PO BOX 249

Whitney Point, NY 13862

Date: October 17, 2006

Steve Brennan, Mike James and Fred Riordan met with the Board at 6:30 to discuss the upcoming school projects.

A reception was held for the students and parents of the students that participated in the 2006-07 school calendar, at 7:00 p.m. prior to the regular meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 7:21 pm by Joseph Silvanic

Present Absent

Joseph Silvanic President x

James DiMascio Vice President x

Stephanie Champney Member x

Andrew Palmer Member x

Sara Benscoter Member x

Marlene Smith Member x

Kathleen Driscoll Member x

Carol Eaton Superintendent of Schools x

Jeffrey A. L’Amoreaux District Clerk x

Others in attendance: Bonnie and Amanda Voorhees, Jaysree Whitelaw, Mary Ellerson, Tom Ellerson, Mari, Allan and Graci Standish-Warpus, Walt, Phyllis, Jessup and Lucas Bailey, Matthew Cator, Jordan Dean, Fred Rothman, Muyrphee Hayes, Steve Andrus, Dan Sweeney, Nicole Wolfe, Mary Hibbard. There were approximately 30 other people in attendance.

1. Dr. Eaton recommended the Minutes of the meeting held on October 3, 2006 be approved.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Sara Benscoter

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

There was no warrant.


Dr. Eaton commended:

·  Mr. Rothman, many members of this staff and the custodial staff for the team work that prevented a major High School flooding “disaster” at the conclusion of the Open House.

·  The Whitney Point Rotary Club for the gift of individual Merriam-Webster Dictionaries for every 4th and 5th grader in the Intermediate School. Mr. Robert Coles and numerous other Rotarians presented the dictionaries on Thursday, October 12, 2006.

·  Mr. Dan Sweeney and middle school staff for outstanding 8th grade Math performance results. Whitney Point’s 8th grades were top in BT-BOCES for % of proficiency in Math.

·  Mr. Fred Rothman and his staff members for their annual Open House on Thursday, October 12, 2006, with a flood!

·  Mr. Michael Hakes for being named Educator of the Week for Channel 12 news

·  Mrs. Kris Gilbert and the High School Band and Abby Moyer and the Color Guard for winning first place in the Class B division of the Columbus day parade.

·  The parent internet safety meeting that was held October 10, 200t about 10 parents were in attendance.


Presentation of the US Flag by the Mason’s Lodge


Dr. Eaton recommends postponing the second reading of the previously presented policies. The school attorney, Mr. Frank Miller has not concluded his review of them.

Comments From The Public

Mary Ellerson thanked the district for the increased security that has been added at the entrances to each building.


a. Renovation update

Jeff L’Amoreaux reported on the status of the Renovation Project to date, including the site information work. Dr. Eaton will have a resolution for a recommendation for the board to approve the site work contract. The bids were received on the 6th of October and the district, SWBR, and Fred Riordan met to discuss the bids. Dr. Eaton has set the dates for the first two meetings, Monday November 20 and 27, 2006 in the High School Library.

Dr. Eaton recommended the Board reject the two bids that were received and resubmit the bids to coincide in with the 4 other major bids as part of the largest renovation project.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

5 Aye 0 Nay 1 Abstained - Marlene Smith APPROVED

b.  Update on Security in the District

Dr. Eaton will gave a brief overview of what is happening with WPCSD security in each



a.  Financial Audit

Mr. Gerry Mickelson of Ciaschi, Dietershagen, Little & Mickelson, Co. LLP, presented the public overview of the Financial Audit for the Board. Materials were distributed at the subcommittee meeting held on October 3, 2006. A motion was made to accept the financial audit.

Moved by Sara Benscoter Seconded by Stephanie Champney

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

b. Financial Report

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval for the enclosed financial report.

Moved by Kathleen Driscoll Seconded by Stephanie Champney

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

c. District Accountability Report

Mrs. Hibbard presented the overview of the grades 3-8 testing results recently released by the state. Mr. Rothman reviewed the graduation results and summer school completions. Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. Whitelaw presented the newly revised Pre-K – grade 5 report cards.

d. Committee on Special Education

Dr. Eaton recommended Board approval of the attached recommendations of the Committee on Special Education. Information was included for the Board.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

e. Appointments

Dr. Eaton recommended the Board approve the hiring of Betty Murphy as a Bus Monitor, effective October 11, 2006.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Sara Benscoter

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

Dr. Eaton recommended the Board approve the hiring of Linda Beckwith, as a Bus Monitor, effective October 11, 2006.

Moved by Kathleen Driscoll Seconded by Stephanie Champney

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

Public Comment - none



Dr. Eaton recommended the Board accept the resignation of Wayne Smith, custodian, MS/Intermediate schools custodian, effective October 31, 2006.

Moved by Sara Benscoter Seconded by Stephanie Champney

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

For Your Information

Broome Tioga Health Consortium – Notice of Meeting /Friday 11-3-06

Meet Your Candidates Information

Executive Session

For the purpose of a follow up personnel discussion

Future Board Dates:

November 14, 2006 (Please note: new date)

Treasurer’s report

Renovation report

Health Consortium update

Curriculum/Assessment Report

December 12, 2006 (proposed new date)

A motion was made to move to Executive Session at 8:53 pm.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Stephanie Champney

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

A motion was made adjourn the regular meeting at 9:18 pm.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Stephanie Champney

5 Aye 0 Nay 0 Abstained APPROVED

Jeffrey L’Amoreaux

District Clerk

Whitney Point Central Schools

Executive Session

PO Box 249

Whitney Point, NY 13862

OCTOBER 17, 2006

Joseph Silvanic called the meeting to order at 8:54 p.m.

Position Present Absent

Joseph Silvanic President X

James DiMascio Vice-President X

Stephanie Champney Member X

Andrew Palmer Member X

Sara Benscoter Member X

Marlene Smith Member X

Kathleen Driscoll Member X

Dr. Carol Eaton Superintendent X

Jeffrey A. L’Amoreaux District Clerk X

A motion was made to adjourn the Executive Session at 9:17 pm.

Moved by Stephanie Champney Seconded by Kathleen Driscoll

5 Aye 0 Nay 0Abstained APPROVED

Jeffrey L’Amoreaux

District Clerk