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October 3, 2016

The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Columbia met in regular session at 7:PM, Monday, October 3, 2016, in the Conference Room of the Columbia Municipal Building. Aldermen attending were: Lloyd Armstrong, James Cahoon, Mildred Ogletree, Ray Marner and Sandra Owens. Mayor F. Michael Griffin presided.

Mayor Griffin called the meeting to order and asked Alderman Armstrong to offer a prayer for the Board. He welcomed those attending.

Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon the Consent Agenda was unanimously approved. This included:

1.  Minutes of September 6, 2016 Regular Meeting of the Board of Aldermen

2.  Minutes of September 22, 2016 Special Meeting of the Board of Aldermen

3.  Water/sewer downward adjustment

Dianne Bryant $34.09

Mayor Griffin announced the Public Comment period and invited comments from the audience. James E. Spencer of 301 Cedar Street said water from Broad and Cypress streets runs into his yard and enters the sewer at his driveway. He said the Ludington Street Canal and ditches that drain into the canal need to be cleaned, pointing to the NCDOT construction of Ludington Street as the reason water stands on his property. He asked for action to clean the canals.

Mayor Griffin explained that the canal and Ludington Street are State properties and that the town has requested ditch and canal cleaning several times, without seeing any State action. He noted that NCDOT has said they can not secure the permits needed to clean the canal.

Ms. Dianne Bryant and her daughter, Mona Bellamy, spoke at length about a water/sewer bill that totals more than $800 and shows use of 7,900 gallons of water.

Ms. Bellamy said her mother lives alone at 124 Cemetery Road and is the widow of a veteran who should not be treated so badly. She said the water billing system is inaccurate including multi-monthly billings and meters that have not been replaced in years and thus do not measure water use properly. Ms. Bellamy said she had appealed to the county and State but no one wants to help her mother. She said the town uses poor customer service, refusing to show her mother how the meter is read or how the billings are done.

After hearing from Ms. Bryant, Mayor Griffin closed the Public Comment Period.

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Sheriff Darryl Liverman presented the September Law Enforcement Report. He noted there were 571 enforcement calls/complaints, including 451 business checks and 24 security checks. He reported seven traffic citations issued during the month.

Sheriff Liverman suggested that the Board consider a “No Wake” zone on town streets, similar to that being considered by Manteo to reduce property damage during flooding situations. It was noted that this idea is already on the agenda and will be discussed during the meeting.

Sheriff Liverman reported that work is underway to consolidate Tyrrell, Hyde and Dare County 911 service. Calls will be dispatched from a Roanoke Island location.

Alderman Ogletree asked about enforcement of the noise ordinance. She said residents in the Green and Road streets area have complained about loud parties and trash left in yards and on town streets. Sheriff Liverman said tickets have been given for loud amplified sound and officers respond when called. He said residents should call repeatedly if problems persist after officers leave the scene.

Mayor Griffin shared a letter from NCDOT Secretary Nicholas Tennyson concerning funding for the N. Road Street/North Boundary Canal improvements. He noted that the Secretary said NCDOT is $450,000 short of funds to complete the project and suggested that the project either be downsized or discretionary funds be found. After much discussion Alderman Ogletree made a motion to send a letter to the local General Assembly delegation asking for funding assistance. The motion passed unanimously.

Alderman Owens talked about a possible ordinance to require that grass clippings be kept out of gutters and storm drains. After discussion, Town Attorney Dwight Wheless was asked to review the suggested ordinance language for consideration during the November meeting.

Alderman Owens also spoke about property damage caused by vehicles pushing a high wake when streets are flooded. She cited Hampton, Virginia, and Manteo as two cities with “No Wake” ordinances that relate to flooded streets. Sheriff Liverman said if the town adopts the ordinance his officers will write tickets for violators.

Mr. Wheless said a decision will be necessary on whether the offence will be a criminal offense or an infraction. Mr. Wheless was asked to prepare ordinance language for consideration in November.

Discussion returned to Ms. Dianne Bryant and her water/sewer bill. Town Manager Rhett White was asked to respond to Ms. Bryant. He explained that the town attempts to provide positive customer service, having explained in writing and in person the conditions of Ms. Bryant’s bill and metered water use. He noted that the high use reading was discovered by the town during routine monthly meter reading and when it

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was obvious that water was being used even though no one was at home, the water was cut off until Ms. Bryant returned. He said that Ms. Bryant stated that a little-used toilet sometimes gave problems, but he would not speculate on what caused the high reading. He said the meter is functioning properly with a normal reading this month. He said Ms. Bryant said she cut off water to the toilet in question.

Mr. White said the three month billing date mentioned by Ms. Bellamy was a mistake of date that showed up on all water bills, thus did not indicate a multi-month billing for Ms. Bryant. He said Ms. Bryant does not meet the ordinance criteria for a downward sewer adjustment and has been offered the opportunity to pay the bill in $100 monthly payments, plus the regular monthly use.

Mayor Griffin closed the discussion.

Mr. White reported that the first payment of the Building Renovation and Reuse Grant to Stiletto Boats in the amount of $4,562.19 has been made.

Mr. Wheless said he has rewritten the contract with Tyrrell County to accept raw sewage from the planned Alligator community sewer projects. He said several changes from the original contract presented for consideration have been included to protect the town’s current and future interest. He said it will be ready for discussion and consideration at the November meeting.

The Manager reported that a used dump truck has been purchased at a cost of $20,028.48, requiring a budget amendment. Upon motion of Alderman Armstrong the vote was unanimous to approve the budget amendment.

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The Manager reported that a Building Renovation and Reuse Grant Application in the amount of $80,000 was submitted in partnership with Waypoint Oyster Bar (Tara Carawan Foreman). He said grant awards should be announced on October 20th.

He reported that Attorney Mark Bardill indicates the Jean Spencer property foreclosure will not be completed before some time next year. He said Tyrrell County is now spraying for Alligator Weed, including the town waterfront and Scuppernong River Park on the west side of the river. He announced that tax bills have been sent with $247,308.72 billed. He said as of September 29th the amount owed is $240,885.12 but that number will change when utility billings are added.

Mr. White said the first Control Group Meeting in advance of Hurricane Matthew will be held October 4th.

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Alderman Ogletree said she will ask Dee Furlough to discuss noise, trash clean-up and property maintenance with the Latino community in an effort to address the Green/Road streets problem. She asked if there was any progress on the repairs at the Howard Street and Virginia Avenue intersection.

Alderman Cahoon said the town should think about providing water and sewer service to annexed areas on US-64 East. It was noted that the town is prepared to act if a business or developer plans construction in that area.

Mayor Griffin made several announcements. He said Tyrrell House Assisted Living will officially open October 6, the 25th Annual Scuppernong River Festival is scheduled for October 8, Columbus Day Holiday will be celebrated October 10 and the Annual Meeting of the Southern Albemarle Association will be in Plymouth on October 20.

Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon, the vote to adjourn was unanimous. Mayor Griffin adjourned the meeting.

This the 3rd day of October, 2016.


F. Michael Griffin, Mayor



Rhett B. White, Clerk