Hope Lutheran church

7 16th Street SE

Sioux Center, IA 51250

Phone: 712-722-4100

Hope’s Website:

Pastor Katherine Russell: 402-518-8695

As a welcoming place for all, we gather in Christ for worship, for education, and for growing through God’s grace.

Worship: 9:15a.m.

Sunday school 10:30 a.m. (September-May)


Acolytes: Ushers: Readers:

5 Seth Andersen 5 Peterson 5 Andersen

12 Mia Kraai 12 Steuerwald 12 D’Agrosa

19 Madeline Heemstra 19 Glade 19 N. Siebrecht

26 Isaac Miller 26 Larson 26 Larson

Fellowship: Communion Prep. Communion Serve

5 Cam/Harper 5 Schley 5 Schley

12 D’Agrosa/Owen 12 M. Siebrecht 12 M. Siebrecht

19 R. Johnson/Heemstra 19 Peters 19 Peters

26 Bitker/Miller 26 Lane 26 Lane

Children’s Sermon Nursery: Vacuuming:

5 Karlene Tacke 5 M. Siebrecht/Steuerwald 5 Kellen

12 12 Dalle/J. Tacke 12 Kellen

19 Marsha Larson 19 Cam/Heemstra 19 Peters

26 26 Bahrke/Scholten 26 Peters


Jordan Peterson 11-2 Steve & Keri Hoogland 11-16

Kayden Glade 11-4 Andy & Julie Dalle 11-18

Brad Larson 11-6

Sarah Cam 11-7

Denice Kellen 11-7

William Larson 11-12

John Scholten 11-20

Alyssa Cam 11-21

Michael McAlpine 11-22

Katherine Russell 11-26

Travis Andersen 11-27

Kamden Glade 11-29

Kelsey Owens 11-29


Reformation Greetings!

The day that we have anticipated has finally arrived. Worshipers around the world commemorated the 500th anniversary of the beginning of this movement on Sunday and here on October 31. This reformation movement is more than a day and there are more celebrations to come as we continue to heed the lessons of that day in our current world. We point to Christ.

Here at Hope Lutheran we welcome friends and strangers alike, gather for worship and education, and offer and receive God’s grace, all while pointing to Christ.

Thank you for welcoming our friends from On Eagle’s Wings and supporting this ministry among the people of the North. If you want more information about this ministry, or are thinking about heading north to lead a Bible Camp, let me know.

Here in November we have a number of different opportunities for worship, education, and fellowship. This first Sunday of the month we will remember with joy the saints. Our All Saints’ Sunday will include candle lighting for our newest baptized members and thanksgiving for those who have died. On the 19th we will share in our traditional Thanksgiving Dinner after Sunday school. The youth will gather for study on the 5th and the 19th at 4:00 pm as we prepare for some of us to go to Houston for the ELCA Youth Gathering next June. All are welcome to join us.

Speaking of the Youth Gathering, I will be attending training in Houston at the end of this week as I prepare to lead our Western Iowa Synod Day. You will be hearing more about opportunities to help our youth get to Houston and prepare for how this event impacts the lives of participants and our congregation. This Changes Everything!

The message of the Reformation does not end with the arrival of this day. Nor do the lessons of the years that followed during the movement. As a Church we will be celebrating and commemorating 500th anniversaries for decades.

Looking ahead towards the end of the month, I will be heading to Pasadena for Thanksgiving week. I pray that your family is able to gather and give thanks for our many blessings.

Know that you are loved.


Pr Katie

Pastoral Acts: Baptism of Logan Robert Bahrke on October 1, 2017


Very few Confirmation programs expect memorized answers to the question “What does this mean?” We may not memorize answers, but we still ask the question. What does it mean that God loves us and gives us the 10 Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer? What does it mean that we believe in the resurrection of the dead and the forgiveness of sin? What does it mean that we proclaim Jesus the Christ is the Son of God? What does it mean that we are Lutheran? In Sioux County? In the world?

We need to keep asking the question. Why is it that we do the things that we do? What might we do that is new? Is it time to stop other things that used to be new? All the while we ask our questions, we point to Jesus and the cross. We are a people of hope, joy, and love.

