Page 1Town of Plymouth Minutes from Thejune 26, 2017 Select Board Meeting

Page 1Town of Plymouth Minutes from Thejune 26, 2017 Select Board Meeting

Page 1Town of Plymouth Minutes from theJune 26, 2017 Select Board Meeting

 Town of Plymouth

Select Board Meeting Minutes

Plymouth Town Hall

Plymouth, NH 03264

June 26, 2017

Members Present: Mr. John Randlett,Chair, Mr. Neil McIver, Mr. Bill Bolton, Mr. Mike Ahern, Mr. Bryan Dutille

Members Absent:

Others Present:Mr. Paul Freitas, Ms. Kathryn Lowe

6:00 pm. Mr. John Randlett called the meeting to order and Mr.Bill Boltonled in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approve Minutes:

  • Select Board Work Session June 12, 2017: Mr. Ahern made a motion; seconded by Mr. Dutille to approve these minutes. All in favor.
  • Select Board Non-public Work Session June 12, 2017: Mr. Ahern made a motion; seconded by Mr. Bolton to approve these minutes. All in favor.
  • BOS meeting June 12, 2017: Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. Dutille to approve these minutes. All in favor.
  • Select Board site visit June 15, 2017: Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. Dutille to approve these minutes. All in favor, Mr. Randlett and Mr. Ahern abstaining.
  • BOS Special Non-Public Session June 15, 2017: Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. Dutille to approve these minutes. All in favor with Mr. Ahern abstaining.


  • The Select Board will meet on the following dates:

Regular meetings – 6:00PM: Monday, July 10th24th, 2017.

  • Work review sessions prior to the regular meeting will start at 5:00PM.

Tentative work session if needed – 5:00PM: Monday, July 31, 2017.

All of the above meetings will be held in the Town Hall, unless otherwise posted

  • Citizens wishing to be listed on the Select Board’s Agenda should notify the Town Hall before 12:00 PM the Friday before the scheduled meeting.
  • New members are needed for Planning Board and Zoning Board positions. If interested, please submit a letter of intent to the Plymouth Select Board’s Office, 6 Post Office Square, Plymouth, NH 03264.

Chairman’s Comments:



New Purchase Orders:

  • Town of Plymouth - Treasurer, State of NH; Town’s share of Foster Street Project: $40,693.22. Mr. Freitas explained that this is the Town’s portion of the grant to realign the street. The money will be taken from the $2M bond.Mr. Bolton made a motion; seconded by Mr. McIver, to approve this purchase order. All in favor.

Committee Reports:

  • Mr. Ahern mentioned that Governor Sununu came to Plymouth on May 26, 2017, to meet with business owners. Topics of discussion included jobs, lack of applicants for jobs that are posted, and the opposition to Northern Pass. The Governor spoke with businesses outside the state that may move to NH. He also spoke with businesses in Canada to possibly bring their businesses to NH. The cost of electricity is a major factor for these businesses to consider.
  • Mr. Ahern attended a Chamber meeting on June 20, 2017. Sean Downey gave a presentation on an alternative transmission line from Canada. He will give a presentation after the public hearing.
  • Mr. Bolton missed a Plymouth Energy Committee meeting, but did attend a Planning Board meeting. Several applications were reviewed.
  • Mr. McIver attended a Conservation Commission meeting. They approved a plan from Harbor Homes for Veteran Housing at Boulder Point. This is a 30 unit building, to be considered by the Planning Board.
  • Mr. McIver attended a soil workshop at NH DES. This was very informative.
  • Mr. McIver stated that North Country Council Directors had a meeting at the Economic Development Center in Plymouth. They are attempting to hire another employee to work with community development. The Department of Resources and Economic Development will be reorganized. This may make more grant money available.

Mr. Randlett asked if anyone had comments of a general nature.

  • Mr. Bolton stated that there is a PRLAC meeting tomorrow night. Applications are being reviewed for projects along the river.


Mr.Randlett called the public hearing to order.

  • To discuss the proposed placement of a solar array on Town owned land adjacent to the Plymouth Recycling Center. A presentation will be given by the Plymouth Energy Commission with Public input and questions following.

Grace Garvey from the Plymouth Energy Commission started this discussion. The audience was informed of pamphlets in the back of the room which pertain to this subject (attached). She recognized a few Commission members that were also present, Peter Martin, Katie Bush, LaddRaine. The Commission has spent the last two years researching solar arrays. They have been searching for a renewable energy source, which supports the Town’s resolution, recognizing Plymouth as the destination for Environmental Studies and Eco-Tourism.

The Commission has been working with IGS Solar, who will sell the energy generated by the Solar Array to the Town of Plymouth through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). IGS Solar will be responsible for financing, constructing, owning insuring and maintaining the System. There are several PPA Terms the Town can choose.

It has been determined that the best location for this project is land adjacent to the Recycling Center. Site work will require three acres of land to be cleared. The array requires ½ acre land cleared, stumped and graded.

It was made clear that the Town needs to commit to this project. There are rebates that will expire if the Town doesn’t commit in a timely manner.

The floor was opened to the public for questions and answers. Topics included:

  • Amount of CO2 emissions saved per KWH.
  • Possible select cut option to pay for some of the site preparation
  • Cost savings and cash flow analysis done?
  • Timber management for long term should be explored
  • What type of maintenance is involved
  • Grace Garvey mentioned that there are some challenges ahead, but urged the Town to get their ducks in a row so that the Town should create the first phase of the project.
  • Mr. Randlett read two letters of support from residents of the Town (attached). One letter was from Gisela and Paul Estes and the other from Barbara Spike.
  • There were some comments and questions by the Board.

Mr. Randlett closed the Public Hearing at 7:02PM

Mr. Bolton inquired as to whether the Board needed to give a yes or no on the project to proceed. After a brief discussion it was determined that there wasn’t enough information to make a decision. Solid numbers are needed. Mr. Randlett felt that he would like to meet with the Commission. PEC will hold a special meeting TBD and Mr. Dutille and Mr. Ahern will attend. The solar array project will be discussed at the next Select Board meeting, July 10, 2017.

New/Other Business:

  • Sean Downey spoke regarding an alternative transmission line for power. He is a consultant for Grid America and works with Granite State Power Link. This company uses Canadianwind power backed up by hydro power. This is comprised of 168 miles within existing corridors. There will be no visual impact. They will use existing rights of way, and will re-use most of the existing towers. They will need to string new wires because they will be going from 230KV to 345KV, requiring thicker wire.
  • Jobs will be created and there will be low income programs for those who qualify.
  • A savings of sixty cents per MWH has been determined.
  • 3 million tons of CO2 emissions will be eliminated over the first 10 years.
  • This company is hoping to be awarded the MA. Renewable Energy RFP Bid for 2018. For more information you can go to or call: 855 603-4475.

Mr. Freitas suggested that the Board check with the Town’s attorneys regarding this matter.

Public Comments:None

Adjourn: 7:41 PM

Mr. Randlett askedfor a motion to go into non-public.Mr. Ahern made a motion; seconded by Mr. Bolton to go into Non-public in accordance with RSA 91-A:3, II(a thru i). All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Dawn Roach