1.Demonstrated high-level support and commitment of key ministries, evidence of inter-ministerial coordination, a written expression of interest, and a clear demand for technical assistance.
Supporting documents
-Letters from key national ministries (e.g. Economy, Environment, Finance, Development Planning, Social/Labour) signed at a senior level; theapplication process can also be supported by a national coordinating body or an inter-ministerial committeedealing with national planning processes.
-Inter-ministerial coordination mechanism clearly spelled out in the statement of interest , led by a government institution with coordination functions (e.g. Cabinets Office, Office of the President,Ministry of Planning, etc.).
-The list of stakeholders supporting the process (other ministries, relevant government institutions, academic and research institutes, CSOs and private sector) to be provided in the application form through supporting letters. / 1) Joint letter signed by:
- Minister of Environment and Drainage
- Minister of Industry, International Business, Commerce and small Business Development
- Minister of Labour, Social Security and Human Resource Development.
2) The government of Barbados invited a PAGE mission to hold consultation meetings with key sectors and other stakeholders to finalise priorities and determine institutional modalities for PAGE support.
3) Written expression of interests by the Government of Barbados for requesting PAGE support to undertake a feasibility study for the establishment of a Pilot SIDS-SIDS Green Economy Knowledge Platform in addition to other IGE support mentioned in the criteria number 2.
2. Identified linkages between potential national activities to be carried out through PAGE and relevant national planning processes, as well as United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAFs)
Supporting documents
Statement of Interest, including the following information:
-background information/rationale for advancing Green Economy
-interest in participating in PAGE and expected benefits of a partnership with PAGE
-initial priority sectors targeted for policy reform and action
-linkages to national development planning/UNDAFs, or other relevant major UN/IFI programmes (e.g. identification of ongoing or planned policy processes that can include PAGE elements). / In 2012, the Government of Barbados, in partnership with UNEP and the UWI Cave Hill Campus completed a Green Economy Scoping Study (GESS). Based on the proposals outlined in GESS, the Government of Barbadoshas identified following areas for PAGE:
1) Feasibility study for the establishment of a SIDS-SIDS Green Economy Knowledge Platform at the University of West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill Campus, as one of the priority activities. The feasibility study will includei) a SIDS expert exchange as a modality for enabling SIDS-SIDS corporation on IGE, ii) educational programmes, iii) an ICT modality to support SIDS GE knowledge development and sharing, iv)
establishment of other regional SIDS nodes (centres), v) a monitoring and review mechanism involving SIDS stakeholders, vi) synergies with other green economy systems, and vii) budget and resource mobilization strategy for an initial period of three years.
2) Development of a policy framework for greening the manufacturing sector that aims to mainstream resource efficiency and promote eco-innovation
3) A green and decent jobs assessment and establishment of a green skills development support programme
4) Development of indicators to support monitoring of IGE policies
The SIDS-SIDS Knowledge Transfer Platform on Green Economy would provide an opportunity for promoting and sharing green economy best practices among SIDS, building capacity, engaging private sector and building a policy research platform.
In addition, the establishment of a SIDS-SIDS Knowledge Transfer Platform would represent an institutional mechanism to facilitate the implementation of the S.A.M.O.A Pathway, adopted in 2014, which recognizes green economy as a framework for achieving sustainable development.
3. Presence and/or existing activities of the five PAGE agencies in the country and agencies’ capacity to respond, including through complementary programming such as PEI
Supporting documents
List of projects and activities by the five PAGE agencies (e.g. a letter/document from the UN Resident Coordinator). / In 2012, the Government of Barbados, in partnership with UNEP and the UWI Cave Hill Campus completed a Green Economy Scoping Study (GESS). The GESS includes:
- the analysis of five sectors, namely agriculture, fisheries, housing, transport and tourism to identify potential opportunities for greening
- an analysis of the enabling environment needed for the transition to a green economy
- a preliminary study of the synergies between green economy and Rio conventions
- several GE case studies
- recommendations for a Green Economy Roadmap for Barbados.
The government of Barbados has already a formal arrangement with UNIDO for following up some of the proposals identified in the GESS.