In these next months and seasons, we will look to ways that this anniversary continues to speak to us and through our actions.


v  Confirmation class meets on November 1, 8, and 15 at 5:30 pm

v  Church Council meets on November 5 at 6:30 pm

v  Youth meet November 5th and 19th for Bible study

v  Congregational Thanksgiving meal on Sunday, November 19 following Sunday school

v  Congregational Activity on November 29

Everyone is invited to a Free ‘Community Unity Meal’ at New Life Reformed Church November 9, from 6-7 pm. Sponsors of the month: Carmel Reformed Church.

Thanksgiving Meal on Sunday, November 19 after Sunday school. More details to follow. Watch your email for sign-up to bring salads, side dishes, and also to help prepping and cleaning up after the meal.

The annual Katelyn’s Fund Orphan Ministry Auction, scheduled for November 3, is receiving monetary and merchandise donations. Money raised at the auction is used to fund grants to help bring children into loving, Christian homes and also to assist with Katelyn’s Fund’s partnering orphanage in Haiti. No gift is too large or small. Food, merchandise, and services of all kinds are welcome! To make a donation there is an online donation form at If you have questions contact Wade or Alissa Kroeze at 712-722-3140. The auction will be held Friday, November 3 at New Life Reformed Church in Sioux Center, Iowa. Doors open at 5:30pm with a freewill donation meal served 5:30-6:30pm and the auction beginning at 6:30pm.

The NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Support Group will meet in the Fireside Room of Central Reformed Church in Sioux Center from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov 7. NWC Professor Ralph Davis’s presentation is titled Mindboggling: A Basic Introduction to Neuroscience and Your Amazing Brain. For information call Shirley Matheis 722-4462.

Hope Haven International presents “Rejoice! The Gift of Mobility” featuring Nashville recording artist Jill Miller on Tuesday, December 19 at 7 pm. Tickets are $15. A limited amount of VIP tickets are also available for $25 and include a meet and greet and premier seating. Tickets are on sale Friday, November 3 at the Washington Pavilion Box Office or through

The Christmas concert will also feature the Sioux Falls Christian School hand bell choir. Proceeds will go towards funding wheelchair sponsorships for an upcoming distribution trip to Vietnam in 2018.

Promise Community Health Center of Sioux Center will host its ninth annual “An Evening of Promise” Celebration and Fundraiser at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 2, at Terrace View Event Center in Sioux Center. The celebration will feature the a catered meal, live jazz music, presentation of the Addink Community Service Award to Barbara Top and a silent auction to support Promise. The event also will celebrate the contributions of Nancy Dykstra, Promise’s founding executive director, as she prepares to retire at the end of the year. To purchase tickets online, visit To get a paper ticket form, visit or call 712-722-1700. The ticket deadline is Oct. 25. To learn more about the event, read a preview story at

·  Sioux Center Health is providing a Parkinson’s Awareness Support Group on Wednesday, November 1 at 1 pm at Royale Meadows West Community Room. Join us for a time of fellowship and mutual encouragement. For questions, call Glenda at 722-8328

·  Join Sioux Center Health for a Wellness Fair on Thursday, November 16 from 10 – 4 pm at Avera Home Medical Equipment. Listen to a free seminar at 3 pm by a sleep expert as well as get a free CPAP maintenance checkup. Vendors will be on site to answer questions and display new products. For more information, visit

·  Whether you are a senior or caregiver, Sioux Center Health is hosting a free community resource fair on Thursday, November 9 from 8:30 – 2 pm at the Centre Mall in Sioux Center. Join Sioux Center Health along with other primary areas to provide support and resources for the whole person physical, emotional, and financial. Visit to view complete list of vendors.

The Hope Food Pantry always needs toiletries and paper goods. They also need pants hangars, soap, toilet tissue, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, and cleaning supplies. Please bring them to church and place in the basket near the office and we will see that they get to the food pantry. Thanks!!!

**We will be collecting clear plastic gallon milk jugs (no solid white jugs). Please put the caps in the basket. NO distilled or drinking water jugs, please.

If you have an announcement for the bulletin or newsletter, or if I have missed your birthday or anniversary and would like it printed in the bulletin, please let Julie or Pastor Katie know. Pastor Katie (402-518-8695) or Julie Dalle ( or or 722-0751) Church Phone: 722-4100. Thanks!! Newsletter articles are due the 20th of the month.

