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The Local Groundwater Management Assistance Act of 2000 (California Water Code (CWC) Section10795 et seq. (Assembly Bill 303)) was enacted to provide grants to local public agencies to conduct groundwater studies or to carry out groundwater monitoring and management activities. Priority for grant funding is given to local public agencies that have adopted a groundwater management plan (GWMP) and demonstrate collaboration with other agencies in the management of the affected groundwater basin.

This Proposal Solicitation Package (PSP) contains information on the Local Groundwater Assistance (LGA) GrantProgram, including detailed application submittal requirements; the proposal review, evaluation, and grant approval process; and the grant program schedule. A complete application must be received by Department of Water Resources (DWR) no later than 5:00 p.m. on December 11, 2007. Applications and supporting documentation received after this time will not be reviewed or considered for funding.

A total of $6.4 million in funding from Proposition 50, Chapter 8 (CWC Section 79560 et seq.)is available for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 LGA Grant Program. The DWR may make additional commitments if more funding becomes available. Additional information on the LGA grant program is available at the following website:

For questions about this PSP, please contact HarleyH.Davis by telephone at (916) 651-9229 and by email at .

1 – Who May Apply

Applications for grants will be accepted only from local public agencies, including cities, counties, districts, regional agencies, boards, commissions, or other political subdivisions of the State. Some entities, including some court-appointed water masters, associations, and entities formed under a memorandum of agreement, are not considered to be local public agencies. Such entities may consider forming a partnership with a local public agency in order to be eligible to apply for funding under the LGA Grant Program. Potential applicants are encouraged to seek legal advice to evaluate such options before submitting a grant application.

DWR encourages partnerships to improve regional groundwater management efforts. Parties that wish to collaborate on a project may elect to use a contractor-subcontractor relationship, joint venture partnership, joint powers authority, or other agreement. However, grant agreements will be executed with only one applicant, which must be a local public agency. Applicants that are partnerships must identify one partner as the contracting party responsible for payments, reporting, and accounting. Appendix A (Applicant Information)information must be completed for that partner. The application must include a description of how the partners will operate, including the allocation of decision-making authority and responsibility.

2 – Maximum Grant Amount

No single applicant will receive more than $250,000 in grant funds.

3 – Proposals

The LGA Grant Program assists local public agencies to conduct groundwater studies and to carry out groundwater monitoring and management activities. Eligible proposals include, but are not limited to, the examples provided in Table 1.

Table 1 - Example Topics
Groundwater Studies / Groundwater Monitoring / Groundwater Management
 Collect and evaluate data related to groundwater management, such as subsurface geological, hydrological, or geophysical characteristics; pumping rates and well yields; or stream flows
Evaluate the potential for natural or artificial recharge
Evaluate conjunctive use opportunities
 Develop and calibrate a groundwater model to assists in managing groundwater resources
 Examine alternative methods of reducing the impact of high water tables
Evaluate the potential to deliver untreated water or to reuse treated wastewater for groundwater recharge
Perform aquifer tests
 Gather information or perform studies for developing or improving groundwater management /  Develop and implement a groundwater monitoring program to measure water levels, water quality, and subsidence
 Install monitoring wells, extensometers, or other monitoring devices
Install data loggers in wells at strategic locations
Retrofit existing wells to make them suitable for monitoring / Plan variations in amount and locations of pumping to better utilize the basin storage capacity
Develop or expand a GWMP
Develop or update a basin-wide management plan
Evaluate alternatives to improve water supply reliability or to protect and improve water quality
Develop a public outreach and stakeholder involvement process
Develop groundwater basin management objectives
Integrate groundwater management with other water management strategies
Evaluate potential groundwater related third-party impacts and mitigation options
Well destruction to eliminate potential contaminant conduits
Develop a geographic information system or other data management system for storage and evaluation of groundwater data

A summary of projects that were awarded LGA grant funding in the past is available in the report at:

4 – How to Submit an Application

One (1) complete application marked as “ORIGINAL;” three (3) copies of the application; and one (1) electronic copy (preferably in MS WORD format) of the original application on CD.

A completed application includes the following:

Appendix A - Applicant Information(applicant must use the “ApplicantInformation Templates,” which can be downloaded from )

Appendix B - Detailed Description of Proposal

Supporting Documents (as needed)

  • If supporting documents (not included in Appendices A or B) are important to the application, three (3) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of all supporting documentation should be included with the application. Appendix C in this PSP provides a detailed checklist of required information. Scanning documents to provide electronic copies of supporting documentation is not necessary if it is more convenient to provide paper copies.

Submit all information as appropriate to the address below:

By U. S. mail: / Or overnight courier: / Or hand-deliver:
Department of Water Resources
Division of Planning and Local Assistance
P. O. Box 942836
Sacramento, CA94236-0001
Attn: Harley H. Davis / Department of Water Resources
Division of Planning and Local Assistance
1416 Ninth Street, Room 338
Sacramento, CA95814
Attn: Harley H. Davis / Department of Water Resources
901 P Street, Guard Station
Sacramento, CA95814
Attn: Harley H. Davis

5 – Schedule

The schedule below shows the program timeline from release of the PSP through approval of grant awards. Updates to the events listed in this schedule may occur after the release of the PSP. Any updates to the schedule will be posted on the DWR website listed in the Introduction. Updates may also be advertised through email announcements and news releases.

Table 2 – FY 2007-2008 Schedule
Dates shown in italics are tentative dates
Milestone or Activity / Schedule
PSP is available to the public on the DWR website in Introduction / October 26, 2007
Application Workshops:
South Lake Tahoe Public Utility District
1275 Meadow Crest Drive
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 / Thursday
November 08, 2007
1:00 PM
Pacific Conference Room
Hall of Justice
800 South Victoria Ave.
Ventura, CA 93009 / Tuesday
November 13, 2007
1:00 PM
Assembly/Leonardo Room
Corporation Yard
City of Clovis
155 N. Sunnyside Ave.
Clovis, CA93611 / Wednesday
November 14, 2007
1:00 PM
CaliforniaEPABuilding, Sierra Room
1001 I Street
Sacramento, CA95814
Webcast: / Friday
November 16, 2007
1:00 PM
Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. / December 11, 2007
Review and preliminary rankings of proposals by DWR staff is completed / March 2008
Technical Advisory Panel Public Meeting / April 2008
DWR approve grant awards / May 2008

6– Application Evaluation Process

6.A. Completeness Evaluation

The information requested in Appendix A (Applicant Information) must be provided. Each application will be evaluated for completeness using the checklist contained in Appendix C. Applicants must meet all Eligibility Criteria to be considered for funding. The Eligibility Criteria are in Appendix A, Sections A-5(Applicant Authority)and A-6 (Urban Water Management Planning Act Compliance).

6.B. Review Process

All complete and eligible projects will be evaluated and scored by two technical reviewers from DWR’s Division of Planning and Local Assistance Headquarters and District staff. The technical reviewers will individually score the proposals in accordance to the Scoring Criteria contained in Appendix D. Following completion of the individual technical reviews, the reviewers will discuss the proposal and develop a consensus review and score. After completion of the consensus scoring of all complete and eligible proposals, DWR senior and supervisory staff will establish the final reviews and scores and develop a preliminary ranking list for consideration by the Technical Advisory Panel (TAP).

6.C. Technical Advisory Panel

In accordance with the Local Groundwater Management Assistance Act of 2000, DWR will make LGA Grant Program awards based on the recommendations of a TAP. The TAP is composed of at least one individual representing each of the hydrologic areas of the State and must include at least three individuals who serve on the board of directors of a local public agency that has adopted a GWMP, a licensed civil engineer, licensed geologist, and a licensed hydrogeologist.

As provided in CWC Section 10795.12, the TAP will make recommendations for funding priority following consideration of grant applications, based on the TAP approved criteria contained in this PSP. The TAP review will take place in a public meeting. Notice of the TAP public meeting will be provided to interested parties through an announcement placed on the DWR website ( e-mail to applicants, and by a news release informing the public of the date, time, and location of the meeting.

At that meeting, the TAP will undertake the following actions:

Review DWR’s preliminary rankings according to the Scoring Criteria.

Consider funding availability and associated funding requirements, the geographic distribution of grant awards (both past and proposed), andother LGA Grant Program statutory requirements.

Consider public comments.

Evaluate the applicationsand develop recommendations for LGA grant funding.

The TAP will also consider whether to recommend that DWR award a small number of groundwater management “capacity building” grants to local public agencies to conduct public outreach, develop components of GWMPs, perform reconnaissance studies, or do other preliminary activities. Each “capacity building” grant shall not exceed $50,000 and the total funding allocated to “capacity building” grants shall not exceed $250,000. Applicants who have previously received an LGA grant will not be considered for “capacity building” grants. Priority consideration will be given to proposals in which a“capacity building” grants will be critical to improving groundwater management in areas not previously covered by a GWMP and where the TAP determines that such work will bring about substantial improvements in groundwater management.

The TAP may place conditions on its recommendation for the funding of a specific project. These conditions may include requirements for additional clarification concerning certain aspects of the project. The TAP may require that, as a condition for “capacity building” funding, the applicant submit a revised work plan, schedule, and budget for review and approval by DWR prior to execution of a grant agreement. All terms and conditions in the DWR LGA Program grant agreement would apply to the “capacity building” grants.

DWR’s Director will consider the TAP recommendations and public comments prior to making the final grant awards.

7 – Grant Requirements

7.A. Conflict of Interest

All participants, including applicants and reviewers, are subject to State conflict of interest laws. Failure to comply with these laws, including business and financial disclosure provisions, will result in the proposal being rejected and/or any subsequent contract being rejected and/or declared void. Applicable statutes include, but are not limited to, Government Code Section 1090, Public Contract Code Sections 10410 and 10411.

7.B.Grant Agreement Requirements

All grant recipients must sign a grant agreement with DWR before the State can disburse grant money. The current LGA grant agreement template may be found at the DWR website listed in the Introduction. The applicant for any grant must comply with all applicable laws when it hires private consultants or partners to implement its project. Only costs incurred by the agency after the date of the commitment letter from DWR to the agency notifying them of project award will be eligible for reimbursement. Eligible costs will be reimbursed, in arrears, and include reasonable costs of studies, engineering, design, land and easement acquisition, legal fees, preparation of environmental documentation, environmental mitigation, monitoring, project construction, and administration.

7.C. Labor Code Requirements

Applicants who are awarded grants shall keep informed of and take all measures necessary to ensure compliance with Labor Code requirements, including but not limited to, Section 1720 et seq. of the California Labor Code regarding public works.

7.D. Monitoring Requirements

Any groundwater project and projects that affect groundwater shall include groundwater monitoring requirements consistent with the Groundwater Quality Monitoring Act of 2001 (Part 2.76 (commencing with § 10780) of Division 26 of the CWC). Projects that affect water quality shall include a monitoring component that allows the integration of data into statewide monitoring efforts, including, but not limited to the Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program carried out by the State Water Board. For further information consult the State Water Resources Control Board websites at:

Groundwater Ambient Monitoring Assessment:

Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program:

7.E. Waiver of Confidentiality and Related Rights

Once theproposal has been submitted to DWR, any privacy rights as well as other confidentiality protections afforded by law with respect to the proposal will be waived by the applicant. Applicants who are awarded grants will be required to waive any copyright, intellectual or proprietary rights for deliverables, designs, and patents resulting from the contracted work.

