CTE Program Meeting-November 6, 20151

Present: John Cannon (Chair), Paul Gathercoal, Raymond Dixon, Dave Campbell, Robert Ketchum, Dona Orr, Allen Kitchel, Taylor Raney, Dan Campbell, Teresa Million

Meeting called to order at 8:39 a.m. by Allen.


Taylor moved to approve the minutes. Raymond seconded. Motion carried.

CTE Updates

Allen – yesterday John, Jim, and Allen met with State Division and ISU in Boise. It was a positive meeting. They put forth a proposal to the Division for a structured delivery of PTE, including $80,000 in scholarships each year. The administrator seemed to have a lot of interest in the proposal, but ISU also had a proposal. There were some conversations around the proposals, but it’s early. Jim and John are the primary coordinators of this.

Raymond – Currently in Nashville attending a conference. There is a general problem attracting students into education, particularly ETE. Many schools are reconfiguring their programs to STEM to attract students.

He met with the iSEM committee last week. They are going to offer his CTE course in the spring.

Dona–this past week she spent the week at Project Leadership for the high school administrators. Leadership Institute met with them. CSI Vandal Week event was last week. She made some good contacts. The week before she was in northern Idaho for several meetings. She and Dave did new teacher induction seminar. Idaho Business Education Association annual conference was the first week in October.

Dave – he’s working on meeting people in the CdA area and making contacts with certain groups. He’s getting ready to teach the five courses he’s teaching in the spring. He’s also doing some professional development.

Robert – is going to AACTE conference soon. In active negotiations with Confucius Institute for an overseas opportunity.

Taylor – reported about the meeting with the Provost yesterday regarding the Dean’s search. Dean of CLASS will be the search chair, but the Provost will be engaged. Jim Gregson has been tasked to form a committee.

State Staff Meeting

The Division wants to have a full meeting with everyone involved at some point.

John joined us.

ACTE Conference

In New Orleans in two weeks. 11/19-22.

ACTER Conference will have a two day conference on 11/18-19. John will be leading a discussion.

John will be staying at the Marriott.

John talked about our ad in the Optimus youth football program.

Boise airport – to get to wifi you have to go through the UI website.


Raymond is delivering one in the spring.

CTE 351 light – John and Robert are working on an introduction to CTE. It will include a visit to a CTE program and a paper written on that experience. Their general target is non-CTE teacher candidates. This would be for Fall 2016.

Create positive goodwill, so work on these is very appreciated.

Other Ideas

Leadership – a 1-cr iSEM in the fall could tie into the CTE leadership course.

Spring Schedule

It should be good to go for Monday evening’s registration.

Summer Schedule

It also should be good. Please check it out at let Teresa know of any needed changes ASAP.

CTE 472

Review the learning objectives and assignments. Do they meet the standards?


Reflective Commentary for each learning module

Weekly Teaching Journals

Learning techniques

Five formal lesson plans

Observe an experienced teacher in any area


In-class teaching demo at last class meeting

It was suggested an additional Collaborate meeting, because the first tends to have bugs that need to be worked out.

Final Thoughts

We need to think recruitment.

Does it make sense to continue offering Business and Marketing Education to an undergraduate certification program or should it be changed to a fifth year cert+masters program?

Think about it.

Our mission should be to decide what we want to do to move forward, before a new dean comes on board.