Priority Setting Partnership for
Paediatric Lower Limb Surgery Survey
Questions on operations for Children (0-16 years old) with Orthopaedic Conditions affecting the Lower Limb from hips to toes
Can you help?
There is a lot that we still do not know about treatment options for children who present with bone and joint conditions affecting the lower limb: which children are best treated with surgery,what is the best operation to do, at what stage the operationsare advised, and how best to ensure a good recovery.
If you are (or have been) a patient, parent/carer or a clinician, you can help to ensure that research in this area addresses important areas of uncertainty.You can use this questionnaire to tell us of any unanswered questions that have affected you.
•If you/your child (or someone you care for) are affected by lower limb orthopaedic problemsand have had, or are considering an operation, your help is needed for this survey in order to identify uncertainties and prioritize research aims
•If you are a healthcare professional involved in the management of children with lower limb orthopaedic problems requiring surgical treatment your help is needed in this survey in order to identify uncertainties and prioritise research aims.
•If you have questions and suggestions about improving the surgical management for lower limb orthopaedic problems that you would like answered by research, please complete the survey.
Please note: We would like to hear from both children and their parents. Please encourage your child to fill in a separate form to yours if he/she would like to put forward their ideas.
Do you have unanswered questions?
Every day patients, carers and clinicians have to make choices between different treatments or different methods of management for health problems. The choice can have a huge impact on the life of the person involved. Up to date information based on research evidence can help patients, carers and clinicians to make the right decision about treatment.
Sometimes there is not enough up to date informationand as a result patients, carers and clinicians are faced with uncertainty regarding the best choiceto make. The information that we collect can help to ensure that future research addresses these issues and therefore help people facing the same decisions in the future.
What can we do about this?
The James Lind Alliance in partnership with the British Society for Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery (BSCOS), the British Orthopaedic Association and the Oxford Biomedical Research Centre are undertaking a priority setting partnership process This process hopes to find out the unanswered questions,which are important to patients and clinicians,about the treatment of children’s lower limb orthopaedicproblems.The aim is then to prioritisethe questions you have raisedto ensure that the groups who fund health research are made aware of what really matters to both patients and clinicians.
This James Lind Alliance Priority Setting Partnership processbrings patients, carers and clinicians to work together to:
- Identify unanswered questions on health problems that are important to them all
- Work as partners to prioritise research questions
- Produce a ‘top ten’ list of jointly agreed priorities for research to be presented to researchers and funders
By participating in this survey you are agreeing to allow us to anonymously publish the questions you identify. Your personal information will not be attached to the questions when published and you will not be in any way identifiable through the published material.
There are 3 SECTIONS to this survey
To help you complete section 1, here are example questions taken from other national surveys on different medical conditions:
“How effective are surgical operations to close pressure ulcers?”
“Can we develop a vaccine to prevent prostate cancer?”
“Are breathing exercises helpful in controlling asthma?”
“How safe is it for my breast-fed baby if I take antidepressants?”
What questions about operations forlower limb orthopaedicconditionsin childhood would you like to see answered by research?
Please add one or more suggested questions, but please start a new line for each new question and number each one.
To help us ensure that health professionals, patients, parents and carers of different backgrounds are all represented, please complete the following.
Please select the appropriate options.
- Are you the:
☐Other (please specify)
- If you are a healthcare professional please select the option that best describes you.
(If you tick ‘other’ please state your job title)
☐Paediatrician ☐Physician ☐Physiotherapist ☐Occupational Therapist ☐Nurse ☐GP ☐Orthopaedic Surgeon
☐Other (please specify) ......
- If you are a healthcare professional, please indicate if you are a hospital practitioner or a community practitioner and the first half of the postcode of your place of work (for example: M1 or SK1 or SW1A)
- If you have any additional comments about yourself or this process that you would like us to know please add them here:
PATIENTS/PARENTSONLY (and carers completing for themselves or on behalf of patients)
Please fill in this section so we can be sure that a full range of people have had the chance to express their views in this survey.
- What is the first half of your postcode? (for example M1 or SK1 or SW1A)
- What is your age?
☐Under 12 years old ☐12-17 years old ☐18-24 years old ☐25-34 years old
☐35-44 years old ☐45-54 years old ☐55-64 years old ☐65-74 years old
☐75 years or older
- Do you have a registered disability? (If you tick ‘yes’ please specify)
(please specify)
- Finally what is your ethnic group?
☐English / Welsh / Scottish / Northern Irish / British
Any other White background, please state ......
B. Mixed / multiple ethnic groups
☐White and Black Caribbean ☐White and Black African ☐White and Asian
Any other Mixed / multiple ethnic background, please state ………......
C. Asian / Asian British
☐Indian ☐Pakistani ☐Bangladeshi ☐Chinese
Any other Asian background, please state ......
D. Black / African / Caribbean / Black British
☐African ☐Caribbean
Any other Black / African / Caribbean background, please state ......
E. Other ethnic group
Any other ethnic group, please state ......
Next Steps:
Would you like to be involved in or informed of future stages of this project?
If you have answered yes, please enter your contact details below.
Your contact details will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998).
Contact details
Name ......
Email ......
Postal address ......
For more information please contact Miss Camille Rougelot, Administrator: