/ Student Government Senate minutes
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Coville Conference Room


  1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the general public and to all members of the CSU Channel Islands Student Government that:

A meeting of the Student Government Senatewill be held on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. at California State University Channel Islands, Student Union Conference Room (room 1080), located at One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012, to consider and act upon the following matters:

Call to Order

Vice President Pelayo stepped down from chair for this meeting

  1. Call to Order – 9:02 a.m.
  2. Roll Call
  3. President – Michelle Noyes (L) 9:03 a.m.
  4. Vice President – Marlene Pelayo (P)
  5. Senate
  6. Academic Affairs – Travis Hunt(P)
  7. Alumni, Graduate & Credential –Kiera Sailor (P)
  8. Commuters & Transportation –
  9. Housing & Residential Education – Reymundo Massie(A)
  10. Social Justice – Mia Fernandez (P)
  11. Student Engagement – Noelle Ewing(P)
  12. Sustainability & Technology – Raul Perez(P)
  13. Veterans & Non Traditional – Nathan Altman(P)
  14. Wellness & Recreation – Debora Ehrich(P)
  15. Executive
  16. Director of External Affairs – Carla Mena(P)
  17. Director of Operations – Karina Hinojosa (P)
  18. Director of Events – Alexis Mumford (P)
  19. Chief of Staff – Angela Christopher (P)
  20. Judicial
  21. Chief Justice – Brandon Burns(P)
  22. Associate Justice – Jack Holden(A)
  23. Associate Justice – Jorge Robles(A)
  24. Advisor –
  25. Bethany Bañuelos(L) 9:04 a.m.
  26. Members of the public
  27. Celina Zacarias
  28. Deanne Ellison
  29. Sandi Gannon
  30. John Gormley
  31. Terry Tarr
  32. Cindy Derrico
  33. Brittany Marmolejo
  34. Erik Blain
  35. Isaiah Ball (L) 10:17 a.m.
  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Motion to approve the agenda: Senator Altman
  3. Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
  4. 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
  5. Approval of the Minutes
  6. Motion to approve the minutes: Senator Altman
  7. Seconded this motion: Senator Ewing
  8. 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions

Public Forum

Public forum is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Senate on issues affecting any student(s) and/or organizations of California State University Channel Islands.

  1. Cindy Derrico states that an offer has been extended to HelenAlatorre
  2. She will begin working April 10
  3. Dr. Blane states that the site authority is to raise funds for infrastructure projects on campus
  4. University Glen as well as other buildings on campus have gone through the site authority
  5. The site authority is here to benefit the institution
  6. Deanne Ellison states the University Glen neighborhood was originally built to attract professors to our campus
  7. Terry Tar states that when he presented in November he answered a question, and when answering that questions made a misstatement
  8. Senator Ewing asked what the statement was
  9. Terry Tarr said it was regarding students ability to live in the University Glen community, he had misstated that “University Glen’s east campus project would not be student friendly”
  10. Students are able to live in this community, however need to meet the minimum eligibility requirements

Special Presentations

  1. Special Presentations –
  2. Advocacy Training at 10:00 a.m. – Ryan K. Brown (60 minutes)
  3. Motion to table this until 10:00 a.m.: Senator Altman
  4. Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
  5. 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
  6. Ryan Brown refers to a presentation he prepared and this will be added as a supporting document
  7. Ryan Brown introduced himself
  8. He has been involved with CSSA for two years
  9. Last year he was in a liaison system between his school and CSSA
  10. He discussed the history and mandate of CSSA
  11. Every student pays the SIRF fee which means every student has a voice when it comes to CSSA
  12. CSSA allows all campuses to have an input
  13. Director Mumford asked Ryan Brown if anyone from CSU Channel Islands has been a part of the CSSA team
  14. Ryan Brown answered that no one from CSU Channel Islands has been a part of the CSSA team
  15. Advocacy day is March 31st
  16. Action day is May 2nd
  17. He offers his help if CSU Channel Islands students want to go to Sacramento for a lobbying trip, setting up meetings and other logistics
  18. Director Mumford asks Ryan if he has any tips for small campuses that want to lobby since our population is not very overwhelming to legislatures
  19. He recommends that we emphasize on how our campus helps the local economy and the fact that this campus gives students access to a university, if our campus did not exist it would cause students to have to drive a long distance to attend a different university
  20. 3 key legislations that he wants to talk about
  21. Senate bill 3542 which will provide temporary relief from deportation and employment authorization for people that are eligible for DACA
  22. Senate bill 68 which will enable two years at a community college to count for A.B. 540
  23. A.B. 393 which will stop tuition fees from raising until the completion of the 2019-2020 academic year
  24. 1 in 10 employed California’s is a CSU graduate
  25. 1 in 20 California’s in general is a CSU graduate
  26. Senator Ewing asked how much time is typically devoted to being a part of the CSSA team
  27. This should be treated as a job and it does include a scholarship
  28. 20-25 hours are typically spent for president and chair positions
  29. 10-15 hours are typically spent for vice president positions
  30. Maximum of 5 hours per week for special officer positions


  1. Unfinished Business – none
  2. Informational Item - none
  3. Discussion Item –

Motion for a five minutes recess: Senator Altman – 9:14 a.m.

Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich

6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions

  1. Resolution for Library Donation of $200 – Senator Altman and Senator Massie (10 minutes)
  2. Motion to table this until after the action items: Senator Altman
  3. Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
  4. 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
  5. Senator Altman read the resolution
  6. These funds will help students to stress less during “dead week” by adding more hospitality services to the library during that time
  7. Senator Sailor asked what part of the library budget was overspent
  8. Senator Altman answered that the hospitality services were overspent (hot chocolate, tea, coffee)
  9. Vice President Pelayo stated that the events part of the library’s budget was overspent
  10. Senator Altman asked if anyone knows how much Student Programming Board donated from their budget
  11. Senator Ewing and Vice President Pelayo stated that SPB donated $200 of their budget to the library
  12. This resolution will be added as a supporting document
  1. Action Item – none
  1. New Business
  2. Action Item –
  3. Confirmation of IAC members – Chief Burns (15 minutes)
  4. Director Mena
  5. Will represent the executive branch within the IAC
  6. Motion to approve Director Mena to the IAC: Senator Ehrich
  7. Seconded this motion: Senator Altman
  8. 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
  9. Senator Massie
  10. Will be one of the two representatives of the senate within the IAC
  11. Motion to approve Senator Massie to the IAC: Senator Ehrich
  12. Seconded this motion: Senator Sailor
  13. 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions

Senator Hunt stepped down from the chair to the chair of the IAC (Chief Burns) per say in the bylaws

  1. Senator Altman
  2. Will be one of the two representatives of the senate within the IAC
  3. Motion to approve Senator Altman to the IAC: Senator Ehrich
  4. Seconded this motion: Senator Hunt
  5. 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 1 abstention

Chief Justice Burns stepped down from the chair to the senior ranking senator (Senator Hunt)

  1. Confirmation for Lobby Corp members – Director Mena (15 minutes)
  2. Director Mumford
  3. Motion to approve Director Mumford to lobby corps: Senator Ewing
  4. Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
  5. 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
  6. Chief Christopher
  7. Motion to approve Chief Christopher to lobby corps: Senator Altman
  8. Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
  9. 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions
  10. Felix Pambuhena, Intern
  11. Motion to approve Felix Pambuhena to lobby corps: Senator Sailor
  12. Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich
  13. 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions

Senator Hunt stepped down from the chair to the chair of the IAC (Chief Burns) per say in the bylaws

  1. Senator Fernandez
  2. Motion to approve Senator Fernandez to lobby corps: Senator Altman
  3. Seconded this motion: Senator Hunt
  4. 6 in favor – 0 opposed – 1 abstention

Chief Justice Burns stepped down from the chair to the senior ranking senator (Senator Hunt)

  1. Informational Item –
  2. Discussion Item –
  3. Noon Forum: Eating On A Student’s Budget Mission Assignments – Director Mumford (20 minutes)
  4. Director Mumford drew the layout of the noon forum
  5. Director Mumford went over the eating on a student’s budget plan and this document will be added as a supporting document
  6. Director Mumford would like all student government members to arrive at 10:45 a.m.
  7. Student government members volunteered for specific positions
  8. Point person
  9. Director Mumford
  10. MC’s
  11. President Noyes
  12. Vice President Pelayo
  13. Notetaker
  14. Director Hinojosa
  15. Question Takers
  16. Chief Christopher
  17. Senator Ehrich
  18. Senator Ewing
  19. Wanderers
  20. Chief Christopher
  21. Senator Hunt
  22. Senator Sailor
  23. Crowd Control
  24. Senator Hunt
  25. Chief Christopher
  26. A-frames will be going out today (March 1, 2017)
  27. Brittny Marmolejo asked what a wanderer is
  28. Director Mumford answered that they talk to students during the event to find out how they heard about the event and create a welcoming environment

Senator Hunt stepped down from the chair to the chair of the IAC (Chief Burns) per say in the bylaws

Senator Hunt left the meeting

Motion for a 2 minute recess: Senator Altman - 10:04 to 10:06 a.m.

Seconded this motion: Senator Ewing

7 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions

Motion for a 2 minutes recess: Senator Fernandez – 10:07 a.m. to 10:09 a.m.

Seconded this motion: Senator Ehrich

7 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions


Reports presented by the following shall be attached with all weekly packets. Weekly packets will consist of agenda, any supporting documents, minutes, and reports.

  1. Senator Reports
  2. Vice President’s Report
  3. President’s Report
  4. Executive Branch Report
  5. Judicial Report
  6. Advisor Report


  1. Closing Comments
  2. Senator Ewing would like to know how CSU Channel Islands spends the money that is generated from the University Glen neighborhood
  3. Adjournment– 10:51 a.m.
  4. Motion to adjourn: Senator Altman
  5. Seconded this motion: Senator Perez
  6. 5 in favor – 0 opposed – 0 abstentions