Paediatric Speech & Language Therapy Checklist

N.B.Referrals will not be accepted for children whose language skills are in line with their cognitive skills unless there is a specific need which should be stated on the referral

Under 2 ½ years

Child does not understand basic familiar words in context (e.g. ‘it’s bedtime’)

Child is passive / non-communicative

Child demonstrates unusual communicative behaviours (please give examples in referral form)

Child does not understand single words

Does not attempt to communicate with familiar adults, even by gesture

Child is in ‘a world of their own’

Child has complex needs identified by a Paediatrician

2 ½ years

Child uses fewer than 50 words (these do not have to be clear)

Does not use two word phrases

Has poor interaction skills i.e. poor eye contact

Does not understand simple instructions and questions e.g. ‘where’s mummy’s nose?’

3 years

Child not using 2 – 3 word phrases

Consistently misses sounds from the beginning or ends of words e.g. ‘ay’ for /say/ and “ha” for /hand/

Parents struggle to understand child’s speech

Child does not understand basic instructions or requests e.g. ‘put the spoon on the table’, ‘what are you doing?’

3 ½ - 4 years

Child NOT readily using three – four word phrases

Not using many different speech sounds which affects intelligibility

Not understanding basic concepts e.g. big / little, on / under

Not understanding question words e.g. who, what, where

Speech not easily understood except by immediate family


Child has a significant hearing impairment

Child is stammering

Child has a tongue tie which affects feeding and swallowing – please send letter

Suspected Selective Mutism: consistent failure to speak in specific situations, duration more than 1 month

Child has a persistent hoarse voice or voice loss

Child has a recently acquired disorder (e.g. acquired brain injury etc…)

Medical diagnosis / syndrome associated with communication delay

  • Difficulties with consonant blends e.g. sp, st, bl, pr, tr etc…
  • Difficulties with sh, ch, j, l, r and th
  • Lisps


4 – 5 years

Speech not easily understood except by immediate family

Child consistently omits consonants from the starts of words

Child consistently omits consonants from the ends of words

Child does not use f or s sounds at all

Child replaces speech sounds with k and g e.g. gaggyinstead of daddy

Child uses t and d instead of k or g e.g. tup instead of cup

5 – 6 Years

Child has difficulty with consonant blends e.g. sptr cl etc.

Child has difficulty with shch j l sounds

7 + Years

Child has difficulty with thand r

Child has a lisp


Child is not using expected grammatical structures in comparison with other skills (e.g. –ing, the, is etc.)

Child is only using short simple sentences with little use of connectors (e.g. because, when, and etc)

Child does not appear to understand instructions in the classroom

Unusual word order in sentences

It is difficult to follow what the child is talking about because of confused content / muddled word order in connected speech/narratives

Child had difficulty with semantic skills e.g. limited vocabulary in the absence of any learning / sensory difficulties and /or difficulties with sorting or grouping vocabulary

Child has difficulty with pragmatic language skills e.g. using their language appropriately

Child had difficulty following conversational rules e.g. turn taking, using appropriate eye contact

Child has difficulty with social interaction

SECONDARY SCHOOL Referrals will only be accepted for one of the following categories

Child has transferred into the area with statement of SEN including Speech and Language Therapy as an educational need in parts 2 & 3

Child requires a speech and language assessment as part of Statutory Assessment Speech sound difficulties / poor intelligibility

Child has a recently acquired disorder (e.g. acquired brain injury etc…)


Child has a significant hearing impairment

Child is stammering

Child has a tongue tie which affects feeding and swallowing – please send letter

Suspected Selective Mutism: consistent failure to speak in specific situations, duration more than 1 month

Child has a persistent hoarse voice or voice loss (referral to ENT required prior to SLT)

Child has a recently acquired disorder (e.g. acquired brain injury etc…)

Medical diagnosis / syndrome a