Pacing Chart (CURRICULUM MAP phase 1): SUBJECT: Secondary Social Studies First Semester




/ 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 Econ / 12 PIG
September / Social Studies Themes
Geography, History, Political Science, Sociology, and Anthropology / The Civil War
System of Slavery / Social Studies Skills, Themes of geography, Ancient World, Indus Valley, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Yellow River / Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, Nationalism, New Social & Political Systems / U.S. Geography
Constitutional Foundations
Historical Foundations / Basic Economic Issues
Economic Systems
Economic Growth / Introduction to Public policy paper, and Community Service
Government and politics
October / Pre-Columbian People
Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, Iroquois, and Algonquian / Key events of the Civil War
Reconstruction / Ancient World
Classical Civ. China, Greece, Rome, India, Phoenicians, African / Revolutions is France and Latin America, Global Nationalism, Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution / European foundations
Constitutional Conventions / American Free Market
Market System, Competition, Income and Spending, Economic Institutions / Purposes of government
Principles of political systems
Roles and Rights of Citizens
November / European Exploration
Impact / An Industrial Society
Economic Systems
Business & Urbanization / Rise and Fall of Great Empires Han, Roman
Belief Systems Animism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Shintoism, Chinese Philosophy / Effects of the Industrial Revolution, Marxism, liberalism, Parliamentary reforms, Effects on Asia and Africa, Scientific Achievements / Implementing Constitutional Principles
The U.S. Civil War
Reconstruction / Nations Economies
Measuring Economic change, National Goals, Role of The Government, Monetary Policy, Federal Budget / Responsibilities of citizens
Forms of participation
Electoral system
Political parties
December / Colonization
New England , Middle, Southern / Immigration
Reform movements / Gupta, Tang, Byzantine, Islamic Civ. Spread of Islam, Medieval Europe / Scientific Revolution, Uprisings is Asia and Africa, Causes of WWI, Russian Revolution / Reconstruction
Industrialization, Rise of U.S. business, industry, and labor / Economics today
Challenges of the Market System
Current Issues
International Trade
Developing Nations / Media and politics
Trial system
January / Colonial Life
Mercantilism, business, wars and protest / The U.S. in an interdependent world Latin American Spanish-American War,Panama Canal, / Crusades, Feudal Japan, Mongols / Between World Wars, Depression, Rise of Dictators, WWII / Immigration
Conquest of Native Peoples
Agrarian Protest / Personal Economics,
Income tax / Local and State Government

Pacing Chart (CURRICULUM MAP phase 1): : SUBJECT: Secondary Social Studies Second Semester




/ 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 Econ / 12 PIG
February / The Causes of the American Revolution
Protest to separation / World War I
Harlem Renaissance / Global Trade
Resurgence of Europe
Commercial Revolution
Renaissance / Cold War, Economic Development in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, OPEC crisis, Chinese Communist Revolution / The Progressive Movement
Urbanization, Reform, / Basic Economic Issues
Economic Systems
Economic Growth / Introduction to Public policy paper, and Community Service
Government and politics
March / A Nation is Created
Military aspects and outcomes
Experiments in government
Articles of Confederation / Roaring 20’s
The Great Depression and the New Deal / Reformation
Rise of Nation-States England, France
Meso-American empires, Mayan, Aztecs, Incas, Olmecs / Collapse of European Imperialism is India, Africa, S.E. Asia
Conflicts in the Middle East / Imperialism in the early 20th century, Causes of WWI
At home and Abroad 1917-1940 / American Free Market
Market System, Competition, Income and Spending, Economic Institutions / Purposes of government
Principles of political systems
Roles and Rights of Citizens
April / The Constitution
Branches / The U.S. as a World Power
World War II / African Civilizations, Songhai, Mali, Ghana, Timbuktu
Ming Dynasty China / Collapse of the Soviet Union Détente, Afghanistan, Gorbachev, Fall of Berlin Wall, Unrest in Latin America / WWI
Great Depression / Nations Economies
Measuring Economic change, National Goals, Role of The Government, Monetary Policy, Federal Budget / Responsibilities of citizens
Forms of participation
Electoral system
Political parties
May / The Constitution
Limited Government
Bill of Rights / Superpowers and the Cold War
60’s and Civil Rights / Ottoman Empire
Spain Under Ferdinand and Isabella
European Invasions of Africa, Asia, and the Americas
Absolutism / Ethnic and Religious Tensions
Post Cold War hot spots / Age of Global Crisis
Cold War
Major issues 1945-1960
The world 1950-present / Economics today
Challenges of the Market System
Current Issues
International Trade
Developing Nations / Media and politics
Trial system
June / Life in the New Nation
Manifest Destiny
Slavery and Abolitionists / 70’s and Vietnam 80’s and the end of the Cold War, ongoing issues / Puritan Revolution, Bill of Rights / