April 19, 2012

The Board of Trustees of the Giddings Independent School District, State of Texas, met in a regular session on Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the GISD Administration Board Room. The meeting was called to order by President Stan DeGerolami and a quorum was established. The invocation was given by Mark Johnson.


Board Members Present: Mr. Stan DeGerolami, Mr. Steve Janda,

Mrs. Mary Ellen Whitsel, Mr. Jason Locke,

Mr. Mark Johnson, Mr. Jimmy Simmonds

Board Members Absent: Mr. Don Johnson

School Personnel and Allen Law, Cindy Knight, Jeff Dock,

Visitors Present: Shane Holman, Myra Johnson, Charlotte Penn,

Mitch Pope, Greg Shelton, Sue Zapalac,

Stephanie Noack, Chris Jones, Pat Jackson


1. The Board recognized Girls Basketball students.

2. The following spoke to the Board during community input:

Myra Johnson – addressed the Board requesting that they consider allowing black boys wear simple braids to school.

3. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jimmy Simmonds to approve the

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 19, 2012 and Special Meeting of March 29, 2012; Payment of March bills as follows:

Operating $ 1,310,313.95

Special Ed Coop $ 107,789.88

Total $ 1,418,103.83

Accepted the following donation:

Large stuffed buffalo to the Elementary School from Lisa Exner.

The motion carried unanimously.

4. A motion was made by Jason Locke and seconded by Steve Janda to renew the Food Service Management Contract with Chartwells.

The motion carried unanimously.

5. A motion was made by Steve Janda and seconded by Mark Johnson to approve the following meal increases:


Elementary K-5th $1.10 increase to $1.50

Secondary 6th-12th $1.10 increase to $1.50

Adult $1.50 No Change


Elementary K-5th $2.10 increase to $2.50

Secondary 6th-12th $2.35 increase to $2.50

Adult $3.00 increase to $3.50

The motion carried unanimously.

6. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jason Locke to approve the Bilingual Summer School requirements and schedule as presented. See Attachment A

The motion carried unanimously.

7. A motion was made by Jimmy Simmonds and seconded by Steve Janda to approve the second reading of TASB Policy Update 93.

The motion carried unanimously.

8. A motion was made by Jason Locke and seconded by Jimmy Simmonds to approve Singleton, Clark & Company, PC to audit GISD for fiscal year 2011-2012.

The motion carried unanimously.

9. Went to Information/Discussion:

a. The Board will canvass the votes from the May 12th election at the Regular Board Meeting on May 17, 2012.

b. The Board will hold a information session for board candidates on April 24th at 6:00 p.m.

c. Mr. Law reported to the Board that Hellas plans on redoing the top layer of the track.

There will be no charge for this.

d. The District/Campus Administrators each gave a brief report.

10. The Board went into closed session at 8:15 p.m. and reconvened into open session at 8:53 p.m.

11. The following resignations were accepted by Mr. Law and then reported to the Board:

Robert Ondrasek GMS/GHS Teacher Coach

Theresa Hayes Bus Driver

Annette Malinak GMS Teacher

Arthur Noack GHS Teacher

12. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jason Locke to employ the following professional personnel:

Mitch Pope GES Asst. Principal

The motion carried unanimously.

13. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Steve Janda to employ the following auxiliary personnel:

Lois Taylor Custodian

Norma Garcia Bus Driver

The motion carried unanimously.

14. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Mark Johnson to approve the following substitutes for 2011-2012:

Dana Kay Kasmiersky Substitute Nurse

Betty Keeney Substitute Teacher

The motion carried unanimously.

15. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jimmy Simmonds to approve extended leave to Laura Robertson.

The motion carried unanimously.

16. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jason Locke to extend offers of employment to the paraprofessional and auxiliary staff for the 2012-2013 school year as presented.

Paraprofessional & Auxiliary Staff


Judy Bise

JoAnn Dibble

Rosie Becerra

Maude Davenport

Frances Escalante

Marcus Escalante

Deidre Harry

Sendy Gonzales

Caroline Noack

Otilia Quen

Sandra Ray

Mary Roschetzky

Pat Schramm (1/2)

Anacleta Tello


Barbara Etchieson

Leila Herzog

Lorene Holman

Sandra Kalbas

Julie Ontiveros

Stacey Ormsby

Janie Ramirez

Ruth Siegmund

Lawrence Thomas

Benita Trujilo


Ronnie Bullard

Margaret Cortez

Shirley Higgins

Mary Macias

Michelle Meyer

Enriqueta Puente

Barbara Williams


Donna Allee

Vance Bradford

Sonya Carlson

Barbara Haywood

Brenda Irwin

Paulette Little

Bobby Martin

Linda Mutscher

Sonia Rivera

Barbara Schultz

Special Ed Co-op

Tammy Basquez

Business Office

Christine DeGerolami

Nancy Doyle

Carla McMillian

Admin Office

Cindy Knight

Melody Miethe


Pearlie Davis

Debra Boullion

Esther Urban

Mary Stevik

Lena Berrera

Kathy Martin

Brenda Mitschke

Custodial / Grounds

Gary Doyle

Britt Syler

Dennis Mack

Diane Grimm

Richard Polka

Transportation Dept.

Curtis Krause

Cathy Raiford

Bus Drivers

Peggy Coil

Michael Buck

Millard Locke

Karen Miller

Pat Schramm

Cathy Brewerton

Christine Cook

Sherry Francis

Lawrence Thomas

Connie Pampell

Texene Placke

Marcelina Nunes

Kathy Barnett

Tonya Kessel

Cathy Raiford

Substitute Drivers

Roger Francis

Dennis Mack

John Booth

Jeff Dock

Lee Essman

Bus Monitors

Claude Mathis

Barbara Williams

Ada Cartwright

Debra Bouillion

Leila Herzog

Kathy Martin

Mary Marcias

Mary Jones

Sandra Wilson

Brenda Mitschke

Queta Puente

Mary Roschetzky

Barbara Mack

Julie Ontiveros

Ronnie Bullard

Brenda Irwin

Cheryl Satterwhite

Sonya Rivera

GISD Delivery & Housekeeping

Peggy Coil (1/2 day and bus)

Norma Tomanetz

Custodial High School

Mike Miethe

Jimmy Markert

Elizabeth Rangel

Diane Carrillo

Sanjuana Sanchez

Maria Hernandez

Ilda Hernandez

Maxie Orocio

Custodial Middle School

Tammy Hoyt

Pueblo Lopez

Hermania Escalante

Janice Chew

Marlene Sorenson

Stadium / Baseball

Daniel Brunkenhoefer

Custodial Intermediate School

Van Brunkenhoefer

Delores Caldera

Maria Segura

Custodial Elementary School

Louis Castanon

Harvey Lehman

Jackie Trammel

Ana Munoz

Estella Munoz

Lois Taylor

Maria Padron (part-time)


Todd Walsh

Tammy Blue

Don Spivey


Terry Maass

Roger Francis

Reggie Mack

The motion carried unanimously.

17. A motion was made by Mary Ellen Whitsel and seconded by Jason Locke to adjourn at 8:55 p.m.

The motion carried unanimously.


Stan DeGerolami, Board President Mary Ellen Whitsel, Board Secretary