Page 1 of 7 OMB 1076-0147 Expires: 12/31/06

U.S. Department of the Interior

Bureau of Indian Affairs



Agency or Field Office______Region:______
(ListCounty(ies) in which the Tribal Entity is physically located and, if applicable, its near (off) reservation ServiceAreaCounty(ies))
Zip Codes:______Tribal Code:______






/ Tribal Enrollment (official tribal membership roll)
B / Total Resident/Service Area Indian Population (individuals eligible for on-reservation services which the Secretary of Interior provides to Indian people)
C / Labor Force Determination (for individual American Indians and Alaska Natives having On or Near Reservation status)
1 / Number under age 16
2 / Number age 16 through 64
3 / Number over age 64
4 / Population Not Available for Work (refer to exclusions)
5 / Employed in PUBLIC Sector Positions
6 / Employed in PRIVATE Sector Positions
7 / Employed BUT Below the Poverty Line (Use attached HHS Poverty Guidelines to determine poverty line totals.)
List sources used in collecting data for this report other than from tribal rolls (for example, using an actual count; social service reports; state, county, and/or municipal records; etc.):
(Attach additional sheet, if necessary)
Provide a written explanation below if the total tribal population has changed plus or minus 10 percent (or more) from the 2003 Indian Service Population and Labor Force Estimates Report:
(Attach additional sheet, if necessary)
Other comments related to this report:
(Attach additional sheet, if necessary)
Person completing report:

Name (Type or Print):______Date:______

Title:______Telephone #:______

Certifying Tribal Official’s Signature Date
Certifying Agency Superintendent’s Signature Date
Certifying Regional Director’s Signature Date


for the

2005 Labor Market Information on the Indian Labor Force


The following definitions are to be use in completing this report form:

On or Near.

“On” the reservation is defined as those Indians within present reservation boundaries who are eligible for BIA funded services and “near” reservation is defined as those enrolled members of the reporting reservation, rancheria, colony, or other tribal entity living near the reservation who are considered part of the service area population. According to 25 CFR 20.1: Near reservation means those areas or communities designated by the Assistant Secretary that are adjacent or contiguous to reservations where financial assistance and social services programs are provided(Bold added). For Alaska only, “on or near” includes the entire state.

Service Area (“on or near”) Inclusions. Count . . .

(1) Children away at elementary and secondary school who are attached to families in the aforementioned population;

(2) Those whose reservation residence is presumed to continue while they or their heads of families follow seasonal job opportunities which take them away from their reservation temporarily; and,

(3) Non-enrolled Indians who permanently reside in the service area and are not receiving services from other BIA sources and who are not counted elsewhere may be counted on this line if they are provided services at the reservation.

Service Area (“on or near”) Exclusions. Do Not Count . . .

(1) Trainees in adult vocational schools under P. L. 84-959 and members of their families (such trainees and their families who move away from the reservation to the training school and the object is to secure employment after completion of training; those who may later return to the reservation will be counted as of another date);

(2) Persons relocated for direct employment and members of their families;

(3) Members on active duty in the Armed Forces; members in jail; members in mental institutions;

(4) Students away at college;

(5) All non-Indians living in Indian households; and,

(6) Indians who live on or near the reporting reservation, rancheria, colony, etc who are not enrolled and not considered part of the service population of the respective area or entity.

Reservation Service Population.

Any American Indian or Alaska Native who is eligible for BIA/tribally-funded services available on the reservation.

Reservation Indian Labor Force.

Any American Indian or Alaska Native who meets the following four guidelines can be counted as a part of a reservations labor force:

(1) Resides “on or near” the reservation (that is, resides within the service area of a tribe);

(2) Is eligible for BIA/tribally-funded services available on the reservation;

(3) Is 16 or older; and

(4)Is considered capable of working.

Row Instructions:

Row ATribal Enrollment: Report the total membership count of enrolled tribal members, as maintained on the individual tribe’s membership roll and according to the tribe’s specific membership criteria.

Row BTotal Resident/Service Area Indian Population: Report all American Indians and Alaska Natives who were living “on or near” the reservation at the time of the survey.

Rows C1 to C3. Service Population by Age Group.

C1.Count individuals having “on or near” reservation status who are under age 16.

C2.Count individuals having “on or near” reservation status who are from age 16 through 64.

C3.Count individuals having “on or near” reservation status who are from age 65 and over.

Note:Row B is equal to Row C1 + Row C2 + Row C3 = Service Area Indian Population.

Row C4. Service Population Unable to Work.

C4.For individuals who are 16 years or older (from the Rows C2 and C3), count only those individuals who are incapacitated due to a physical, emotional or mental disability and are unable to work as a result of the disability.

Note: Row C1 + Row C2 + Row C3 – Row C4 = Reservation Labor Force.

Rows C5 and C6. Number Employed by Employment Group.

