Page 2Contents

Page 3Head Teacher’s Welcome

Page 4Vision, Values & School Aims

Page 5Vision, Values & School Aims cont’d

Page 6School & Staff Info

Page 7School & Staff Info

Page 8School Hours & Enrolment

Page 9The School Year 2015-16

Page 10The School Year 2016-17

Page 11The Curriculum

Page 12Literacy & Language

Page 13Numeracy & Mathematics and Social Studies

Page 14Health & Wellbeing and Religious & Moral Education

Page 15Expressive Arts

Page 16Science and Technologies

Page 17Child Protection and Home Learning

Page 18Assessment, Outdoor Learning, School/Community

Page 19Pupil Voice, Pupil Council, Eco & Fair Trade Committee

Page 20Attendance

Page 21School Discipline & Supervision of Playgrounds

Page 22Additional Support Needs

Page 23Additional Support Needs cont’d

Page 24Additional Support Needs cont’d

Page 25Dress Code

Page 26Meals

Page 27Transport, Medical and Health Care

Page 28Information in Emergencies, Parent Forum/Parent Council

Page 29Parent Council cont’d

Page 30Parent Council cont’d

Page 31Transfers, Data Protection Act, Freedom of Information

Page 32Racial Harassment, Bullying, Equality Act 2010, Comments/Complaints

Page 33Comments/Complaint’s cont’d

Page 34Important addresses, Disclaimer

St Vincent’s Primary School


Dear Parent/Carer

Welcome to St Vincent’s Primary School and Language & Communication Resource!

During your child's time in our school our hope is that your child is happy, healthy and successful in all that they do both in school and in their lives outwith. At St Vincent’s we aim to develop in our children a positive attitude to learning, citizenship and caring for each other and the environment. Through our Catholic teaching and ethos we nurture respect and responsibility in our pupils. We will work in partnership with you in the very important task of developing your child to be all he/she can be and help him/her to grow up to be

  • a responsible citizen
  • an effective contributor
  • a confident individual
  • a successful learner

During the school session there will be meetings for parents to help you support your children in their learning and we look forward to meeting you then.

However, if you have any concern or information you need to share with us please do not hesitate to contact the school either in person by phone or e-mail.

We hope this handbook will give you an overview of our school. We look forward to working with you and your child.

Yours sincerely

Vincent Gillon.

Head Teacher

All authorities are required by law to issue a copy of the school handbook incorporating current policies and practices of both the council and the school to certain parents and carers in December each year for their use as appropriate.

Our Vision

Every child and young person in St Paul’s Learning Community

achieving their full potential in a nurturing environment, which

equipsthem with the skills of life, learning and work.

Our Values











Our School Aims

  1. Work together to make sure that lessons are interactive, interesting and enjoyable. Everyone will be challenged to do their best they can. We’ll be Effective Contributors, Responsible Citizens, Successful Learners and Confident Individuals.
  1. Everyone in our school community working together in a positive way and showing respect for each other. Working together helps us to raise attainment and allows us to celebrate the successes and the achievements of the children.
  1. As a Catholic school, we will live up to our Christian Ethos where we celebrate our differences and where every child and adult feels respected, valued, fairly treated, supported and encouraged to be the best we can be.
  1. We can be winners, better than the rest,by caring and sharing, we’ll all do our best!

In St Vincent’s our aim is to promote positive behaviour. Pupils are involved indeveloping class rules with their teachers and these form the cornerstone of a positive classroom and school ethos where everyone is respected. We celebratethe successes of our young people at weekly assemblies. Our end of year award ceremony recognises sporting achievements, excellent attendance and good

conduct with prizes awarded to those pupils nominated for an award. We

encourage our children to be all they can be and afford opportunities for them to

be involved in committees within the school and at sporting activities.

Staff and pupils work closely with Glasgow Life coaches and the Old Firm Alliance to develop an excellent sporting ethos.The school have many supportive and well established partnerships that enrich the children’s learning experiences. Many visitors to the classroom have commented on the very positive attitude of our pupils as have hosts at outdoor learning venues we have visited. Pupils are given the opportunity to develop the school values, lead assemblies, support their peers and buddy younger pupils socially and academically. The pupils were very involved in the design, fundraising for and development of our garden area, The Field of Dreams.

Recognition is given to in school achievements and also goals that the pupils have achieved outside of school. Awards are given at assembly for Star of the Week for each class and the Cup of Kindness is awarded to a pupil weekly who has been nominated by the school community. There is a whole campus Wall of Achievement to which the School, L & C Resource and Nursery have an opportunity to populate with extra-curricular achievements of pupils.

The opinions of our children are taken very seriously and they are regularly asked to give feedback on school activities and input to decisions affecting the school community. Further information on Children’s Rights can be accessed via the following link:

St Vincent’s Primary School is an Roman Catholic school with a Language & Communication Resource included which is inter-denominational. The school campus is shared with Thornlaw Nursery School. We belong to the St Paul’s Learning Community and the mainstream school serves the Carnwadric, Kennishead, Arden & Eastwood areas in the city. The Language & Communication Resource provides education for pupils with Additional Support Needs in the Southside of Glasgow. Our school building is newly constructed and opened in June 2009

The school is at the heart of a very close community with many parents and grandparents being former pupils of the school.

Our premises consists of twelve mainstream class teaching areas, four Language & Communication Resource class bases in their purpose built wing of the school, one Nurture Group, Library/ICT Suite, Gym and a Dining Room/Assembly Hall. Our school has a floodlit astro-turf football pitch which is extremely well used by the school and the community. We have a recently developed garden area which provides excellent outdoor learning opportunities for the school, L & C resource and Nursery pupils as well as the After School Care provision which operates in the school, but isself-governed.

The Staff

This session the staffing entitlement for the school is 16.3 FTE and 5.6 FTE for the L & C Resource. This is made up of 17 teachers, 4 Principal Teachers, 2 Depute Head Teachers and a Headteacher. One of the Depute Head Teachers has a management remit for the Language & Communication Resource. The non-teaching staff consists of 1 clerical assistant and 13Support for Learning Assistants. The campus is also supported by a Janitor, Catering and Cleaning staff.

The mainstream school roll stands at 336 with

  • a planning capacity of 492
  • working capacity of 339

The Language & Communication Resource has 24 pupils organised in 4 classes

Primary 1a:24Primary 1b:24

Primary 1/2:23Primary 2: 25

Primary 3:27 Primary 3/4: 25

Primary 4: 30Primary 4/5:24

Primary 5/6: 25Primary 6: 31

Primary 6/7: 25Primary 7: 29

Parents should note that the working capacity of the school might vary dependant upon the number of pupils at each stage and in the way in which the classes are organised.


Head Teacher Mr V Gillon

Depute Head Mr B Tracey

Acting Depute Head (L&C Resource)Mrs M Cluckie

Principal Teacher Ms K Stewart(P1/2)

Principal TeacherMr A Hutcheson(P6)

Principal Teacher Miss L McCabe (P7/6)

Nurture TeacherMrs M Ziolo

Class Teachers

Mrs P O’Keefe (P1a)

Mrs L Beattie(P1b)

Ms Stewart/Miss Muir(P1/2)

Mrs M O’Connor (P2)

Mrs S Doyle (P3)

Mrs C Boyle/Mrs M McDaid(P3/4)

Mrs A Milligan (P4)

Mrs L Beaton(P4/5)

Miss C Leonard (P5/6)

Mr Hutchison/Miss Crawford(P6)

Miss McCabe(P6/7)

Mr Coyle(P7)

Mrs Hollis ASL NCCT

Mrs Boyle ASL NCCT PE/French/Science

L&C Resource Teachers

Mrs C Nolan

Mrs W O’Neil

Ms C McNaught

Mrs K McGarrie

Miss L Paterson

Support for Learning

Mrs S Gaughan

Mrs C Wilson

Mrs J Gemmell

Mrs A MacFarlane

Mrs A McKirdy

Mrs A Donnelly

Mrs A Grieve

Mrs W McColl

Mrs R KaneL&C Resource

Mrs B MullaneyL&C Resource

Mrs C GrayL&C Resource

Mrs M SelbyL&C Resource

Miss T Hughes L&C Resource

Clerical Support

Miss T ScottSchool

Miss T KilcullenL&C Resource

Breakfast Club:8.00am-8.40am (more info in meals section)

School starts: 9.00am

Interval:10.30am –10.45am

Lunch break:12.30pm – 1.15pm


Primary 1 pupil’s attend school in the morning only until after the first full week in September.


Any parent wishing to enrol a pupil in the mainstream school should contact Mr Gillon, the Head Teacher, who will be happy to arrange a meeting or a visit to the school. Contact can be made either by phone or in person.




Return Date for Teachers / Thursday 11 August 2016
Return Date for Pupils / Monday 15 August 2016
September Weekend / Friday 23and Monday 26 September 2016
First Mid-Term / Monday 17to Friday 21 October 2016
Christmas/New Year / Thursday 22 December 2016to Wednesday 4 January 2017
* Please note that schools will close at 2.30pm on the last school day before the holiday
2017 Return to School / Thursday 5 January 2017
Second Mid-Term / Friday 10, Monday 13and Tuesday 14 February 2017
Good Friday
Spring Holiday (Easter) / Good Friday 14 April 2017 and Easter Monday 17 April 2017
Monday 3to Friday 14 April 2017(inclusive)
* Please note that schools will close at 2.30pm on the last school day before the holiday
May Day / Monday 1 May 2017
May Weekend / Friday 26and Monday 29 May 2017
School Close / Tuesday 27 June 2017
* Please note that schools will close at 1pm on the last school day before the holiday

In-Service Days 2017

Wednesday 15 February 2017 / All Schools
Thursday 4May 2017
(to coincide with Election) / All Schools
Friday 11 August 2017 / All Schools
Monday 14August 2017 / All Schools
Friday 13 October 2017 / All Schools

Curriculum for Excellence

Bringing learning to life and life to learning.

Curriculum for Excellence has been developed across Scotland for all 3-18 year olds-wherever they learn. It aims to raise standards, prepare our children for a future they do not yet know and equip them for jobs of tomorrow in a fast changing world.

Curriculum for Excellence enables professionals to teach subjects creatively, to work together across the school and with other schools, to share best practice and explore learning together.

Teachers and practitioners will share information to plan a child’s “learning journey” from 3-18, helping their progression from nursery to primary, primary to secondary and beyond, ensuring the change is smooth. They’ll ensure children continue to work at a pace they can cope with and with challenge they can thrive on.

Curriculum for Excellence balances the importance of knowledge and skills Every child is entitled to a broad and deep general education, whatever their level and ability. Every single teacher and practitioner will be responsible for literacy and numeracy – the language and numbers skills that unlock other subjects and are vital to everyday life.

It develops skills for learning, life and work to help young people go on to further study, secure work and navigate life.

It brings real life into the classroom, making learning relevant and helps young people apply lessons to their life beyond the classroom. It links knowledge in one subject area to another helping children understand the world and make connections. It develops skills so that children can think for themselves, make sound judgements, challenge, enquire and find solutions.

There will be new ways of assessing progress and ensuring children achieve their potential. There will be new qualifications for literacy and numeracy and from 2012/13, new National 4 and 5 qualifications from 2013/14. Our well regarded Access, Highers and Advanced Highers will be updated to take account of and support the new approaches to learning and teaching.

There’s personal support to help young people fulfil their potential and make the most of their opportunities with additional support wherever that’s needed. There will be a new emphasis by all staff on looking after our children’s health and wellbeing – to ensure that the school is a place where children feel safe and secure. Ultimately, Curriculum for Excellence aims is to improve our children’s life chances, to nurture successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors, and responsible citizens, building on Scotland’s reputation for great education.

