Civil Engineering 560.335
Computer Aided Drafting for Civil Engineers
Intersession, 2017
(1 credit, E)
This course is primarily designed to introduce computer-aided drafting to engineering students. The course will provide a hands-on drafting experience starting with AutoCad, but will get into other AutoDesk products such as Revit to handle Building Information Modeling (BIM). The focus of the course will be on Civil and Architectural applications, but facilitate learning more modules such as Revit MEP or AutoCad MEP. Students will master 2D drawing and preliminary 3D drawing in AutoCad and will be able to setup a simple building information models in Revit.
Dr. Shahabeddin Torabian,
Office: Latrobe17
Office hours: Wednesday and Thursdays, 10:45 – noonand by appointment
Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays, 9:00 – 10:45, Place: TBD
Online Resources
Free AutoCAD and Revit (only windows) software from the AutoDESK website:
An Introduction to 2D modeling commands using AutoCAD: The Hitchhiker's Guide to AutoCAD Basics:
Video Tutorials, including 3D modeling tools: AutoCAD 2017 Full Tutorials:
Other resources will be posted to
Course Materials
Students are required to bring a notebook and pencil to class – preferably a sketchbook (a used sketchbook is fine) and to have access to a tape measure and a protractor for homework assignments. Students should also bring a thumb drive to class so they can save drawings they work on during class, but do not finish.
Course Objectives
Uponsuccessful completion of EN.560.335, students will be able to:
- Create, annotate, and plot 2D drawings using AutoCAD.
- Model a 3D architectural/structural element using AutoCAD
- Setup a simple building information modelin Revit
Course Expectations & Grading
Intersession classes are graded as S/U. To earn an S in this class, you are required to attend every class meeting and to submit all assignments no later than 5pm on January 27. Assignments will include:
- 2D multi-view drawing of a simple object (selected by Dr. Torabian)
- 2D plan view drawing of your dorm room (measured by the student)
- 3D isometric drawing of a simple object (selected by Dr. Torabian)
- 3D isometric drawing of an architectural/structural element on Homewood campus or in the structural laboratory (selected/measured by the student)
- Revit model of your dorm room (measured by the student)
The strength of the university depends on academic and personal integrity. In this course, you must be honest and truthful. Ethical violations include cheating on exams, plagiarism, reuse of assignments, improper use of the Internet and electronic devices, unauthorized collaboration, alteration of graded assignments, forgery and falsification, lying, facilitating academic dishonesty, and unfair competition.
Report any violations you witness to the instructor.
You can find more information about university misconduct policies on the web at
Students with Disabilities
Any student with a disability who may need accommodations in this class must obtain an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services, 385 Garland, (410) 516-4720, .
ABET Outcomes
- Ability to apply mathematics, science and engineering principles (a).
- Ability to design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data (b).
- Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs (c).
- Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams (d).
- Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems (e).
- Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (f).
- Ability to communicate effectively (g).
- The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (h).
- Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning (i).
- Knowledge of contemporary issues (j).
- Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice (k)
Class/ Day / Date / Topic / In-Class Exercises / Homework
1/W / 11-Jan / AutoCAD 2D Drawing,
Annotating, and Printing / Work through HGAB* Basics, Viewing, Geometry, Precision, and Modifying.
Practice by measuring and modeling a simple object (object will be provided in class) / Measure and sketch a 2D plan view of your dorm room with as much detail as possible (locating windows, doors, etc.) and bring to class on Jan. 12
2/Th / 12-Jan / AutoCAD 2D Drawing,
Annotating, and Printing / Work through HGAB Layers, Properties, Notes & Labels, and Dimensions.
Draw the floor plan of your dorm room from the measurements you took; include dimensions, practice layering / Continue drawing the floor plan of your dorm room. Work through HGABBlocks, Layouts, and Printing
3/F / 13-Jan / AutoCAD 2D Drawing,
Annotating, and Printing / Plot (to scale) the 2D floor plan of your dorm room. / Complete 2D models and submit on Jan. 17
4/W / 18-Jan / AutoCAD 3D Modeling / Create a 3D model of a simple object (object will be provided in class) / Find an architectural or structural component in a building on campus or in the structural lab; take careful measurements and begin to create a 3D model using AutoCAD
5/Th / 19-Jan / AutoCAD 3D Modeling / Review the selected architectural or structural componentand Continue to work on 3D model / Continueto create the 3D model using AutoCAD
6/F / 20-Jan / AutoCAD 3D Modeling / Continue to work on 3D model / Complete 3D model and submit on Jan. 24
7/W / 25-Jan / Revit / Fundamentals of modeling in Revit / None
8/Th / 26-Jan / Revit / Create 3D model in Revit / 3D model of your dorm room with as much detail as possible (locating windows, doors, furniture, etc.) and bring to class on Jan. 27
9/F / 27-Jan / Revit / Continue to work on 3D modelin Revit / Complete Revit model and submit by Jan. 28
*HGAB: Hitchhiker’s Guide to AutoCAD Basics (see link above)