4. Regional balance and inclusion of both larger and smaller economies
Supporting documents
List of existing partner countries and new applicants in terms of size, region balance and potential for high impact. / Barbados would represent the first Caribbean country to join PAGE and it could open up to the inclusion of other Caribbean or SIDS into the Partnership.


1.Demonstrated high-level support and commitment of key ministries, evidence of inter-ministerial coordination, a written expression of interest, and a clear demand for technical assistance.
Supporting documents
-Letters from key national ministries (e.g. Economy, Environment, Finance, Development Planning, Social/Labour) signed at a senior level; theapplication process can also be supported by a national coordinating body or an inter-ministerial committeedealing with national planning processes.
-Inter-ministerial coordination mechanism clearly spelled out in the statement of interest , led by a government institution with coordination functions (e.g. Cabinets Office, Office of the President,Ministry of Planning, etc.).
-The list of stakeholders supporting the process (other ministries, relevant government institutions, academic and research institutes, CSOs and private sector) to be provided in the application form through supporting letters. / 1)Cover Letter from Minister of Economy for PAGE support.
2) Strong political commitment clearly spelled out. Statement of interest submitted by:
- Ministry of Economy
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Agriculture and Melioration
- State Agency for Environment Protection and Forestry under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
- Ministry of Education and Science
- Ecological Movement of Kyrgyzstan "Aleyne" and Ecological Movement "BIOM".
To monitor the UNDP-UNEP Poverty Environment Initiative's progresses and to address the issues of poverty reduction, economic processes and environment protection, a Supervisory Board was established in 2012. The Ministry of Economy is the Chairman of the Board and it acts as the inter-ministerial coordination mechanism for the promotion of sustainable development initiatives. The project already receives support by a number of key stakeholders, including the above-mentioned ministries, academic/research institutions, civil society organizations, and private sector. The inter-ministerial coordination mechanism could also serve as the coordinating instrument for PAGE activities.
Demand for technical assistance clearly spelled out: Kyrgyz Republic is requesting PAGE support to address issues regarding organic agriculture, climate change and energy efficiency.
2. Identified linkages between potential national activities to be carried out through PAGE and relevant national planning processes, as well as United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAFs)
Supporting documents
Statement of Interest, including the following information:
-background information/rationale for advancing Green Economy
-interest in participating in PAGE and expected benefits of a partnership with PAGE
-initial priority sectors targeted for policy reform and action
-linkages to national development planning/UNDAFs, or other relevant major UN/IFI programmes (e.g. identification of ongoing or planned policy processes that can include PAGE elements). / Following linkages are identified in the expression of interest:
-the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSSD) for the period 2013-2017
-Programme for Transition to Sustainable Development approved to support the implementation of the Strategy.
The following priority areas are identified for the economy, social and environment pillars of IGE for PAGE support.
-low carbon energy
-development of organic agriculture
-development of tourist services, including eco-tourism
-energy efficient construction
-minimizing environment pollution by mining activity
Social development:
-education for sustainable development
-safe social facilities
-adaptation to climate change
-preservation of natural ecosystems
In addition, through PAGE support, a dialogue with other countries, and sharing of experiences and best practices can be established.
3. Presence and/or existing activities of the five PAGE agencies in the country and agencies’ capacity to respond, including through complementary programming such as PEI
Supporting documents
List of projects and activities by the five PAGE agencies (e.g. a letter/document from the UN Resident Coordinator). / The UNDAF Country Program for Kyrgyzstan, adopted in 2012, was extended to 2017. The third pillar of UNDAF for Kyrgyzstan aims at achieving "comprehensive and sustainable development in order to reduce poverty and create jobs". UNDAF supports the Kyrgyz Government on issues included in the NSSD, especially on:
-formulation of economic policies based on sustainable use of natural resources
-inclusion of environmental factors into the main economic development indicators
-application of nature saving economic growth principles
-improving agricultural productivity taking into account environmental sustainability
-gradual transition to resource-saving technologies
-biodiversity conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems
-changing the fiscal regulation.
In 2011, the UNDP-UNEP Poverty and Environment Initiative (PEI) was launched in the Kyrgyz Republic and the second phase will run until the end of 2017. The initiative is considered one of the most successful projects on sustainable development in the country, and the Government believes that strong linkages between UNDAF, PEI and PAGE can be established.
4. Regional balance and inclusion of both larger and smaller economies
Supporting documents
List of existing partner countries and new applicants in terms of size, regional balance and potential for high impact. / The inclusion of the Kyrgyz Republic among PAGE countries can further contribute to the regional balance as, so far, only two countries are from Asia (China and Mongolia). Kyrgyz Republic would be the first country to join PAGE from Central Asian region. Five of other PAGE countries (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mauritius, Senegal and South Africa) are from Africa, and one country (Peru) is from Latin American region.


Kyrgyz Republic submitted its own application, in addition to the one submitted by Turkmenistan on behalf of Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

TURKMENISTAN on behalf of Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

1.Demonstrated high-level support and commitment of key ministries, evidence of inter-ministerial coordination, a written expression of interest, and a clear demand for technical assistance.
Supporting documents
-Letters from key national ministries (e.g. Economy, Environment, Finance, Development Planning, Social/Labour) signed at a senior level; theapplication process can also be supported by a national coordinating body or an inter-ministerial committeedealing with national planning processes.
-Inter-ministerial coordination mechanism clearly spelled out in the statement of interest , led by a government institution with coordination functions (e.g. Cabinets Office, Office of the President,Ministry of Planning, etc.).
-The list of stakeholders supporting the process (other ministries, relevant government institutions, academic and research institutes, CSOs and private sector) to be provided in the application form through supporting letters. / The cover letter is submitted by Minister of Nature Protection, Turkmenistan who also serves as the Chairman of the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (ISCD) on behalf of five Central Asian States: Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
Statement of interest is submitted by the Chairman of the ICSD and by the Minister of Energy, Kazakhstan.The ICSD is presented as the inter-ministerial coordination mechanism among the five Central Asian countries and their different ministries (including environment, economy and science). Green Economy Council in Kazakhstan is mentioned as one of the national platforms for inter-ministerial coordination mechanism.
Request for support for developing a regional IGE strategy with a focus on improving and developing green regional infrastructure, cross-border ecosystem and natural resource management, information sharing and clean technology transfer and enabling increased trade and investment. Specifically, support is requested for ‘review and assess progress on GE and air pollution in Central Asian Countries’ in preparation for the 8th Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference being held in June 2016.
Several priority sectors for policy reform have been identified within the Regional Action Plan of Environment of Central Asia (REAP):
-deficiency of water resources and water pollution
-land degradation
-degradation of mountain ecosystems
-air pollution and ozone layer destruction
-pollution of air, underground and water environments by the military industry
-preservation of biodiversity
-industrial and household wastes
-Aral Sea crisis
-Caspian Environment Programme
2. Identified linkages between potential national activities to be carried out through PAGE and relevant national planning processes, as well as United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAFs)
Supporting documents
Statement of Interest, including the following information:
-background information/rationale for advancing Green Economy
- interest in participating in PAGE and expected benefits of a partnership with PAGE
- initial priority sectors targeted for policy reform and action
- linkages to national development planning/UNDAFs, or other relevant major UN/IFI programmes (e.g. identification of ongoing or planned policy processes that can include PAGE elements). / The application does not clearly demonstrate potential linkages between national activities and PAGE and mentions ongoing activities in the field of environment and climate change.
The Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (ICSD) was established by the five Central Asian states in 1994 to coordinate regional cooperation in the field of environment sustainable development. UNEP is supporting ICSD for the implementation of the REAP, adopted in 2004. The Plan focuses on five priority environmental areas: water pollution (Kazakhstan), waste management (Kyrgyz Republic), degradation of mountain ecosystems (Tajikistan), land degradation (Turkmenistan), and air pollution (Uzbekistan). In June 2015, a review of REAP was agreed to update the measures to implement green economy principles, but the process has not started yet.
Other national activities with potential linkages mentioned in the letter of interest are:
-Kazakhstan: Kazakhstan-2050 Strategy mentions transition to GE and the development of alternative and renewable energy sources
-Kyrgyz Republic: policies on energy saving, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency of buildings, and the Strategy for Sustainable Development (2013-2017)
-Tajikistan: Policies on renewable energy sources usage, the Targeted Comprehensive Programme for the widespread use of renewable energy sources for 2007-2015
-Turkmenistan: introduction of trainings on renewable energy in universities
-Uzbekistan: 15 companies engaged in high-tech production of renewable energy.
