HOME ADDRESS: Via Concesio 21, Rome 00188
WORK ADDRESS:Via Guidubaldo Del Monte 61, Rome 00191
TELEPHONE:+39 3932182018
DATE OF BIRTH:06/07/1982
16/12/2013: Specialisation in Odontostomatological Surgery – University of Rome “Tor Vergata“
2007: Degree with Honours in Medicine- University of Rome“Tor Vergata”
2001: High School Leaving diploma – Classical Lyceum “Cornelio Tacito”, Rome.
Professional Qualification
Enrolled in the GDC Specialist-List since 2015
GDC (British General Dental Council) Member since 2013
Enrolled in the Register of Medical-Surgeons and Dentists of Rome since 2007
Work Experience
 “Health Director” of the Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis Dept. - S.Camillo Hospital, Milan
Endodontics and dental prosthesis consultant - “White Milano1” Clinic, Milan
Currently attending the second year of the “GnathologyInternational Master course” held in the Medical University of Vienna, VieSid.
Endodontics and Conservative Dentistry Consultant of the “Prati Dental Clinic” of Rome
Collaborates with Prof.Francesco Mangani and Dr. Massimo Giovarruscio.
Private Dentists in Rome and Milan
2006-present: Collaborates with Prof.FrancescoMangani in his Private Studio of Rome
2004- 2015: Collaborates with Prof.FrancescoManganiin the Cosmetic Dentistry and Endodontics Dept of the General Hospital of the University of Rome“Tor Vergata”
2007-2011: Department of Dental Prosthesis – Fatebenefratelli Hospital - Isola Tiberina - Rome
2007-2008: Commissioner for the State Exams of the High Schools – Technical Institutes Edmondo De Amicisand Enrico Berlinguerof Rome
2017: Annual Recurrent Training Course of Cosmetic Dentistry –University of Rome Tor Vergata.
2016-2017: First year of the “GnathologyInternational Master course” held by Prof. Rudolf Slavicekin the Medical University of Vienna, VieSid.
May and September 2017: Post Graduate Implantology Courses made by Win-Six, Bucarest
2015-2016; Advanced Annual Course in Endodontics held by Dr. Fabio Gorni
2015-2016: Annual Course on the Gnathology Approach for complex Cosmetic-Functional rehabilitation held by Dr.NazzarenoBassetti
2011-2013: Specialisation School of Odontostomatological Surgery – University of Rome Tor Vergata held in Tor Vergata General Hospital
2013- 2016: Head of Endodontics and Conservative Dentistry in the studio of Dr.P.Palattella, Rome
2011: Annual Endodontics Course held by Dr. Claudio Pisacane in his studio in Rome
2011: Post Graduate Implantology Course - Win-Six, Bucarest
2010: Annual Specialisation Course in Oral Surgery and Implantology held in the Maxillofacial Surgery Dept. of San Filippo NeriHospital, Rome
Member of SIE(Italian Endodontics Society)
Member of Andi (Italian Dental Association)
Italian: mothertongue
English: goodknowledge
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