Kohbarger and Matt Luis with a Community Service Award for making sure anyone with disabilities were able to attend the 2012 Pahrump Fall Festival.

3.  Presentation and Possible Decision to Acknowledge Mr. John Shea as the 2013 Earth Day Citizen of the Year at the Recommendation of the Nuclear Waste and Environmental Advisory Board.

This item was pulled.

4.  Presentation by Goodwill pertaining to their new store and their involvement in the Community of Pahrump.

Jessica Milazzo and Walter Lescano made a presentation on the Goodwill Organization. They spoke about how the company works toward creating jobs, and helping students and schools across the country.

All Town Board members communicated their respect and gratitude for the hard work both Jessica, Walter and the Goodwill Corporation for everything they do to assist the citizens of Pahrump.

5.  Presentation by Mr. Ken Pyle of Brightlite Cancer Foundation of Pahrump pertaining to their Mission and Upcoming Rodeo Event being held June 2013 showcasing the WPRA – Women’s Professional Rodeo Association.

Ken Pyle of the Brightlite Cancer Foundation of Pahrump made a presentation to the Town Board pertaining to the Foundation and Women’s Pro Rodeo Event happening June 15th and 16th at the Pahrump Town Arena.

6.  Presentation/Reports by Ms. Arlette Ledbetter, Town Tourism Coordinator, on the 2013 Rural Roundup that was held in Pahrump on April 17th & 18th, 2013 and Death Valley Park Partners.

Ms. Ledbetter gave the Town Board a presentation on the Tourism Department and how it is funded along with the purpose. She then gave a report on the 2013 Pahrump Rural Roundup. She stated how everyone in attendance commented on how much they enjoyed Pahrump and how pleased she was that everyone enjoyed the event.

Mr. Dolan stated even though he was unable to attend the 2013 Rural Roundup he had heard from a friend who attended about how wonderful the Rural Roundup was.

Mrs. Riches stated how much she enjoyed the Rural Roundup.

Mr. Adams stated that he also agreed with how well the Rural Roundup was, and that he enjoyed being the Liaison to the PTCC.

Mr. Kulkin stated this was the best Rural Roundup he had attended and that he felt that other communities Rural Roundups were not as good as Pahrump’s.

Jack Sanders mentioned that the PTCC has partner with a public relationships company to ensure that the Town gets a positive light on how wonderful Pahrump is and that the company should also help to bring more attention to Pahrump.

7.  Announcements

Announcements were read by Dr. Waters.

Nye County Coalition will be holding a Job Fair the second Friday of every month.

8.  Public/Board/Staff Comment: Action may not be taken upon matters considered during this item until specifically included on an agenda for action. – NRS241.020(2)(c)(3).

Public Comment was heard.

Phil Huff told the Town Board the Pahrump Museum is now in discussions with Mr. Shea to have the Green Giant statue moved to the Pahrump Museum.

Dr. Waters stated that anyone concerned about their property taxes being raised should look at their bill first and see that only 9% of the entire taxable bill is for the Town of Pahrump.

Mr. Kulkin stated he felt that he handled the last meeting as best as he possibly could due to circumstances.

Mr. Kohbarger stated he felt Pam Webster, Steve Osborne and Beth Lee did a wonderful job for Nye County.

9.  Discussion and Possible Decision Consent agenda items:

a.  For Possible Action – Approval of Town Vouchers.

b.  For Possible Action – Approval of Town Board meeting minutes for April 23, 2013 and Tentative Budget Hearing April 24, 2013.

c.  For Possible Action – Approval of the Removal of Mr. Michael Mack from the Pahrump Convention Center/Civic Center Advisory Board.

d.  For Possible Action – Approval to Transfer Ambulance Delinquent Accounts for January - March, 2013 for Further Collection and Related Accounting Adjustments.

Mr. Adams motioned to approve Consent agenda items A-D.

Mr. Dolan

Motion carried, 4-0, Mrs. Riches missing from vote.

10.  Advisory Board Reports from Advisory Board Chairpersons and/or Town Board Liaisons on the Status of Advisory Boards.

Moved to discussion under item 2.

11.  Discussion and Possible Decision to Review and approve of Resolution 2013-05, a Resolution accepting and approving the 2011-2012 Town audit and supplemental materials.

Dan McArthur presented the Town Board audit report for FY12. He explained the statement on page 7, top paragraph, meant that he examined the Tow’sn preliminary reports and confirm they were correct. He also explained the difference between the business activities and governmental activities, and how these factored into how the budget for the Town could be spent. He then discussed page 22 and 23 and the summary of funds the Town has. On pages 57 and 58 of his report it shows the Town’s expenditures and revenues, and indicated that the property tax the Town collected decreased. On page 59 it showed the five major departments of the Town fees’ had dropped. Pages 69 and 70 is related to the Ambulance Department and it showed the profit and lost for the department and the Ambulance cash flow. Pages 76, 77, and 78 are related to funds referred to as specialty funds, and that these funds are related to specifics uses only.