3. Presence and/or existing activities of the five PAGE agencies in the country and agencies’ capacity to respond, including through complementary programming such as PEI
Supporting documents
List of projects and activities by the five PAGE agencies (e.g. a letter/document from the UN Resident Coordinator). / Partnership Framework for Development 2016-2020 (follow up of UNDAF in Kazakhstan) includes clear references to environmental priorities (outcome 1.3) and green economy as part of the economic diversification process (outcome 1.2). Regional cooperation is considered a key element of outcome 3.1.
Economy and Trade Branch (ETB) of UNEP is implementing a project entitled ‘South-South Cooperation in Mongolia and Central Asia Countries: Sharing Knowledge on Inclusive Green Economies and Ecological Civilization’ and aims to support Mongolia and Central Asian countries in developing research capacity transitioning to resource-efficient, low-carbon and socially inclusive economies with a particular focus on green investment in the water sector. UNEP is also supporting ICSD for the implementation of the REAP, adopted in 2004.
4. Regional balance and inclusion of both larger and smaller economies
Supporting documents
List of existing partner countries and new applicants in terms of size, region balance and potential for high impact. / The inclusion of the five central Asian states (Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) through an existing regional mechanism of ICSD is a unique example of implementing IGE at regional level.

BRAZIL (Mato Grosso State)

1.Demonstrated high-level support and commitment of key ministries, evidence of inter-ministerial coordination, a written expression of interest, and a clear demand for technical assistance.
Supporting documents
-Letters from key national ministries (e.g. Economy, Environment, Finance, Development Planning, Social/Labour) signed at a senior level; theapplication process can also be supported by a national coordinating body or an inter-ministerial committeedealing with national planning processes.
-Inter-ministerial coordination mechanism clearly spelled out in the statement of interest , led by a government institution with coordination functions (e.g. Cabinets Office, Office of the President,Ministry of Planning, etc.).
-The list of stakeholders supporting the process (other ministries, relevant government institutions, academic and research institutes, CSOs and private sector) to be provided in the application form through supporting letters. / Statement of interest for the admission of Mato Grosso State (Brazil) into PAGE submitted by the Governor of Mato Grosso and by the Honorary CPP Associate of the Pantanal Research Center (CPP), a "Civil Society Organization of Public Interest" (OSCIP), which acts as a network of educational and research institutions for the production of scientific knowledge with social and environmental impact".
PAGE support is requested to advance Mato Grosso State in the
transition to a green economy, especially through the creation of green jobs.
Further involvement of key ministries missing.
2. Identified linkages between potential national activities to be carried out through PAGE and relevant national planning processes, as well as United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAFs)
Supporting documents
Statement of Interest, including the following information:
-background information/rationale for advancing Green Economy
- interest in participating in PAGE and expected benefits of a partnership with PAGE
- initial priority sectors targeted for policy reform and action
- linkages to national development planning/UNDAFs, or other relevant major UN/IFI programmes (e.g. identification of ongoing or planned policy processes that can include PAGE elements). / Some local initiatives are already in place. One of these is the Sustainable
Municipalities program, an action aimed at strengthening the local economy,
improving municipal governance, promoting legal security, conserving natural
resources and environmental recuperation, seeking to reduce social inequalities.
One of the challenges for the implementation of this Program is its harmonization with federal policies such as the National Policy on Climate Change, the National Plan to Fight Deforestation, the Low Carbon Agriculture Plan, the National Agro-ecology Plan and the Organic Agriculture, among others.
Description of national activities missing.
3. Presence and/or existing activities of the five PAGE agencies in the country and agencies’ capacity to respond, including through complementary programming such as PEI
Supporting documents
List of projects and activities by the five PAGE agencies (e.g. a letter/document from the UN Resident Coordinator). / A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between ILO and Mato Grosso State in 2009 for the development and implementation of a State decent Work Agenda.
4. Regional balance and inclusion of both larger and smaller economies
Supporting documents
List of existing partner countries and new applicants in terms of size, region balance and potential for high impact. / The admission of a second country from Latin America, after Peru, would contribute to improve the regional balance of PAGE.