Pack written by Mike Whitaker - (778) 892 9306
University of British Columbia
9 March, 2004
- Friedrich Fröbel founded the first one in Germany in 1837. The original purpose was to educate children about religious themes, although Fröbel insisted it was not strictly a school but a place where children could develop freely. For ten points—nearly all children attend their first day of school in what grade?
- The child is capable of Conservation, or the recognition that the physical properties of things remain constant regardless of changes in their outward appearance, as well as Seriation, or the ability to arrange things in order by one attribute. However, abstract thought is still difficult or impossible. For ten points—this describes what stage of Cognitive development, according to Piaget (PEE-ah-zhay), which is followed by Formal Operational?
Concrete Operational
- With F.W. Casey Baldwin and pilot John A.D. McCurdy, it can be seen on the reverse of a 1991 Canadian $20 coin. Built with the financial and technical support of Mr. and Ms. Alexander Graham Bell, it entered aviation history on February 23rd, 1909, at Baddeck Bay, Nova Scotia. For ten points-- name this aircraft which made the first powered flight in Canada.
A(erial) E(xperimental) A(ssociation) Silver Dart
- The titular character is enraptured with a young man named Francois Paradis (fran-SWAH parr-ah-DEE). Set in a village on the banks of the Peribonka River, it describes the hardships faced by the habitants (abb-ee-TAHNTS) in Southern Quebec. For ten points—name this seminal novel of rural life in Quebec by Louis Hémon (loo-EE ay-MON).
Maria Chapdelaine
- At the southernmost tip are Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo. Further north along the Transpeninsular Highway is the capital of the southern province, La Paz. Bounded to the west by the Gulf of California and the east by the Pacific Ocean, for ten points—name this Mexican peninsula.
- The surname’s the same. Cousin I.O. is featured in The Hamlet, which also chronicles the rise to power of Flem, who is killed by Mink in The Mansion. Barn Burning tells the story of patriarch Ab and son Sarty. Scores of others can be found in other works such as Flags in the Dust, As I Lay Dying, and The Sound and the Fury. For ten points—name this Faulkner family that shares its name with an urban legend debunking website.
- There are two light sources in it: one from the titular figure, illuminating the other 11 figures in the disproportionately small boat, and the second from the left of the painting, corresponding to the rising sun in the east, towards Trenton. Featuring Colonel James Monroe who keeps aloft the flag, and rag-tag looking soldiers paddling and deflecting chunks of ice, for ten points—name this painting depicting a historical moment of the American Revolution.
George Washington Crossing the Delaware
- The term for this region first appeared in use by UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter as quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle in September, 2002. The easternmost vertex is usually placed around the city of Ramadi, while the northernmost is around Tikrit. For ten points—name this recent hotbed of Iraqi resistance, with its third vertex around Baghdad.
Sunni Triangle
- The four bronze lions at its base were added in 1867, 23 years after the completion of the rest of the monument. Designed by William Railton, the pedestal is adorned with four bas (BAH) relief panels, which depict four great victories of the person to whom the monument is dedicated. For ten points—what is this London attraction that honors the hero of Trafalgar?
Nelson’s Column
- Until 1978, Felix V had been the last one to hold this title, which he did between 1439 and 1449. However, since 1978 there have been nine more, most of which were “ordained” in North America. Excommunication is an automatic punishment for anyone considered to be one. For ten points— Hippolytus was the first o have what title, given to falsely elected pontiffs?
- Brown, Trujillo, and Rabinowitz were credited with its discovery on November 14, 2003. It has a diameter somewhere between 1200 and 1800 kilometers, and has a highly eccentric orbit. Some have argued that it may be the first observed body belonging to the Oort Cloud. Named after the Inuit goddess of the sea, for ten points—name this distant planetoid that the popular media reported as “the tenth planet” in 2004.
Sedna or 2003 VB12
- It is surrounded by the Honguedo (honn-GWAY-doe) Straight to the South, and the Jacques Cartier Straight to the North. Discovered in 1534, it became part of Canada in 1774. Today it is known internationally as a deer hunting ground. For ten points—name this island at the mouth of the St. Lawrence River that is often mislabeled by school children as Prince Edward Island.
Anticosti Island or l’Ile d’Anticosti
- The name’s the same. An art movement within Cubism founded around 1911 by Delaunay and Kupka, characterized by its lush and expressive use of color, and preference towards pure abstraction. A mystic religion of Ancient Greece which preached the duality of the human soul and promised eternal happiness in the release of the soul from its earthly and corrupt nature. For ten points—what is this ‘-ism’ derived from the name of Orpheus?
Orphism (NOT OrphEism)
14.“Mythic Messengers” at the Canadian Museum of Civilization. “Killer Whale” at the Vancouver Public Aquarium. “The Raven and the New Men” at the Museum of Anthropology. “Spirit of the Haida Gwaii” at the Canadian Embassy in Washington, D.C., and the Vancouver International Airport. For ten points— these are a few of the works of what prominent Haida artist?