Dr. Waters, Mr. Adams, and Mr. Kulkin said they were happy with everything they read in the audit.

Mrs. Riches asked if we were able to pay all bills as of right now without collecting more funds.

Mr. McArthur replied that on page 57 and 58 it does show a necessary reserve if needed to pay bill should we not collect enough funds. He clarified however this was a fund balance from 10 months ago.

Mr. Dolan clarified that this audit was the final numbers for fiscal year 2012.

Mr. MacArthur confirmed that.

No public comment.

Dr. Waters motioned to approve the Resolution 2013-06 accepting and approving the 2011-2012 Town audit and supplemental materials.

Mr. Adams seconded.

Motion carried, 5-0.

12.  Discussion and Possible Decision to approve a Grant Application for the High Desert Shorts International Film Wine & Music Festival Marketing Plan in an Amount not to exceed $16,000.00 payable from the State Tourism Room Tax Fund.

Ms. Ledbetter along with Karen Spalding and Jack Sanders, PTCC Advisory Board Members made a presentation to approve a grant not to exceed 16,000 dollars payable from the State Tourism Room Tax Fund for the High Desert Shorts International Film, Wine & Music Festival Marketing Plan. Mr. Sanders said the template they would be using would also benefit everyone who wanted to create an event within the Town of Pahrump.

Mr. Kulkin asked to explain what the event was.

Mrs. Spalding said this is a film festival for short films and that this year 48 films would be presented at the event and each year 25% more filmmakers attend. She also stated that in a few years they hope to apply to get Oscar Award Status for the film makers.

Public comment was heard.

Mr. Dolan motioned to approve a grant application for the High Desert Shorts International Film Wine & Music Festival Marketing Plan in an amount not to exceed $16,000.00 payable from the State Tourism Room Tax Fund.

Dr. Waters seconded.

Motion carried, 5-0.

13.  Discussion and Possible Decision to receive and accept Contour Entertainment’s Phase II Interim Report #2; provide staff with further direction on this project and Other Matters Properly Related Thereto.

This item was pulled.

14.  Discussion and Possible Decision to Approve a Scope of Work for GC Wallace to provide Construction Documents, Pre-bid Services and Construction Management for the Simkins Park Basketball Courts in an Amount Not to Exceed $13,300; payable from the Park Impact Fees and Parks Room Tax Fund.

This item was pulled.

15.  Discussion and Possible Decision to Permanently Table Agenda Item #8 from the April 09, 2013 Town Board meeting.

Mr. Dolan said he felt that way the meeting between Town Board members and staff and the Pahrump Valley Mirror went well and this item should be permanently tabled to let it die.

No public comment was made.

Dolan motioned to permanently table agenda item #8 from the April 09, 2013 Town Board meeting.

Riches seconded.

Motion carried, 5-0.

16.  Discussion and Possible Decision to create a new Town of Pahrump Advisory Board named Event Planning.

Mr. Adams stated that he did want an Event Board for things such as the Fall Festival but that the Town should hold off on creating a board. He also stated that he felt all members should talk to their Advisory Boards about this idea and to table this item till the next meeting.

Mr. Dolan stated he felt that the Tourism board and other Advisory Boards already worked like an Event Board.

Dr. Waters motioned to table item 16 for a month.

Mrs. Riches seconded.

Motion carried, 5-0.

17.  Discussion and Possible Decision Closed Session(s).

a.  Discussion and Possible Decision regarding a Closed Session, to receive information and advice from the Town Attorney regarding potential or existing litigation pursuant to NRS 241.015(2)(b)(2).

b.  Discussion and Possible Decision regarding a Closed Session pursuant to NRS 288.220 for purposes of conferring with the Town’s Management Representatives Regarding Labor Negotiations.

Mr. Dolan motioned to move to closed session.

Dr. Waters seconded.

Motion carried, 5-0.

18.  Future Meetings/Workshops: Date, Time and Location

a.  Final Public Budget Hearing May 16, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m. @ the Nye County Administrative Complex

Mr. Kohbarger reminded both Mrs. Riches and Mr. Adams about setting up a meeting time for Advisory Board annual training, and about the Final Town Budget for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Meeting May 16, 2013 at 6:00 pm at the Town Annex.

19.  Public/Board/Staff Comment: Action may not be taken upon matters considered during this item until specifically included on an agenda for action. – NRS241.020(2)(c)(3).

Public comment was heard.

20.  Adjournment

Meeting adjourned at 11:10 pm.

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