Our specific areas for improvement this session were identified as a Learning Community and are as follows:

1.Promoting Positive Behaviour/ Nurture

2.Sharing Standards

3.Tracking Literacy & Numeracy

4.Assessment & Moderation

5.Raising the attainment of learners in Numeracy and Literacy

Our pupils are offered a wide curriculum providing breadth and balance based on the Curriculum for Excellence.

A Curriculum for Excellence is about preparing all children to become:

  • Confident Individuals
  • Successful Learners
  • Responsible Citizens
  • Effective Contributors

Within our programme of development, we aim to provide opportunities for learning in all curricular areas and offer scope for pupils to display their strengths and develop their skills.Knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities across all curricular areas will be developedprogressively, across a range of learning experiences and outcomes, and delivered in contexts and/or discretely, as most relevant and appropriate to children’s needs.

The eight curriculum areas are:

  • Literacy and English
  • Numeracy and Maths
  • Social Studies
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Religious and Moral Education
  • Expressive Arts
  • Science
  • Technologies

English Language

Language is the key to all curricular areas. In St Vincent’s Primary the importance of literacy across the curriculum is paramount. Teachersskilfully useeveryopportunity to make cross curricular links when planning literacy activities.

Language covers the following areas:

READING is a key skill required to access learning. Emphasis will be placed at the early stages on basics of learning to read i.e. studying phonics and learning to decode words. Then more developed reading skills will be worked on e.g. comprehension skills, research and reference skills, in-depth understanding of complex passages etc. The importance of reading for pleasure will be stressed and encouraged at all stages witheach class having a library and opportunities given to visit local libraries and be involved in interviews with authors.

WRITING - Not only will writing skills for all life purposes be developed but also the important technical skills of spelling, handwriting and grammar will be taught. A multi-sensory approach to the teaching of spelling is used.

TALKING skills are formally developed to enable pupils to be effective communicators, for all life situations. Children will be encouraged to express their own ideas, opinions and feelings confidently and articulately.

LISTENING is the key to all learning. The various skills required to be an effective listener will be developed. Listening units and tapes will be among the learning experiences provided to develop these skills.

These four broad areas of literacy are closely linked and can not taught always be taught independently. Our language curriculum planning includes contexts which incorporate all four aspects of literacy. Secure skills in literacy allow pupils to explore learning confidently and successfully. French is taught to all pupils from Primary 5 to Primary 7.

Our aim is to provide a progressive programme of study in all aspects of mathematics for all pupils regardless of age, gender, aptitude or physical circumstances. Using a variety of approaches we hope to develop in each pupil an enquiring mind, along with the necessary attitude, skills and knowledge. To achieve this view of mathematics all pupils will experience a range of activities, which are practical, investigative, enjoyable and challenging. Transfer and connections across the curriculum will be made.

Learning and teaching in maths will take place across the following aspects:

  • Number, Money & Measurement
  • Shape, Position & Movement
  • Information Handling

Specific aims to be developed:

  • a positive, confident attitude to maths
  • an awareness of the usefulness and relevance of maths in life
  • an understanding of maths through problem solving and investigation
  • the use of problem solving as a method of enquiry across the curriculum
  • the ability to discuss, explain and report maths activities
  • competence in the use of mental and problem solving strategies

A variety of methods are used to give pupils a balanced experience of learning as a class, in groups and as individuals. Resources used to support learning will be Scottish Heinemann Maths, Tee-jay Maths along with teacher made resources.

Children will follow a structured programme of progressive skill development largely delivered through 'topics' relevant and appropriate to children’s needs and interests.

The social studies experiences and outcomes are structured as follows:

  • People, past events and societies
  • People, place and environment
  • People in society, economy and business

The Learning and Teaching Programme aims to offer balance across each of these.