Annual General Meeting – Friday 4th December 2015 - 7:30 p.m


1. Apologies for Absence.

2. Minutes of AGM 2014 - (will be on display in the club)

3. Points Arising

4. Hon. Treasurer's Report - (copy of accounts will be on display in the club).

5. Hon. Secretary's Report

6. Youth Team Report. (Kevin Boardman)

7 Ladies Team Report (Lou Handy)

8. Election of Officers - (see annex A)

9. Subscriptions. (Membership Report - Andrew Francis)

Annual*: -

a. Associate (proposed to remain at £15)

b. Full Member (proposed to remain at £50)

c. Senior Playing (proposed to remain at £100)

d. Playing in F/T Ed (15yrs +) (proposed to remain at £45)

e. Ladies (proposed to remain at £45)

f. First Child (proposed to be set at £25)

Second Child (proposed to be set at £20)

Third Child (proposed to be set at £15)

Match Fees*: -

a. Senior Saturday - (proposed increase to £8)

Sunday - (proposed to remain at £7)

b. Playing in F/T Ed Saturday - (proposed increase to £7)

Sunday - (proposed to remain at £6)

Life Vice Presidents*: -

Remain that receive Social Membership + (member to pay difference to obtain full voting rights)

* The above rates are proposed by the retiring committee

10. Recording of Thanks.

11. Any Other Business.

a. Date of next committee meeting.

Annex A

Officers: (Retiring in Brackets)

President A. Cornell

Vice President P. Finnis

* Chairman (L. Handy)

* Vice Chairman (N. Allen)

* Hon. Secretary (M. Taylor) +

* Hon. Treasurer (M. Thurston)

Fixture Secretary (A. Youngs)

* Membership Secretary (A. Francis)

* Cricket Committee Chairman (N. Allen)

Bar Manager (S Turner) +

Committee (A. Youngs) (L. Chipchase)

(C. Warren) +

(J. Francis)

And Officers ex-officio

Press Officer (T Cornell)

Child Welfare Officer (A. Jones)

Youth Development Officer (K. Boardman) +

Sponsorship Coordinator (M Thurston)

* Officers ex-officio

+ Not for re-election

The selection of Cricket Captains will be made by the Cricket and Coaching Committee. An announcement of those elected will be made to all club members at a future date.