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Appendix A
Applicant Information

A.1.Project Information

Application Information
Proposal Title
<Insert project title>
Amount of Grant Requested
<Insert amount of grant requested>
Total Project Cost
<Insert total project cost> / Total Cost Share (if any)
<Insert total cost share, if any>
Name of Agency
<Insert agency name>
Tax ID Number
<Insert tax ID number>
Day-to-Day Contact
<Insert day-to-day contact>
<Insert address>
Telephone Number
<Insert telephone number> / Fax Number
<Insert fax number>
E-mail address
<Insert e-mail address>
Duration of Project
<Insert duration of project>
Counties of Proposed Project Location
<Insert counties of proposed project location; if more than one county, delimit by semicolon >
GWMP Related
Date Groundwater Management Plan Adopted, if any
<Insert date groundwater management plan adopted, if any>
Pursuant to Water Code Section
<Insert water code section>
Or other legal Authority (Please identify)
<Insert name of legal authority >
GIS shape file of the area managed under the approved or proposed GWMP
<Insert name of the GIS shape files of the GWMP area here and attach the shape files (preferably in NAD 27 datum and UTM 10 or 11 projection >
Map Projection of GIS Shape File of GWMP Area
<Insert map projection name (UTM, State Plan etc.)> / Datum of GIS Shape File of GWMP Area
<Insert datum (NAD 27 etc.)>
Data Source of GIS Shape File of GWMP Area
<Insert source of data for GIS shape files> / Units of GIS Shape File of GWMP Area
<Insert units (ft., m. etc.)
Specific Project Location
Representative Project Coordinates: Latitude (North)
<Insert latitude in decimal format> / Representative Project Coordinates: Longitude (West)
<Insert longitude in decimal format>
GIS shape file of the proposed project(s)
<Insert name of the GIS shape files of the proposed project(s) here and attach the shape files (preferably in NAD 27 datum and UTM 10 or 11 projection >
Map Projection of GIS Shape File of the Proposed Project
<Insert map projection name (UTM, State Plan etc.)> / Datum of GIS Shape File of the Proposed Project
<Insert datum (NAD 27 etc.)>
Data Source of GIS Shape File of Project Area
<Insert source of data for GIS shape files> / Units of GIS Shape File of Project Area
<Insert units (ft., m. etc.)
Bulletin 118-03 Hydrologic Region of Project (HR)*
<Insert HR number> / Project Groundwater Budget Type (see page 110 in Bulletin 118-03 for explanation)*
<Insert Budget Type>
Bulletin 118-03 Basin/Subbasin Number of Project*
<Insert Basin/Subbasin number> / Bulletin 118-03 Basin/Subbasin Name of Project*
<Insert Basin/Subbasin name >

* Bulletin 118-03 refers to the DWR publication Bulletin 118 - Update 2003 California's Groundwater. Bulletin 118-03 can be found at the website:

A.2.Application Tracking Information

  1. Name, title, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the person of the applicant's governing body (such as mayor, supervisor, board president, or chairman) authorized by the Agency’s resolution to file the application and enter into an agreement with DWR:

<Insert Name> / Phone
<Insert Phone #> / Fax
<Insert Fax #>
<Insert Title> / E-mail
<Insert E-mail Address>
<Insert Mailing Address>
<Insert City> / Zip
<Insert Zip Code>
  1. Name, title, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the person to be designated as the Applicant’s Grant Manager:

<Insert Name> / Phone
<Insert Phone #> / Fax
<Insert Fax #>
<Insert Title> / E-mail
<Insert E-mail Address>
<Insert Mailing Address>
<Insert City> / Zip
<Insert Zip Code>
  1. Name, title, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the person to be designated as the Applicant’s Day-to-Day Project Contact:

<Insert Name> / Phone
<Insert Phone #> / Fax
<Insert Fax #>
<Insert Title> / E-mail
<Insert E-mail Address>
<Insert Mailing Address>
<Insert City> / Zip
<Insert Zip Code>
  1. State Senate and Assembly District numbers for project area:

State Senate District Number
<Insert Number; if more than one, delimit by semicolon >
State Assembly District Number
<Insert Number; if more than one, delimit by semicolon >

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