Memorandum of Agreement
1+1 Master’s Degree Program
North Dakota State University and Catholic University of Daegu
Whereas both North Dakota State University (NDSU) and Catholic University of Daegu(CU), desiring to enhance international cooperation for the advancement of teaching and research, and to promote the cultural understanding of their respective countries, entered into the agreement of 1+1 program between the two institutions. It is in the spirit of the expansion of interchange possibilities, specifically, the 1+1 Program for Master’s Degree Program that NDSU and CU enter into an Agreement.
The basic program principles under the 1+1 Program for Master’s Degree Program are as follows;
1. Students will complete the first one year of their studies at CU
2. After completion of the first one year at CU, students will complete their studies (degree) at NDSU.
3. CU’s students will be admitted at NDSU, only if they have satisfied all the NDSU’s entrance requirements and possess the definite level of understanding in the language used in lectures at NDSU.
4. CU can send the graduate students to NDSU graduate program per year, and NDSU will apply tuition waivers at 50%of the nonresident tuition rate, to CU students.
5. Upon earning the NDSU degree, CU will also confer students a degree.
Attached to this Agreement as an Appendix are the courses that must be completed at North Dakota State University by the CU students. Most students will be able to complete the NDSU courses within one year but that is dependent on the individual student’s abilities and progress in the program.
This Agreement is effective for a period of five (5) years when the parties named below have affixed their signatures to it.
This Agreement is subject to revision or modification by mutual agreement. It is also agreed that each university may terminate the agreement, although such action will only be taken after mutual consultation in order to avoid inconvenience to all parties.
Dr. Joseph A. Chapman Dr. Kyung-Don, Suh
President President
North Dakota State University Catholic University of Daegu
Date Date