Appendix 1: Supervision PLAN template
Supervision PLAN
1) Purpose
The supervision plan is an agreement between the doctoral student and the
supervisor. It complements the personal study plan of the doctoral student and the
faculty's recommendations on supervision practices in doctoral studies. With
this plan, the supervisor and the PhD student agree to work in collaboration
and in the agreed timeframe with a completed PhD degree as the goal.
2) Parties to the plan
Doctoral student
Name, student register number and contact information (phone/email/address):
Name, post held and contact information (phone/email/address):
Possible additional supervisors and division of work between supervisors
Additional supervisor 1:
Role and areas of responsibility:
Additional supervisor 2:
Role and areas of responsibility:
Members of the thesis advisory committee:
Area of expertise:
Area of expertise:
3) Content of the supervision plan
Doctoral research
Topic of doctoral research:
Started (mm/yy):
Estimated time of completion (mm/yy):
Mode of attendance: a) full-time, b) part-time
Agreed meeting frequency:
How the doctoral student reports on the progress of the thesis project:
Month and year when supervisor and PhD student review the plan:
Doctoral student’s responsibility
- carefully prepares for the meetings and follows the agreed timetables
- completes doctoral studies independently with the supervisor's support
- prepares a personal study plan and revises it at least annually
- annually participates in the agreed number of doctoral study courses
- is responsible for the progress of the thesis project and research and for informing the supervisor on the progress made according to the agreed reporting schedule and in the agreed way
- gives a presentation on the progress of the thesis project once a year (unless otherwise agreed) in the research seminar of the department or comparable university unit
- informs the supervisor, thesis advisory committee and faculty's doctoral committee of all the changes that considerably affect working conditions, progress of the thesis project or keeping the agreed schedule
Supervisor's responsibility
- commits to supervising the doctoral student’s research and doctoral education throughout all stages and respects the agreed timetables and deadlines
- gives feedback regularly and within a reasonable amount of time
- familiarises the doctoral student with academic work and practical matters related to scientific qualifications (e.g. publications, conferences, researcher mobility, ethical principles) in a mutually agreed way
- assists the doctoral student in getting funding: gives information on funding opportunities and writes references when needed
- assesses whether the PhD thesis manuscript is ready for evaluation (together with the thesis advisory committee)
- informs the doctoral student of any significant changes that affect supervision arrangements
4) Other details / aspects
The supervision plan expires if the doctoral student is transferred to passiveregister.
The supervisor takes care that the doctoral student gets acquainted with the standard practices complied in the university concerning the following entities:
- rights and usage of research project's materials and results
- principles of article publishing
- authors' names and order
- rights and patents for inventions developed in research projects
Signed on ___/___20___
Principal supervisor Doctoral student
Director of the graduate school / department / faculty: