Memorandum of Agreement
PAEPARD call for proposals: call with deadline 28/01/2011
Title: Improving food security and income for smallholder farmers through improved post harvest technology
Name of the organisation: / Concern Universal1. IDENTITY
Abbreviation : / CURegistration Number (or equivalent) / 272465
Date of Registration / 27/09/1976
Official address of Registration / 21 King Street, Hereford, HR4 9BX, United Kingdom
Country of Registration[1]/ Nationality [2] / United Kingdom
E-mail address of the Organisation /
Telephone number: Country code + city code + number / +441432355111
Fax number: Country code + city code + number / +44 870 705 9578
Website of the Organisation /
Legal status / Non for ProfitProfit-Making / □ Yes
□ No
NGO / □ Yes
□ No
Value based[3] / □ Political
□ Religious
□ Humanistic
□ Neutral
Is your organisation linked with another entity? / □ Yes, parent entity
(please specify : …………………………)
□ Yes, controlled entity(ies)
□ No, independent
2.1. Category
Category[4] / Public□ Public Administration
□ Decentralised representatives of
Sovereign States
□ International Organisation
□ Judicial Institution
□ Local Authority
□ Implementation Agency
□ University/Education
□ Research Institute
□ Think Tank
□ Foundation
□ Association
□ Media
□ Network/Federation
□ Professional and/or Industrial
□ Trade Union
□ Cultural Organisation
□ Commercial Organisation / Private
Implementation Agency
Research Institute
Think Tank
Professional and/or Industrial
Trade Union
Cultural Organisation
Commercial Organisation
Other Non State Actor
2.2. Sector(s)[5]
2.3. Target group(s)
□ Community Based Organisation(s)□ Educational organisations (school, universities)
□ Local authorities
□ Migrants
□ Non Governmental Organisations
□ Research organisations/Researchers
□ Women
□ Young people
□ Other (please specify): … …………………………..
Experience by Sector (for each sector selected in 2.2.)
Sector / Year(s) of Experience / Experience in the last 3 years / Number of Projects / Estimated Amount(in thousand Euros)
Agriculture / □ Less than 1
□ 1 to 3 years
□ 4 to 5 years
□ 6 to 10 years
□ 11 to 20 years
□ 20 years + / □ Less than a year
□ 1 year
□ 2 years
□ 3 years / □ 1 to 5
□ 6 to 10
□ 11 to 20
□ 21 to 50
□ 51 to 200
□ 200 to 500
□ 500+ / □ Less than 1
□ 1 to 5
□ 5 to 20
□ 20 to 50
□ 50 to 100
□ 100 to 300
□ 300 to 1.000
□ Unknown
Experience by Geographical area (country or region)
By Geographical area (country or region) / Year(s) of Experience / Number of Projects / Estimated Amount(in thousand Euros)
EU Europe / >7 / <10 / <1
South America Region / >7 / <200 / <10
South Asia Region / >7 / <200 / <10
Sub Saharan Africa / >7 / >500 / 10000000
3.3.1Financial data. Please provide the following information, if applicable, on the basis of the profit and loss account and balance sheet of your organisation
Year / Turnover or equivalent(x 1000 €) / Net results or equivalent / Total balance sheet or budget / Shareholders’ equity or equivalent / Medium and long-term debt / Short term debt (< 1 year)
2010 / 13913 / 1789 / 7452 / 0 / 40 / 764
2009 / 12527 / 94 / 5484 / 0 / 30 / 654
2008 / 13570 / 1269 / 5807 / 0 / 0 / 161
3.3.2.Financing Source(s) (please tick the source(s) of the revenues of your organisation and specify the additional information requested)
Year / Source / Percentage (total for a given year must be equal to 100%) / Number of fee-paying members (only for source = Member's fees)2010 / EU Commission / 44
2010 / Other International Organisations / 26
2010 / EU Member States/Public Bodies / 17
2010 / Others / 13
2009 / EU Commission / 31
2009 / EU Member States/Public Bodies / 28
2009 / Others / 18
2009 / Other International Organisations / 17
2009 / Member Fees / 3
2009 / Third Countries/Public Bodies / 2
2009 / Private Sector / 1
2008 / EU Commission / 36
2008 / EU Member States/Public Bodies / 26
2008 / Others / 23
2008 / Third Countries/Public Bodies / 9
2008 / Donation from Individuals / 3
2008 / Members Fees / 1
2008 / Other International Organisations / 1
2008 / Private Sector / 1
3.3.3.Number of staff (full-time equivalent) (please tick one option for each type of staff):
Type of staff / Paid / UnpaidHQ Staff: recruited and based in Headquarters (located in Developed Country) / □ < 10
□ > 10 and < 50
□ > 50 and < 100
□ > 100
□ N/A / □ < 10
□ > 10 and < 50
□ > 50 and < 100
□ > 100
□ N/A
Expat Staff: recruited in Headquarters (located in Developed Country) and based in Developing Country / □ < 10
□ > 10 and < 50
□ > 50 and < 100
□ > 100
□ N/A / □ < 10
□ > 10 and < 50
□ > 50 and < 100
□ > 100
□ N/A
Local staff: recruited and based in Developing Country / □ < 10