Bill Reid
15.Its present insignia was adopted as a symbol of defiance to a derisive comment made by New York Giants manager Jim McGraw, who referred to the team as “White Elephants”. Two of the three numbers retired by this team since its founding in 1901 are 27 and 34, which belonged to Jim “Catfish” Hunter and Rollie Fingers, respectively. For ten points—name this MLB team that won the 1989 World Series against their Bay Area rivals, the San Francisco Giants.
OaklandAthletics or A’s (Accept any underlined part)
- First, a molecule of species A collides with any molecule M. The kinetic energy of M is then transferred to vibrational energy of A, which enters an excited state. The excited molecule A can now either be de-energized back to its ground state, or can undergo a chemical reaction and decompose into product B. For ten points—name this proposed mechanism that explains the first-order kinetics of a collisional unimolecular reaction.
Lindemann-Hinshelwood Mechanism
- The heiroglyph for her name is a perfume jar and a loaf of bread. The Lower Egyptian equivalent to Sekhmet (SEK-met) the lioness, she is known as the mother of Nefertem (NEFF-err-temm) and Maahes (MAH-heez), and the wife of Ptah. For ten points—name this Ancient Egyptian goddess depicted as a cat or woman with a cat’s head, whose sacred city was Bubastis (BYOO-bass-tiss)
Bast or Bastet
- “The woman is wild, a she-cat tamed by the purr of a Jaguar.” “The beauty is there, but a beast is in the heart.” “She’s sittin’ with you, but her eyes are on the door.” “She’ll only come out at night, the lean and hungry type.” “She’s deadly man, she could really rip your world apart.” For ten points—these lyrics all describe what vicious woman that one should avoid, according to Hall and Oates?
- Drafted 135th overall in the 2000 NHL draft by the New Jersey Devils, this Brampton, Ontario-born Center played two seasons there before joining the St. Louis Blues in 2003. In the 2003-2004 season, he racked up only 12 points, yet was nevertheless one of the more noteworthy players, as a consequence of his alleged off-ice activities. For ten points—name this player who is alleged to have arranged the murder of his agent, David Frost.
Mike Danton (Prompt on “Mike Jefferson”)
- Ironically, there is a memorial swimming pool in Melbourne named after him. He committed troops to aid the U.S. in the Vietnam War, introduced a decimal currency, and carried out a referendum on Aboriginal rights. In 1966 won a national election over the Labor party with the slogan “All the way with LBJ”. However, he only remained in office for one more year, until his mysterious death. For ten points—name this Australian Prime Minister who was presumed drowned in 1967.
Harold Edward Holt
- The lesser-known ones are located off the coast of Southern California and include Anacapa Island, San Miguel Island, Santa Cruz Island, San Clemente Island, and Santa Catalina Island. The better-known ones comprise two separate Bailiwiks (BAY-li-wiks) and include Jethou (JETH-oo), Brechou (BRESH-oo), Sark, and Alderney. For ten points—the only part of the British Isles occupied by Germany in World War II, name these islands that also include Jersey and Guernsey.
Channel Islands
- After his death, his family and his executor, Sir Sidney Carlyle Cokerell compromised on the place of his burial: his heart was buried at Stinsford while his ashes were placed at Poets’ Corner. Trained as an architect, his first novel, Jude the Obscure was not well received, turning him off of prose fiction. For ten points—name this author of The Mayor of Casterbridge and Tess of the d’Urbervilles.
Thomas Masterson Hardy
- A reporter from this publication was invited to accompany Hell’s Angels chief Maurice “Mom” Boucher when he organized a truce with rival gang, The Bandidos. It’s most recent issue featured an article on the former cast of the reality show Loft Story, and an interview with the star of the Quebec musical Don Juan. However, this publication had previously been notorious for its publication of grisly photographs and details of violent crime scenes. For ten points—name this Quebec periodical that published its final issue in July 2004.
Allô! or Allô Police!
- Its poor performance was one of the main factors leading to the dismissal of Sam Hughes in 1916. Although an adequate sporting rifle, its long barrel made it difficult to use in the confined spaces found in trenches, and it was especially susceptible to jamming and misfiring when wet or muddy. For ten points-- Canadian soldiers would often pick up Lee-Enfield rifles in favor of what infamous Canadian-manufactured weapon?
Ross Rifle
1.For ten points each, identify these fantastic lands of Gulliver’s Travels.
(10) Liliput is one of two islands Gulliver visits that is inhabited by tiny people. Name the other, which is at war with Liliput over the proper way to eat a boiled egg.
(10) This is the second realm visited by Gulliver, which is inhabited by giants.
(10) A flying island that is controlled by a tyrannical king, its people are expert mathematicians and technologists but are unable to make much practical use of their inventions.
2.Answer these questions about John Kerry’s Vice-Presidential pick, for the stated number of points.
(5) John Kerry selected has this Senator as his Vice-Presidential nominee.
John Edwards
(5) This is the state Edwards represents in the Senate.
North Carolina
(10)The New York Post committed an embarrassing blunder on July 6, 2004 when it reported this Congressman as Kerry’s running mate.
Richard Gephardt
(10) In May 2004, rumors began circulating that Kerry might select this Republican and fellow Vietnam veteran as his choice for VP.
John McCain
3.For fifteen points each, give the names of the following things, which are named after people other than their inventors.
(15) Invented in 1833, this device is used to measure an unknown electrical resistance by balancing two legs of a bridge circuit, one leg of which includes the unknown component.
Wheatstone Bridge (invented by Samuel Christie)
(15) This rule of calculus states that, for certain cases of F and G, the limit as X approaches C for F of X over G of X equals the limit as X approaches C for F prime of X over G prime of X.
l’Hôpital’s Rule or l’Hospital’s Rule (invented by Johann Bernoulli)
4.Answer these questions about British Columbia’s Queen Charlotte Islands for the stated number of points.
(20) For ten points each, name the two major islands that make up the Queen Charlottes.
Graham Island and
Moresby Island
(10) The Queen Charlotte Islands are the traditional home to what First Nations group?
5.For ten points each, name the following things from Russian history that are named after months.
(10) Following the death of Czar Alexander I in 1825, a group of about 3000 Russian soldiers who refused to swear allegiance to the new Czar began this rebellion demanding a constitution for Russia.
Decembrist Revolt (accept clear-knowledge equivalents such as “rebellion”, etc.)
(10) Under the influence of Chief Minister Sergei Witte (VITT-uh), Czar Nicholas II issued this document in 1905 that granted the Russian people freedom of speech, assembly and association, as well as required the Duma’s consent in order for a law to be passed.
October Manifesto (accept clear-knowledge equivalents such as “declaration”, etc.)
(10) Published by V.I. Lenin in 1917, this series of essays outlined Bolshevik positions on issues such as the Provisional Government, and Russian participation in World War I, and called for the creation of nation-wide workers’ soviets.
April Theses (accept clear-knowledge equivalents such as “essays”, etc.)
6.The Stanley Cup Playoffs weren’t too long ago, so let’s see how much you can recall. For ten points each, given a team, give the team they eliminated in the first round of the 2004 playoffs.
(10) Colorado Avalanche
DallasStars (accept either)
(10) Philadelphia Flyers
New JerseyDevils (accept either)
(10) Detroit Red Wings
NashvillePredators (accept either)
7.Answer these questions about sociological works, for ten points each.
(10) This author put forward the idea that the development of Capitalism had been strongly influenced by the Puritan Ethic in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.
Maximillian Weber
(10) For ten points each, name the two sociologists of the Frankfurt School who wrote The Dialectic of Enlightenment.
Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno
8.For ten points each, name the following landscape architects.
(10) This English gardener planned the gardens of Blenheim Palace, Warwick Castle, Bowood House and Milton Abbey. His style was characterized by smooth, undulating areas of grass sprinkled with clumps of trees and convoluted lakes.
Lancelot “Capability” Brown
(10) Gardener to Louis XIV of France, he designed the gardens of Chateau Fontainebleau, St. James Park, and most famous, the park of the Palace of Versailles.
André Le Nôtre
(10) With fellow landscape architect Calvert Vaux (VOH), this American designed Brooklyn’s Prospect Park, Montreal’s Mount Royal Park and the Metropolitan Parks System in Boston.
Frederick Law Olmsted
9.Name these parts of the reproductive system of flowers, for ten points each.
(10) This is the male organ of the flower. It consists of a filament and an anther.
(10) This is the area within the flower’s female organ to which the pollen grains adhere.
(10) This is the stalk that connects the stigma to the ovary.
10.Answer these questions about a recent Olympic doping scandal, for ten points each.
(10) This Canadian cross-country skier was awarded the Gold Medal in June 2004 after the two competitors who finished ahead of her were disqualified.
Beckie Scott
(10) Both of the competitors who finished ahead of Scott but were later disqualified hailed from which country?
Russian Federation
(10) For a final ten points, name either of those two disqualified competitors.
Olga Danilova or
Larissa Lazutina
11.Name the Catholic Saint from a description, for ten points each.
(10) Patron Saint of Christian mothers and women in labor, she was the mother of the Virgin Mary.
St. Anne
(10) Patron Saint of Surgeons and Physicians, this saint wrote the third of the four canonical Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles.
St. Luke or St. Lucas
(10) Patron Saint of animals and the environment, he founded the Franciscan Order in 1209.
St. Francis Assisi
12.Identify the African county, given the country or countries that it borders, for ten points each.
(10) Guinea and Liberia.
Republic of Sierra Leone
(10) Senegal. (Note to reader: Yes, ONLY Senegal)
Republic of The Gambia
(10) South Africa. (Note to reader: Yes, ONLY South Africa)
Kingdom of Lesotho