Paediatric Continence Service

The Homerton Paediatric Continence Service is set up to support children and young people and their parents/carers with continence problems such as enuresis (bedwetting), day time wetting, and bowel soiling. It includes the Enuresis Service and the Continence Advisory Service.


Referrals to the Enuresis Service and the Continence Advisory Service are accepted from any professional. Self-referrals from families are also accepted.

See referral link for referral forms

Enuresis Service – (This will be a link that will open to the below info)

The Community Paediatric- led Enuresis service accepts referrals for assessment and management of children with night-time wetting with or without daytime symptoms.Children with constipation or faecal soiling without urinary symptoms are not seen in this clinic.The service can offer pre and post void ultrasounds for assessment and treatment options including alarms and medication. Complex and resistant cases are referred to the Evelina Children’s Hospital for third tier input.

Services are available to childrenfrom 5 to 17 years resident or registered to a GP in the City of Londonand the London Borough of Hackney.

Continence Advisory Service (This will be a link to open to the below info)

The nurse-led Continence Advisory service assists parents / carers with

-Advice on bladder / bowel training

-Strategies for potty / toilet training

-Dietary guidance

-Containment products for bladder and bowel incontinence

-Previously dry children / young person who begin to wet or soil after initial review by a Paediatrician

-poor response to a previous continence management programme

The service is available to children 4 to 17 years resident or registered to a GP in the City of London and the London Borough of Hackney.

Clinics (this will open to a link with the below information)

To be seen in clinic is by appointment except for the Continence advisory drop in clinic where you can simply drop in as the name implies.

Enuresis Clinics

John Scott Health Centre London N4 2NU

Thursdays 9:15am -12:00pm fortnightly

Lower Clapton Health Centre London E5 0PD

Tuesdays 9:15am – 12:00pm fortnightly

Continence Advisory Clinics

Hackney Ark

Downs Park Road E8 2HY

Wednesday 2pm – 5pm fortnightly

Fountayne Road Health Centre

1a Fountayne Road, London, N16 7EA

Monday 9:30am to12:30pm fortnightly

Continence advisory Drop in clinic

Drop in clinics are held every 3rd Wednesday of the month at the

Hackney Ark Downs Park Road E8 2HY

(Donald Winnicott Room) from 2pm -5pm

Contact the Paediatric Continence service- (this will be a link)

Enuresis service:

Room D002

Defoe Block, Ground Floor

Hackney Community College

50 Hoxton Street London N1 6LP

Tel: 0207 683 4912

Continence Advisory Service

Hackney Ark Downs Park Road E8 2HY

Continence Advisory service:

Tel 020 7014 7111


Referral Forms-(this will be a link)

Leaflets-(this will be a link)

Resources (this will be a link)