□ > 10 and < 50
□ > 50 and < 100
□ > 100
□ N/A / □ < 10
□ > 10 and < 50
□ > 50 and < 100
□ > 100
□ N/A
Name / Profession / Function / Country of Nationality / On the board sinceMrs. Chikondi Mpokosa / NGO Advocacy Adviser / Other / Malawi / 2008
Mr. Dan Bishop / Business Managing Director / Other / United Kingdom / 1998
Mrs. Fiona Taylor / Head of Policy & Communications / Other / United Kingdom / 2010
Ms. Joelle Plumerel / Programme Manager / Other / Belgium / 2010
Mrs. Lucy Weston / Independent Consultant / Other / United Kingdom / 2010
Mrs. Nicola Mushet / Consultant / Other / United Kingdom / 2004
Mrs. Oley Dibba-Wadda / NGO Advocacy Adviser / Director/President / Gambia / 2009
Mr. Peter Ayres / Retired Executive Director / Other / United Kingdom / 2008
Mr. Philip Tamuno / Sustainability Officer / Other / Nigeria / 2010
Mrs. Susan Barlow / Charity Fundraiser / Other / United Kingdom / 2009
Mrs. Tracey Sherlock / Liaison Officer / Other / United Kingdom / 2010
1 / Institute of AGRicultural Research, College of Agriculture and consumer services, university of ghana2 / BVumbwe agricultural research station
3 / bio-plasticS limited ghana
4 / abrono organic farming project
Call for proposals …
Title: Improving food security and income of smallholder farmers through improved post harvest technology.
This section must be completed for each partner organization. You must make as many copies of this table as necessary to create entries for more partners.
Partner 1Full legal name / Institute of Agricultural Research, College of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon
Date of Registration / The University of Ghana was founded by ordinance in August 11, 1948 as University College of the Gold Coast. In October 1,1961, the University of University College was constituted into a University by an Act of Parliament (Act,79) to award its own degree.
Legal status / University Institution
Official address of Registration / Institute of Agricultural Research, College of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences, University of Ghana, Box LG 68, Legon, Accra
Country of Registration/ Nationality / Ghana
Contact person / Prof. Kwame Afreh-Nuamah
Telephone number: country code + city code + number / +233 -302- 500 – 180 / +233 – 244- 873-568
Fax number: country code + city code + number / N/A
E-mail address /
Number of employees / 398
Other relevant resources / Laboratories, human resources, experimental land, Irrigation facilities, library
Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role in the implementation of the proposed action / Over the last twenty years the Institute has pioneered and been involved in Integrated Production and Pest Management (IPPM) and the mechanisms to implement IPPM at the farmer level (incorporating nutrient and soil amendments as well as enhanced agronomic practices to manage insect pests for the production of healthy crops). IPPM is a novel approach to insect pest management. Since the Rio Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, where chapter 21 of the Conference Recommendations requested that Integrated Pest Management (IPM) should be implemented at the farmer level, emphasis on Insect Pest Management is gradually shifting to Production of healthy crops, taking into account all factors that affect agricultural production practices, rather than the traditional focus which had been on Insect pest populations and their damage threshold levels.
History of cooperation with the applicant / A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between the University of Ghana, FARA and Concern Universal for mutual cooperation and collaboration between the Institute, FARA and Concern Universal. In addition, a representative of FARA serves on the Board of the Institute.
Role and involvement in preparing the proposed action / The preparation of the proposed action was more participatory and interactive with each partner playing defined roles. For, example, the Institute led the discussions on the research direction.
Role and involvement in implementing the proposed action / The Institute will provide Graduate students for the research activities and assist to supervise and direct the course of the research.
Entering into partnership / As already indicated above, an agreement in the form of Memorandum of Understanding has already been signed between the University, FARA and Concern Universal for mutual cooperation and collaboration. This will be extended to the other participating partners who are already in partnership with Concern Universal.
Confirm your intent to enter into the partnership / I do hereby confirm and heartily and willingly express my intent to enter into partnership with all the partners involved in this project
Confirm your commitment to make the appropriate staff members available for the PAEPARD support activities (partnership inception w/shops, write-shops) and follow-up / I further confirm my commitment to make available any appropriate members of staff and students for the PAEPARD support activities
Important: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated partnership statement from each partner, in accordance with the model provided.
Partnership statement
A partnership is a relationship of substance between two or more organisations involving shared responsibilities in undertaking the action funded by FARA/PAEPARD (Contracting Authority). To ensure that the action runs smoothly, the Contracting Authority requires all partners to acknowledge this by agreeing to the principles of good partnership practice set out below.
- All partners must have read the application form and understood what their role in the action will be before the application is submitted to the Contracting Authority.
- All partners must have read the standard grant contract and understood what their respective obligations under the contract will be if the grant is awarded. They authorise the lead applicant to sign the contract with the Contracting Authority and represent them in all dealings with the Contracting Authority in the context of the action's implementation.
- The applicant must consult with its partners regularly and keep them fully informed of the progress of the action.
- All partners must receive copies of the reports - narrative and financial - made to the Contracting Authority.
- Proposals for substantial changes to the action (e.g. activities, partners, etc.) should be agreed by the partners before being submitted to the Contracting Authority. Where no such agreement can be reached, the applicant must indicate this when submitting changes for approval to the Contracting Authority.
- Where the Beneficiary does not have its headquarters in the country where the action is implemented, the partners must agree before the end of the action, on an equitable distribution of equipment, vehicles and supplies for the action purchased with the EU grant among local partners or the final beneficiaries of the action.
I have read and approved the contents of the proposal submitted to the Contracting Authority. I undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice.
Name: / Professor Kwame Afreh-NuamahOrganisation: / Institute of Agricultural Research, College of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon
Position: / Director
Signature: /
Date and place: / 29/03/11. University of Ghana, Legon
This section must be completed for each partner organization. You must make as many copies of this table as necessary to create entries for more partners.
Partner 3Full legal name / Bvumbwe Agricultural Research Station
Date of Registration / Established in 1940
Legal status / Registered
Official address of Registration / P.O. Box 5748, Limbe, Malawi
Country of Registration/ Nationality / Malawi
Contact person / Thomson Chilanga
Telephone number: country code + city code + number / +265 999 557 618
Fax number: country code + city code + number / +265 1 471 323
E-mail address /
Number of employees / 400
Other relevant resources / Laboratories, human resources, experimental land, Irrigation facilities, library
Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role in the implementation of the proposed action / Partnered with FARA on the implementation of the SSA-CP vegetable project, implemented the Promotion of Neglected Indigenous vegetables for Nutrition and health in Eastern and Southern Africa, funded by GTZ/BMZ, implemented a vegetable breeding systems project AVRDC, and implemented an ARDEP vegetable production project funded by Norway through Bunda College of Agriculture.
History of cooperation with the applicant / Have worked with FARA during the implementation of the SSA-CP Vegetable project for 4 years from 1997 to date.
Role and involvement in preparing the proposed action / Involved in the conceptualization of the project ideas and development of activities.
Role and involvement in implementing the proposed action / Co investigation and make available some of the resources to the project such as land, laboratory services and human resources
Entering into partnership / How will this be done? Definition of roles of the partner and signing of the MOU by the partners and ensure that the agreed activities are accomplished within the specified period.
Confirm your intent to enter into the partnership / Confirmed
Confirm your commitment to make the appropriate staff members available for the PAEPARD support activities (partnership inception w/shops, write-shops) and follow-up / Confirmed. The nominated staff members will be made available for the project activities
Important: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated partnership statement from each partner, in accordance with the model provided.
Partnership statement
A partnership is a relationship of substance between two or more organisations involving shared responsibilities in undertaking the action funded by FARA/PAEPARD (Contracting Authority). To ensure that the action runs smoothly, the Contracting Authority requires all partners to acknowledge this by agreeing to the principles of good partnership practice set out below.
- All partners must have read the application form and understood what their role in the action will be before the application is submitted to the Contracting Authority.
- All partners must have read the standard grant contract and understood what their respective obligations under the contract will be if the grant is awarded. They authorise the lead applicant to sign the contract with the Contracting Authority and represent them in all dealings with the Contracting Authority in the context of the action's implementation.
- The applicant must consult with its partners regularly and keep them fully informed of the progress of the action.
- All partners must receive copies of the reports - narrative and financial - made to the Contracting Authority.
- Proposals for substantial changes to the action (e.g. activities, partners, etc.) should be agreed by the partners before being submitted to the Contracting Authority. Where no such agreement can be reached, the applicant must indicate this when submitting changes for approval to the Contracting Authority.
- Where the Beneficiary does not have its headquarters in the country where the action is implemented, the partners must agree before the end of the action, on an equitable distribution of equipment, vehicles and supplies for the action purchased with the EU grant among local partners or the final beneficiaries of the action.
I have read and approved the contents of the proposal submitted to the Contracting Authority. I undertake to comply with the principles of good partnership practice.
Signature: /
Date and place: / 30 MARCH 2011, BVUMBWE, MALAWI
This section must be completed for each partner organization. You must make as many copies of this table as necessary to create entries for more partners.
Partner 4Full legal name / Bio-Plastics Limited Ghana
Date of Registration / 7th April 2009
Legal status / Limited Liability Company
Official address of Registration / House No 6, East Airport, Accra, Ghana
Country of Registration/ Nationality / Ghana
Contact person / Mr.Lalu Kochery
Telephone number: country code + city code + number / +233 26 2019537
Fax number: country code + city code + number / +233 302 221541
E-mail address /
Number of employees / 126
Other relevant resources / Human resources, factory to produce bags
Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role in the implementation of the proposed action / Participated in the design and production of hermetic storage bags for cowpea, maize and rice grains. This was carried out using the innovation system approach with multiple stakeholders determined along the value chain of the commodities. Participated in the determination of sustainable distribution network for the hermetic bags and other storage materials.
History of cooperation with the applicant / Partnered with FARA and Concern Universal in the pilot implementation of a similar initiative in the Upper West Region of Ghana in December 2010.
Role and involvement in preparing the proposed action / Involved in the conceptualization of the project ideas and development of activities.
Role and involvement in implementing the proposed action / Production of biodegradable hermetic storage bags
Entering into partnership / How will this be done? Definition of roles of the partner and signing of the MOU by the partners and ensure that the agreed activities are accomplished within the specified period.
Confirm your intent to enter into the partnership / Confirmed.
Confirm your commitment to make the appropriate staff members available for the PAEPARD support activities (partnership inception w/shops, write-shops) and follow-up / Confirmed. Bio-Plastics Ltd staff members will participate in all relevant activities.
Important: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated partnership statement from each partner, in accordance with the model provided.
This section must be completed for each partner organization. You must make as many copies of this table as necessary to create entries for more partners.
Partner 5Full legal name / Abrono Organic Farming Project (ABOFAP)
Date of Registration / 4th September 2001
Legal status / a) Registration number (Registrar General’s Department) G.8728
b) Registration number (Department of Social Welfare) D.S.W/4722
c) Year of commencement operation 5th September 2001
d) Registration with Environmental Protection Association 22nd September 2003
e) Registration with Techiman Municipal Assembly 20th February 2006
Official address of Registration / P.O. Box TM 360, Techiman – Brong Ahafo Region - Ghana
Country of Registration/ Nationality / Ghana
Contact person / Nana Kwaw Adams
Telephone number: country code + city code + number / +233244767695/233200967575
Fax number: country code + city code + number
E-mail address / /
Number of employees / 6 staff ( 3contract paid staff and 3 volunteers)
Other relevant resources / Permanent office accommodation, Warehouse, 2 motor bikes, 3 computers and land for demonstration
Experience of similar actions, in relation to the role in the implementation of the proposed action / ABOFAP has been involved in promoting sustainable agriculture; farmer to farmer extension in the BrongAhafo Region for the past 10 years. Have sufficient structure and capacity to contribute to donor supported programs and policy discussion in agricultural research and development.
History of cooperation with the applicant / Abrono Organic Farming Project (ABOFAP) has been in partnership with Concern Universal since 2008.
Role and involvement in preparing the proposed action / Involved in the conceptualization of the project ideas and development of activities
Role and involvement in implementing the proposed action /
- Support mobilisation of farmers.
- Participate in field level testing of the innovation.
- Participate in the dissemination of the technology among other farmers.
Entering into partnership / How will this be done? Develop sub-grant agreement with Concern Universal and sign
Confirm your intent to enter into the partnership / Abrono Organic Farming project (ABOFAP) is pleased to work as a team with Concern Universal and is ready to go into partnership to implement Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development (PAEPARD) project.
Confirm your commitment to make the appropriate staff members available for the PAEPARD support activities (partnership inception w/shops, write-shops) and follow-up / Abrono Organic Farming Project (ABOFAP) staff is ready available to support PAEPARD project. All other resources will be available for successful implementation
Important: This application form must be accompanied by a signed and dated partnership statement from each partner, in accordance with the model provided.