C5.Count individuals who are employed in the Public Sector - meaning individuals who hold municipal, county, borough, state, Federal, or tribal government jobs.

C6.Count individuals who are employed in the Private Sector - meaning individuals who hold jobs generated by private, tribal, small, or family-owned businesses/corporations, including sole proprietors.

Note:Row C5 + Row C6 = Number Employed. The number employed must be equal to or less than Row C2 + Row C3 – Row C4.

Row C7. Number Employed Below Poverty Guideline.

C7.Employed BUT below the Poverty Level. To determine qualifying income, see the table on next page which was taken from the 2005 HHS Poverty Guidelines. For example, a New Mexico tribal family of two, both employed, earning a combined annual income less than $12,830. The two tribal members, one male and one female, are counted as one male individual and one female individual in the appropriate “employed BUT below the Poverty Level” columns on Row C7 of the form.

Note:Row C7 must be equal to or less than Row C5 + Row C6.

Determining Poverty Line Totals for Row C7. For this report, income of an employed individual is defined as the total of annual cash receipts earned from all sources and before deducting taxes. Specific inclusions and exclusions to be used in determining an individuals Row C7 poverty line totals are noted below:

Include (in determining individual/family/household annual income levels):

-Annual wages and salaries before any deductions;

-Net receipts from a person’s unincorporated business, professional enterprise, or partnership, after deductions for business expenses;

-Net receipts from farm self-employment, after deductions for farm operating expenses;

-Regular payments from social security;

-Public assistance (includes AFDC, Supplemental Security Income, and Emergency Assistance);

-Training stipends;

-Alimony, child support, military family allotments, government employee pensions;

-Regular insurance or annuity payments;

-College scholarships, grants, fellowships, and assistantships;

-Dividends, interest, net rental income, net royalties;

-Periodic receipts from estates or trusts; and

-Net gambling or lottery winnings.

Exclude (in determining individual/household family annual income levels):

-Capital gains;

-Assets drawn down, such as withdrawals from a bank, the sale of property, a house, or car;

-Tax refunds;

-Gifts and loans;

-Lump-sum inheritances, one-time insurance payments, or compensation from injury;

-Food or housing received in lieu of wages; and

-Benefit from Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, school lunches, and housing assistance.


Size of Family Unit / 48 Contiguous States and DC / Alaska
1 / $ 9,570 / $ 11,950
2 / 12,830 / 16,030
3 / 16,090 / 20,110
4 / 19,350 / 24,190
5 / 22,610 / 28,270
6 / 25,870 / 32,250
7 / 29,130 / 36,430
8 / 32,390 / 40,510
For each additional person,add: / $ 3,260 / $ 4,080

Source: US Department of Health and Human Services, 2005 (Federal Register, Vol. 70, No. 33, February 18, 2005. pp. 8373-8375).

Comments Sections

In the comment area at the bottom of Page 1 of 7, list the source or sources used to collect data for Rows A and B as well as Rows C1 to C7.

In the comment area at the top of Page 2 of 7, provide a written explanation if the tribal enrollment or service population (Rows A and B) increased or decreased by 10 percent (or more) from the 2003 Indian Service Population and Labor Force Report, released in December 2005.

In the comment area in the middle of Page 2 of 7, provide a written explanation if the number in the tribal service population:

  1. Age groups (Rows C1, C2 and C3),
  2. Who are unable to work (Row C4),
  3. Who are employed in the public or private sector (Rows C5 and C6), or
  4. Who are employed below poverty guideline (Row C7)

increased or decreased by 10 percent (or more) from the 2003 Indian Service Population and Labor Force Report, released in December 2005.

Contact Information

Indicate the name of the person who completed the report, that person’s title, the date the report was completed, and a telephone number in case clarifying information is needed after the report is submitted to the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Report Certifications

The report must be certified as accurate by a tribal official, the BIA Agency Superintendent, and the BIA Regional Director before it is submitted to BIA Central Office’s Tribal Services in Washington, DC.

BIA Form 5 -6601



This information is being collected to be in compliance with Public Law 102-477, Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Demonstration Act of 1992, as amended. The information is used by the U. S. Congress, Federal Agencies, including other BIA programs, State and local governments, private sector organizations as well as tribes, for the purpose of designing, planning and developing programs, financial assistance to American Indians, grant submissions, budget planning, and many other usages. This information is used to verify, extrapolate, predict and identify the level of need for American Indians for program funding distribution plans. Additionally, it is used to compare basic labor force data on a national basis, by State, and Tribal governments, and by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau. It is the only known comprehensive and authoritative accumulation of data on tribal enrollments, service population, workforce, and employment in the U.S. The information is not confidential because it is displayed in an aggregate format. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and no one is required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 30 minutes or less per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing the form. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to the Office of the Deputy Director, Tribal Services, Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240.