Wednesday, March 1, 2017
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Coville Conference Room
- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the general public and to all members of the CSU Channel Islands Student Government that:
A meeting of the Student Government Senatewill be held on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. at California State University Channel Islands, Student Union Conference Room (room 1080), located at One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012, to consider and act upon the following matters:
Call to Order
Vice President Pelayo stepped down from chair for this meeting
- Call to Order – 9:02 a.m.
- Roll Call
- President – Michelle Noyes (L) 9:03 a.m.
- Vice President – Marlene Pelayo (P)
- Senate
- Academic Affairs – Travis Hunt(P)
- Alumni, Graduate & Credential –Kiera Sailor (P)
- Commuters & Transportation –
- Housing & Residential Education – Reymundo Massie(A)
- Social Justice – Mia Fernandez (P)
- Student Engagement – Noelle Ewing(P)
- Sustainability & Technology – Raul Perez(P)
- Veterans & Non Traditional – Nathan Altman(P)
- Wellness & Recreation – Debora Ehrich(P)
- Executive
- Director of External Affairs – Carla Mena(P)
- Director of Operations – Karina Hinojosa (P)
- Director of Events – Alexis Mumford (P)
- Chief of Staff – Angela Christopher (P)
- Judicial
- Chief Justice – Brandon Burns(P)
- Associate Justice – Jack Holden(A)
- Associate Justice – Jorge Robles(A)
- Advisor –
- Bethany Bañuelos(L) 9:04 a.m.
- Members of the public
- Celina Zacarias
- Deanne Ellison
- Sandi Gannon
- John Gormley
- Terry Tarr
- Cindy Derrico
- Brittany Marmolejo
- Erik Blain
- Isaiah Ball (L) 10:17 a.m.
- Approval of the Agenda
- Motion to approve the agenda: Senator Altman
- Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
- 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
- Approval of the Minutes
- Motion to approve the minutes: Senator Altman
- Seconded this motion: Senator Ewing
- 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
Public Forum
Public forum is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Senate on issues affecting any student(s) and/or organizations of California State University Channel Islands.
- Cindy Derrico states that an offer has been extended to HelenAlatorre
- She will begin working April 10
- Dr. Blane states that the site authority is to raise funds for infrastructure projects on campus
- University Glen as well as other buildings on campus have gone through the site authority
- The site authority is here to benefit the institution
- Deanne Ellison states the University Glen neighborhood was originally built to attract professors to our campus
- Terry Tar states that when he presented in November he answered a question, and when answering that questions made a misstatement
- Senator Ewing asked what the statement was
- Terry Tarr said it was regarding students ability to live in the University Glen community, he had misstated that “University Glen’s east campus project would not be student friendly”
- Students are able to live in this community, however need to meet the minimum eligibility requirements
Special Presentations
- Special Presentations –
- Advocacy Training at 10:00 a.m. – Ryan K. Brown (60 minutes)
- Motion to table this until 10:00 a.m.: Senator Altman
- Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
- 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
- Ryan Brown refers to a presentation he prepared and this will be added as a supporting document
- Ryan Brown introduced himself
- He has been involved with CSSA for two years
- Last year he was in a liaison system between his school and CSSA
- He discussed the history and mandate of CSSA
- Every student pays the SIRF fee which means every student has a voice when it comes to CSSA
- CSSA allows all campuses to have an input
- Director Mumford asked Ryan Brown if anyone from CSU Channel Islands has been a part of the CSSA team
- Ryan Brown answered that no one from CSU Channel Islands has been a part of the CSSA team
- Advocacy day is March 31st
- Action day is May 2nd
- He offers his help if CSU Channel Islands students want to go to Sacramento for a lobbying trip, setting up meetings and other logistics
- Director Mumford asks Ryan if he has any tips for small campuses that want to lobby since our population is not very overwhelming to legislatures
- He recommends that we emphasize on how our campus helps the local economy and the fact that this campus gives students access to a university, if our campus did not exist it would cause students to have to drive a long distance to attend a different university
- 3 key legislations that he wants to talk about
- Senate bill 3542 which will provide temporary relief from deportation and employment authorization for people that are eligible for DACA
- Senate bill 68 which will enable two years at a community college to count for A.B. 540
- A.B. 393 which will stop tuition fees from raising until the completion of the 2019-2020 academic year
- 1 in 10 employed California’s is a CSU graduate
- 1 in 20 California’s in general is a CSU graduate
- Senator Ewing asked how much time is typically devoted to being a part of the CSSA team
- This should be treated as a job and it does include a scholarship
- 20-25 hours are typically spent for president and chair positions
- 10-15 hours are typically spent for vice president positions
- Maximum of 5 hours per week for special officer positions
- Unfinished Business – none
- Informational Item - none
- Discussion Item –
Motion for a five minutes recess: Senator Altman – 9:14 a.m.
Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
- Resolution for Library Donation of $200 – Senator Altman and Senator Massie (10 minutes)
- Motion to table this until after the action items: Senator Altman
- Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
- 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
- Senator Altman read the resolution
- These funds will help students to stress less during “dead week” by adding more hospitality services to the library during that time
- Senator Sailor asked what part of the library budget was overspent
- Senator Altman answered that the hospitality services were overspent (hot chocolate, tea, coffee)
- Vice President Pelayo stated that the events part of the library’s budget was overspent
- Senator Altman asked if anyone knows how much Student Programming Board donated from their budget
- Senator Ewing and Vice President Pelayo stated that SPB donated $200 of their budget to the library
- This resolution will be added as a supporting document
- Action Item – none
- New Business
- Action Item –
- Confirmation of IAC members – Chief Burns (15 minutes)
- Director Mena
- Will represent the executive branch within the IAC
- Motion to approve Director Mena to the IAC: Senator Ehrich
- Seconded this motion: Senator Altman
- 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
- Senator Massie
- Will be one of the two representatives of the senate within the IAC
- Motion to approve Senator Massie to the IAC: Senator Ehrich
- Seconded this motion: Senator Sailor
- 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
Senator Hunt stepped down from the chair to the chair of the IAC (Chief Burns) per say in the bylaws
- Senator Altman
- Will be one of the two representatives of the senate within the IAC
- Motion to approve Senator Altman to the IAC: Senator Ehrich
- Seconded this motion: Senator Hunt
- 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 1 abstention
Chief Justice Burns stepped down from the chair to the senior ranking senator (Senator Hunt)
- Confirmation for Lobby Corp members – Director Mena (15 minutes)
- Director Mumford
- Motion to approve Director Mumford to lobby corps: Senator Ewing
- Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
- 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
- Chief Christopher
- Motion to approve Chief Christopher to lobby corps: Senator Altman
- Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
- 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
- Felix Pambuhena, Intern
- Motion to approve Felix Pambuhena to lobby corps: Senator Sailor
- Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
- 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
Senator Hunt stepped down from the chair to the chair of the IAC (Chief Burns) per say in the bylaws
- Senator Fernandez
- Motion to approve Senator Fernandez to lobby corps: Senator Altman
- Seconded this motion: Senator Hunt
- 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 1 abstention
Chief Justice Burns stepped down from the chair to the senior ranking senator (Senator Hunt)
- Informational Item –
- Discussion Item –
- Noon Forum: Eating On A Student’s Budget Mission Assignments – Director Mumford (20 minutes)
- Director Mumford drew the layout of the noon forum
- Director Mumford went over the eating on a student’s budget plan and this document will be added as a supporting document
- Director Mumford would like all student government members to arrive at 10:45 a.m.
- Student government members volunteered for specific positions
- Point person
- Director Mumford
- MC’s
- President Noyes
- Vice President Pelayo
- Notetaker
- Director Hinojosa
- Question Takers
- Chief Christopher
- Senator Ehrich
- Senator Ewing
- Wanderers
- Chief Christopher
- Senator Hunt
- Senator Sailor
- Crowd Control
- Senator Hunt
- Chief Christopher
- A-frames will be going out today (March 1, 2017)
- Brittny Marmolejo asked what a wanderer is
- Director Mumford answered that they talk to students during the event to find out how they heard about the event and create a welcoming environment
Senator Hunt stepped down from the chair to the chair of the IAC (Chief Burns) per say in the bylaws
Senator Hunt left the meeting
Motion for a 2 minute recess: Senator Altman - 10:04 to 10:06 a.m.
Seconded this motion: Senator Ewing
7 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
Motion for a 2 minutes recess: Senator Fernandez – 10:07 a.m. to 10:09 a.m.
Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
7 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
Reports presented by the following shall be attached with all weekly packets. Weekly packets will consist of agenda, any supporting documents, minutes, and reports.
- Senator Reports
- Vice President’s Report
- President’s Report
- Executive Branch Report
- Judicial Report
- Advisor Report
- Closing Comments
- Senator Ewing would like to know how CSU Channel Islands spends the money that is generated from the University Glen neighborhood
- Adjournment– 10:51 a.m.
- Motion to adjourn: Senator Altman
- Seconded this motion: Senator Perez
- 5 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions