Release 8.9
Requesting Time Off:
Non-Exempt Employees
MAY 2007
Step 1: Employee Requests Time Off 6
Step 2: Supervisor Reviews & Approves or Denies Request 7
Step 3: DTA Receives TO Documentation 8
Step 4: DTA Enters TO Data into Time & Labor 9
Step 4.1: Logging On to PeopleSoft 10
Step 4.2: Navigating to the Self-Service Applications 11
Step 4.3: Entering Time Off Request 16
Step 5: TO Request Form Returned to File 23
This training guide is designed to provide instruction and system information for users at the indicated level: EMPLOYEE DEPT TIME ADMINISTRATOR SUPERVISOR
The purpose of this Business Process Guide is to illustrate the procedural steps and the PeopleSoft screens involved in Non-Exempt employees requesting time off and entering the information into PeopleSoft.
Step 1: Employee Requests Time Off
The first step in requesting Time Off for a non-exempt employee is to fill out the Time Off Request form. After filling out the form for the desired days off, the employee sends the form to their immediate supervisor for review and approval.
Step 1: Filling out and Submitting the Time Off Form
Step 2: Supervisor Reviews & Approves or Denies Request
Once the form has been completed, the employee submits the form to his/her immediate supervisor. The supervisor then decides if the Time Off request can be approved. If the TO request is denied, the supervisor notifies the employee and the process ends.
If the request is approved by the supervisor, he/she signs the form and forwards it to the Department Time Administrator for action.
Step 2: Supervisor Review
Step 3: DTA Receives TO Documentation
After the supervisor approves the Time Off request he forwards the signed form to the Departmental Time Administrator. The DTA then determines the type of Time Off requested and the dates to entered into PeopleSoft.
Step 3: DTA Receives TO Request
Step 4: DTA Enters TO Data into Time & Labor
After determining the type of time off requested and the dates to be entered, the DTA logs on to the PeopleSoft system and enters the employee leave dates into Time and Labor.
Step 4: DTA Enters TO into PeopleSoft
Step 4.1: Logging On to PeopleSoft
As part of the security setup of the new system, the DTA and other employees will use their ASURITE ID and a temporary password they will be given to log on to PeopleSoft for the first time. Each department will have a computer available for time entry, or individual employees may be given the routing to bring up the PeopleSoft Log-In screen on their own computers.
When the log-in screen is accessed, you will see the following panel:
Figure 4.1: PeopleSoft Log-On Screen
Your ASURITE ID will probably be pre-populated in the related field when you bring up this screen. If not, enter your ASURITE ID into the User ID field. Hit the TAB key to move the cursor into the Password field. Enter your temporary, assigned password into this field exactly as it was given to you and click on the yellow, Sign In button.
Step 4.2: Navigating to the Self-Service Applications
Clicking on the Sign In button in Step 1 above will bring you to the main PeopleSoft menu screen. On this screen, the main functional menus of the HCM software are listed in a box on the left side of the screen, as shown in Figure 2:
Figure 4.2.1: Root PeopleSoft Menu List
Using your mouse or touchpad, move the cursor down the list to Manager Self Service and double click on that topic. When you double click on Self Service, the following set of menus will appear on the screen:
Figure 4.2.2: Manager Self Service Menus
Note that the Manager Self Service menus are represented in two ways: 1) As a list of topics in the white area of the menu area in the left column of the screen, and 2) as a group of titled folders with sub topics in the middle of the screen. You may select your next topic by clicking on either the topic in the left hand column or by clicking on a file folder (or sub-topic) in the center of the screen.
The DTA will click on the Report Time entry in the left hand column or on the Report Time file icon in the center of the screen which brings you to a new set of menus under that specific topic as shown in Figure 4.2.3 below:
Figure 4.2.3: Report Time Menus
The DTA will click on the Timesheet entry which will display the screen shown below in Figure 4.2.4:
Figure 4.2.4: Timesheet Summary Employee Search Screen
The DTA will then enter the EmplID of the employee requesting time off, as shown in Figure 4.2.5 below. If the EmplID is not known, the DTA may use the employee’s last name, and/or department or Group ID to find the timesheet for the appropriate employee.
Figure 4.2.5: Timesheet Employee Selection Screen with EmplID Criteria
The DTA clicks on the Get Employees button to call up the timesheet for the requesting employee.
Step 4.3: Entering Time Off Request
The search request refreshes the Timesheet Summary page with a list of employees that fulfill the search criteria used. In this case, the search action returns the single employee requested by EmplID.
Figure 4.3.1: Timesheet Summary with Search Results
The DTA clicks on the employee name link to access the employee’s timesheet, as shown in Figure 4.3.2:
Figure 4.3.2: Employee Timesheet Page
The DTA may now use the <Previous Week, or the Next Week> links to bring up the week needed to record the employees Time Off request. Once the appropriate week is displayed, the DTA may also click on the View By:▼drop down box to select viewing by Time Period which will display the entire two week pay period that includes the time off request. The DTA clicks on the Balances link at the bottom left of the page. A box displays the hours of Sick, Vacation and Comp Time accrued to the employee and available for use. If sufficient hours are available to meet the request, the DTA then enters the approved Time Off days for the employee per the form from the supervisor. A sample entry is shown in Figure 4.3.3 below.
Figure 4.3.3: Employee Timesheet with Time Off days Entered
The DTA clicks on the Submit button to enter the time entry into the system. If there are no validation problems with the entry (i.e. the employee not enrolled in a leave plan) the submit action will be saved and the submit confirmation screen shown in figure 4.3.4 will display.
Figure 4.3.4 Submit Confirmation Screen
The DTA clicks on OK to return to the employee timesheet. The time off request has now been placed in Time and Labor but it is not ready for processing. The DTA should select the two entries showing the comment “Needs Approval” by placing a check in the box to the left of each entry or clicking on the Select All link at the bottom of the Select column. The timesheet with the entries selected for approval are shown in Figure 4.3.5 below.
Figure 4.3.5: Time Off Entries Selected for Approval
To ensure that these entries are not missed if no other entries are made for the employee in this week, the DTA now clicks on the Approve Selected button. By approving the entries now, the DTA ensures that these entries will be included when Time Administration process is run and sent to payroll for inclusion on the paysheets for the time period. When the Approve action is started, the warning screen shown in Figure 4.3.6 is displayed.
Figure 4.3.6: Approval Warning Screen
The DTA clicks on OK to continue the Approval process. The Approval Confirmation screen, Figure 4.3.7 below, displays.
Figure 4.3.7: Approval Confirmation Screen
The DTA clicks on OK to acknowledge the confirmation. This returns the system to the employee’s timesheet page with the entries for the time off marked as approved as shown in Figure 4.3.8 below. This concludes the steps required to enter a non-exempt employee’s time off request into PeopleSoft. The DTA may now select any other menu item to perform other tasks or click on the small Sign Out tab at the top of the screen to leave the system.
Step 5: TO Request Form Returned to File
The DTA returns the Time Off request form to the approving supervisor for file and retention.
Step 5: Request Form Returned to File
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