Please contact any of these Church Council members with problems and concerns:

Elise Glade, president

Char Steuerwald

Jaymie Harper

Steve Hoogland

Dan Clousing

Holly Molina

Myron Siebrecht, treasurer

Christy Lane, financial secretary

Jennifer Evers, financial secretary

Hope Lutheran Church Council Minutes – Sunday, October 8, 2010

Present: Pastor Katie, Elise Glade, Steve Hoogland, Dan Clousing and Jaymie Harper

Absent: Char Steuerwald, Holly Molina

President Elise G called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm

Elise G led The Lord’s Prayer.

A motion was made by Dan C and seconded by Jaymie H to approve the September minutes. Motion carried.

Pastor’s report – Pastor Katie will leave on October 16 with Vicar Sarah for 2-day intern training. Pastor will have vacation for 5 days from October 19-23. There will be an On Eagle’s Wings board meeting on October 25-30 at Hope involving about 10 people. Housing will be needed for this group. If you are able to help with housing, contact Pastor Katie.

Outreach committee: The process of getting the bulletin to the website is hard because of the formatted form of the bulletin in Microsoft Word. Anyone interested in helping with Hope’s website/Facebook should contact Pastor Katie. At this time, this is part of the Outreach committee. We need to write a job description for this committee as well as find people who would like to be a part of this committee.

Worship committee update – Dave Krahling was present to update the council on the worship committee activities. The committee members are Lori Anne Andersen, Andrew Thonstad, Julie Dalle, and Pastor Katie. Duties of the worship committee include deciding which settings are used, taking care of paraments and piano, deciding worship length, options and alternatives for worship, setting times for Christmas and Easter services, and taking care of our musicians. There was talk about having special music for Christmas and Easter. Pastor Katie finds pastor supply when she is gone. We will stay with setting 8 through Christmas.

Ministry Support team – Dave K also informed the council about Ministry Support team, the former Mutual Ministry committee. The members are Marsha Larson, Alissa Heemstra, and Dave Krahling. They have met 3 times and share ideas for improvement and growth with Pastor.

Water filter – Bernie Franken was present to request the purchase of a filtered drinking water system in the kitchen. Culligan could install a 1-gallon system for $18/month or a 5-gallon system for $23/month. More research is needed on this item. Questions asked were: are there any businesses/churches that currently use a filtered water system and how is it working for them, does a filtered water system require filtered water, do we have filtered water in the kitchen now?

Vision committee – Do we need this committee to meet again to give Hope something to work toward?

Outdoor projects – The line painting in the north parking is done and the repair of the playground is done. Extra equipment for the playground area would be appreciated by the older youth. Dave Steuerwald is working on this.

Budget – We are about $6000 short at the end of the 3rd quarter according to the pledges. The donated printer that Myron was using has failed. We need to look for a new printer that prints in black only. We will ask Myron to attend one of our next meetings.

Sound system – We need new wireless mikes as we have only one working mike at this time.

Thanksgiving meal – At this time there is no one in charge of organizing the Thanksgiving meal.

Next meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, October 18 at 8:05 pm and Sunday, November 5 at 6:30 pm.

The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Brad Larson

November 2017, LSI Bulletin/Newsletter Article and Story

National Adoption Month
November is National Adoption Month, and LSI is proud to announce our newest service, LSI Foster Care and Adoption. Through this new service, LSI recruits, supports, and empowers foster and adoptive families across western Iowa.

Nationally, there are more than 101,000 youth waiting to be adopted from foster care, and thousands of teens age out of foster care every year without a permanent family. We know there are no unwanted children, only unfound families! To learn how you or someone you know can make a difference, visit, or contact Deb Whitford, LSI director of philanthropy and church relations, at 563-676-2065 or .

Our Mission: Lutheran Services in Iowa responds to the love of Jesus Christ through compassionate service. LSI is an affiliated social ministry partner of theIowacongregations of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) and a member of LSA (Lutheran Services in America). We proudly serve people of all ages, abilities, religions, sexes, gender identities, national origins, ethnicities, races, and sexual orientations. Learn more at and