Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 2 days / 22 days / 20 days / 15 days

Unit Topic

(Specify skills/information that will be learned.) / Safety / Word Processing /




Enduring Understandings

(Give and/or demonstrate necessary information) / Safety is important to everyone.
All work/play areas have the potential to be hazardous. / Word processing software is the most commonly used software in business and industry today. / A spreadsheet makes managing numbers much easier to read and comprehend. / Presentations are visually appealing to people and will hold the audience’s attention longer than the printed or spoken word alone.

Essential Questions

(Steps to check for student understanding) / What are good work attitudes that affect safety on the job.
What are the major causes of office-related accidents.
Demonstrate knowledge of an emergency plan. / Is my work visually appealing?
Is my work easy to read? / Is my spreadsheet easy to follow?
Are my formulas correct? / Does the presentation have a specific purpose?
Is there a definite beginning and end?

Is the information presented in such a way that it flows smoothly?

Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create, modify, customize, and deliver a presentation.


Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 2 days / 22 days / 20 days / 15 days

Essential Questions

(Steps to check for student understanding) / Describe the threat of viruses to a computer network, methods of avoiding attacks, and options in dealing with a virus attack.
Identify potential abuse and unethical uses of computers and networks. / Work with text, visual elements,and audio elements.
Manage files.


/ SC Current Standards:
BUS.9-12.A.1 Identify good work attitudes that affect safety on the job.
BUS.9-12.A.2 Identify major causes of work-related accidents in offices.
BUS.9-12.A.3 Demonstrate knowledge of an emergency plan.
BUS.9-12.A.4 Describe the threat of viruses to a computer network, / SC Current Standards:
BUS.9-12.C.1 Create, save, and open word processing files.
BUS.9-12.C.2 Create, format, and edit business letters, memoranda, reports, tables, and resumes in mailable form.
BUS.9-12.C.3 Demonstrate the use of character formatting features (bold, underline, italics, font styles and sizes, superscript, and subscript). / SC Current Standards:
BUS.9-12.C.1 Identify basic spreadsheet terminology such as: cell, row, column, value, label, arrange/sort, range, formula, and hierarchy.

BUS.9-12.D.1 Define spreadsheet terminology (cell, row, column, range, label, value, formula, function, worksheet, relative, absolute, and legend).

BUS.9-12.D.2 Create worksheets using spreadsheet commands, functions, and formulas.

/ SC Current Standards:
BUS.9-12.E.1 Identify components of a presentation program (layout views, slide, toolbars, and dialog box).
BUS.9-12.E.2 Plan (storyboard) a presentation. BUS.9-12.E.3 Use presentation software to create projects incorporating effective use of graphics, fonts, builds, preset animation, and transitions.


Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 2 days / 22 days / 20 days / 15 days

Standards con’t

/ methods of avoiding attacks, and options in dealing with a virus attack.
BUS.9-12.A.5 Identify potential abuse and unethical uses of computers and networks. / BUS.9-12.C.4 Demonstrate the use of paragraph formatting features (tabs, indentations, line spacing, and enumerated items).
BUS.9-12.C.5 Demonstrate the use of page formatting features (margins, justification, vertical placement, orientation, page breaks, headers, and footers).
BUS.9-12.C.6 Demonstrate document editing using spell/grammar check, thesaurus, search/replace, and other document properties (readability, word count, and line count).
BUS.9-12.C.7 Create documents using mail merge features. / BUS.9-12.D.3 Enhance worksheets by inserting, deleting, moving, and copying columns and rows.
BUS.9-12.D.4 Create appropriate charts with titles and legends.
BUS.9-12.D.5 Create worksheets requiring the copying of formulas using absolute, mixed, and/or relative cell references.
BUS.9-12.D.6 Rename and rearrange worksheets.
BUS.9-12.E.1} Use Undo and Redo.
BUS.9-12.E.2} Clear cell content.
BUS.9-12.E.3} Enter text, dates, and numbers.
BUS.9-12.E.4} Edit cell content.
BUS.9-12.E.5} Go to a specific cell. / BUS.9-12.E.4 Deliver presentation.
BUS.9-12.F.1 Create a presentation from a template and/or a wizard.
BUS.9-12.F.2 Create a blank presentation.
BUS.9-12.F.3 Create a specified type of slide.
BUS.9-12.F.4}Navigate among different views (slide, outline, sorter, and tri-pane).
BUS.9-12.F.5 Delete slides.
BUS.9-12.F.6 Change the order of slides using Slide Sorter view.
BUS.9-12.F.7 Change the layout for one or more slides.
BUS.9-12.F.8 Modify slide sequence in the Slide Sorter view.
BUS.9-12.F.9 Apply a design template.


Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 2 days / 22 days / 20 days / 15 days

Standards con’t

/ BUS.9-12.D.1 Use the Undo, Redo, and Repeat command.
BUS.9-12.D.2 Apply font formats (bold, italics, and underline).
BUS.9-12.D.3 Use the SPELLING feature.
BUS.9-12.D.4 Use the THESAURUS feature. BUS.9-12.D.5 Use the GRAMMAR feature.
BUS.9-12.D.6 Insert page breaks.
BUS.9-12.D.7 Highlight text in document.
BUS.9-12.D.8 Insert and move text.
BUS.9-12.D.9 Cut, copy, paste, and paste special using the clipboard.
BUS.9-12.D.10 Copy formats using the Format Painter.
BUS.9-12.D.11 Select and change font and font size.
BUS.9-12.D.12 Find and replace text. / BUS.9-12.E.6} Insert and delete selected cells.
BUS.9-12.E.7} Cut, copy, paste, paste special, and move selected cells; use the Office Clipboard.
BUS.9-12.E.8} Use Find and Replace.
BUS.9-12.E.9} Clear cell formats.
BUS.9-12.E.10} Work with series (AutoFill).
BUS.9-12.E.11} Create hyperlinks.
BUS.9-12.E.12} Use Save.
BUS.9-12.E.13} Use Save As (different name, location, and format).
BUS.9-12.E.14} Locate and open an existing workbook.
BUS.9-12.E.15} Create a folder.
BUS.9-12.E.16} Use templates to create a new workbook. / BUS.9-12.F.10 Check spelling.
BUS.9-12.F.11 Change and replace text fonts (individual slide and entire presentation).
BUS.9-12.F.12 Enter text in tri-pane view.
BUS.9-12.F.13 Change the text alignment.
BUS.9-12.F.14 Create a text box for entering text.
BUS.9-12.F.15 Use the wrap text in text box feature.
BUS.9-12.F.16 Promote and demote text in slide and outline panes.
BUS.9-12.F.17 Add a picture from the ClipArt Gallery.
BUS.9-12.F.18 Apply formatting.
BUS.9-12.F.19 Scale and size an object including clip art.
BUS.9-12.F.20 Add slide transitions.


Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 2 days / 22 days / 20 days / 15 days

Standards con’t

/ BUS.9-12.D.13 Apply character effects (superscript, subscript, strikethrough, small caps, and outline).
BUS.9-12.D.14 Insert date and time.
BUS.9-12.D.15 Insert symbols.
BUS.9-12.D.16 Create and apply frequently used text with AutoCorrect.
BUS.9-12.D.17 Align text in paragraphs (center, left, right, and justified).
BUS.9-12.D.18 Add bullets and numbering.
BUS.9-12.D.19 Set character, line, and paragraph spacing options.
BUS.9-12.D.20 Apply borders and shading to paragraphs. / BUS.9-12.E.17} Save a worksheet/workbook as a Web page.
BUS.9-12.E.18} Send a workbook via E-mail.
BUS.9-12.E.19} Use the Office Assistant.
BUS.9-12.E.20} Apply font styles (typeface, size, color, and styles).
BUS.9-12.E.21} Apply number formats (currency, percent, dates, and comma).
BUS.9-12.E.22} Modify size of rows and columns.
BUS.9-12.E.23} Modify alignment of cell content.
BUS.9-12.E.24} Adjust the decimal place.
BUS.9-12.E.25} Apply AutoFormat.
BUS.9-12.E.26} Use the Format Painter.
BUS.9-12.E.27} Apply cell borders and shading.

BUS.9-12.E.28} Merge cells.

/ BUS.9-12.F.21 Animate text and objects.
BUS.9-12.F.22 Preview presentation in black and white.
BUS.9-12.F.23 Print slides in a variety of formats.
BUS.9-12.F.24 Start a slide show on any slide.
BUS.9-12.F.25 Use screen navigation tools.
BUS.9-12.F.26 Save changes to a presentation.
BUS.9-12.F.27 Save as a new presentation.
BUS.9-12.F.28 Use Office Assistant.


Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 2 days / 22 days / 20 days / 15 days
BUS.9-12.D.21 Use indentation options (left, right, first line, and hanging].
BUS.9-12.D.22 Use TABS command (center, decimal, left, and right).
BUS.9-12.D.23 Create an outline style numbered list.
BUS.9-12.D.24 Set tabs with leaders.
BUS.9-12.D.25 Use print preview.
BUS.9-12.D.26 Print a document.
BUS.9-12.D.27 Use Web Page Preview.
BUS.9-12.D.28 Navigate through a document.
BUS.9-12.D.29 Insert page numbers.
BUS.9-12.D.30 Set page orientation.
BUS.9-12.D.31 Set margins.
BUS.9-12.D.32 Use GoTo to locate specific elements in a document. / BUS.9-12.E.29} Rotate text and change indents.
BUS.9-12.E.30} Define, apply, and remove a style.
BUS.9-12.E.31} Preview and print worksheets and workbooks.
BUS.9-12.E.32} Use Web Page Preview.
BUS.9-12.E.33} Print a selection.
BUS.9-12.E.34} Change page orientation and scaling.
BUS.9-12.E.35} Set page margins and centering.
BUS.9-12.E.36} Insert and remove a page break.
BUS.9-12.E.37} Set print and clear a print area.
BUS.9-12.E.38} Set up headers and footers.
and row and column headings).

BUS.9-12.E.39} Set print titles and options (gridlines, print quality, and row and column headings).

/ National Business Education Association Standards;
COMMUNICATIONS III—Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VI—Use input technologies appropriately to enter and manipulate text and data
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VII—Gather, evaluate, use and cite information from Information Technology sources


Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 2 days / 22 days / 20 days / 15 days
BUS.9-12.D.33 Create and modify page numbers.
BUS.9-12.D.34 Create and modify headers
BUS.9-12.D.35 Align text vertically.
BUS.9-12.D.36 Create and use newspaper columns.
BUS.9-12.D.37 Revise column structure.
BUS.9-12.D.38 Prepare and print envelopes and labels.
BUS.9-12.D.39 Apply styles.
BUS.9-12.D.40 Create sections with formatting that differs from other sections.
BUS.9-12.D.41 Use click and type.
BUS.9-12.D.42 Use save.
BUS.9-12.D.43 Locate and open an existing document. / BUS.9-12.E.40} Insert and delete rows and columns.
BUS.9-12.E.41} Hide and unhide rows and columns.
BUS.9-12.E.42} Freeze and unfreeze rows and columns.
BUS.9-12.E.43} Change the zoom setting.
BUS.9-12.E.44} Move between worksheets in a workbook.
BUS.9-12.E.45} Check spelling.
BUS.9-12.E.46} Rename a worksheet.
BUS.9-12.E.47} Insert and delete worksheets.
BUS.9-12.E.48} Move and copy worksheets.
BUS.9-12.E.49} Link worksheets and consolidate data using 3D References.
BUS.9-12.E.50} Enter a range within a formula by dragging.


Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 2 days / 22 days / 20 days / 15 days
BUS.9-12.D.44 Use Save As (different name, location, or format).
BUS.9-12.D.45 Create a folder.
BUS.9-12.D.46 Create a new document using a wizard.
BUS.9-12.D.47 Save a document as a Web page.
BUS.9-12.D.48 Use templates to create a new document.
BUS.9-12.D.49 Create hyperlinks.
BUS.9-12.D.50 Use the Office Assistant.
BUS.9-12.D.51 Send a Word document via e-mail.
BUS.9-12.D.52 Create and format tables.
BUS.9-12.D.53 Add borders and shading to tables.
BUS.9-12.D.54 Revise tables (insert and delete rows and columns, and change cell formats). / BUS.9-12.E.51} Enter formulas in a cell, and use the formula bar.
BUS.9-12.E.52} Revise formulas.
BUS.9-12.E.53} Use references (absolute and relative).
BUS.9-12.E.54} Use AutoSum.
BUS.9-12.E.55} Use Paste Function to insert a function.
BUS.9-12.E.56} Use basic functions (AVERAGE, SUM, COUNT, MIN, and MAX).
BUS.9-12.E.57} Enter functions using the formula palette.
BUS.9-12.E.58} Use date functions (NOW and DATE).
BUS.9-12.E.59} Use financial functions (FV and PMT).
BUS.9-12.E.60} Use
logical functions (IF).


Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 2 days / 22 days / 20 days / 15 days
BUS.9-12.D.55 Modify table structure (merge cells and change height and width).
BUS.9-12.D.56 Rotate text in a table.
BUS.9-12.D.57 Use the drawing toolbar.
BUS.9-12.D.58 Insert graphics into a document (WordArt, clip art, and images).
National Business Education Association Standards:
COMMUNICATIONS III—Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VI—Use input technologies appropriately to enter and manipulate text and data
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VII—Gather, evaluate, use and cite information from / BUS.9-12.E.61} Preview and print charts.
BUS.9-12.E.62} Use chart wizard to create a chart.
BUS.9-12.E.63} Modify charts.
BUS.9-12.E.64} Insert, move, and delete an object (picture).
BUS.9-12.E.65} Create and modify lines and objects.
National Business Education Association Standards:
COMMUNICATIONS III—Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VI—Use input technologies appropriately to enter and manipulate text and data


Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 2 days / 22 days / 20 days / 15 days
Information Technology sources / INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VII—Gather, evaluate, use and cite information from Information Technology sources
COMPUTATION I—Apply basic math operations to solve problems
COMPUTATION II—Solve problems involving whole numbers, decimals, fractions, percentages, ratios, and proportions.
COMPUTATION III—Use algebraic operations to solve problems.


(with other discipline areas) / Evacuation procedures are necessary for all discipline areas. / ELA—punctuation, capitalization, sentence formation /

Math—operations, formulas, algebra


Once mastered, this program can be used as a vehicle to show any subject, ie JROTC, Science, Social Studies

District Assessments

(culminating assessments) / Teacher-generated test / Teacher-generated test /

Teacher-generated test


Teacher-generated test


Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 15 days / 5 days (ongoing) / 4 days / 2 days

Unit Topic

(Specify skills/information that will be learned.) / Databases / Internet Applications /

Integrated Applications


Student Organizations

Enduring Understandings

(Give and/or demonstrate necessary information) / Databases are the lifeblood of most marketing industries.
Information gleaned from a database is usable only if the data is valid and current. / The Internet is a wealth of information if you know how to search for it. / Information that cannot be disseminated to others is not information—it is simply data. / Many professionals advance careers/ earnings by being a part of professional organizations.
FBLA allows students to meet/compete with other high school students.

Essential Questions

(Steps to check for student understanding) / Is my data entered into the database logically?
Can I use this database to gain needed information? / Is this web site safe?
Am I following proper netiquette?
Can this information be validated?
Am I harming anyone (including myself)by using this web site? / Can I integrate two or more software packages to present a solution to a given problem? / What are the advantages of being part of a professional organization?
How can being a member of FBLA help me achieve my scholastic goals?


Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 15 days / 5 days (ongoing) / 4 days / 2 days


/ SC Current Standards:
BUS.9-12.F.1 Define database terminology (query, DBMS, field, record, file, and data type).
BUS.9-12.F.2 Plan and create a database.
BUS.9-12.F.3 Add, edit, and print database tables.
BUS.9-12.F.4 Find, sort, and query records.
BUS.9-12.F.5 Print filtered records, tables, and queries.
BUS.9-12.G.1 Determine appropriate data inputs for a database.
BUS.9-12.G.2 Determine appropriate data outputs for a database.
BUS.9-12.G.3 Create table structure.
BUS.9-12.G.4 Establish table relationships.
BUS.9-12.G.5 Use the Office Assistant. / SC Current Standards:
BUS.9-12.H.1 Explain net addresses.
BUS.9-12.H.2 Demonstrate ability to use search engines.
BUS.9-12.H.3 Evaluate Web site integrity and usefulness for the user.
National Business Education Association Standards:
COMMUNICATIONS III—Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VI—Use input technologies appropriately to enter and manipulate text and data
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VII—Gather, evaluate, use and cite information from Information Technology sources / SC Current Standards:
BUS.9-12.G.1 Produce documents integrating word processing, spreadsheet, database, and/or presentation files.
National Business Education Association Standards:
COMMUNICATIONS III—Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VI—Use input technologies appropriately to enter and manipulate text and data
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VII—Gather, evaluate, use and cite information from Information Technology sources


Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 15 days / 5 days (ongoing) / 4 days / 2 days
BUS.9-12.G.6 Select an object using the Objects Bar.
BUS.9-12.G.7 Print database objects (tables, forms, reports, and queries).
BUS.9-12.G.8 Navigate through records in a table, query, or form.
BUS.9-12.G.9 Create a database (using a wizard or in Design View).
BUS.9-12.G.10 Create tables by using the Table Wizard.
BUS.9-12.G.11 Set primary keys.
BUS.9-12.G.12 Modify field properties.
BUS.9-12.G.13 Use multiple data types.
BUS.9-12.G.14 Modify tables using Design View.
BUS.9-12.G.15 Use the Lookup Wizard.
BUS.9-12.G.16 Use the input mask wizard.


Grade Level: 9-12Big Idea: Integrated BusinessPrepared By: Union County Schools

Applications I

Time Frame / 15 days / 5 days (ongoing) / 4 days / 2 days
National Business Education Association Standards:
COMMUNICATIONS III—Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VI—Use input technologies appropriately to enter and manipulate text and data
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VIII—Use database management systems


(with other discipline areas) / JROTC—records keeping / Any academic area that requires research skills: ELA, Social Studies, Science

District Assessments

(culminating assessments) / Teacher-generated tests / Teacher-generated test /

Teacher-generated test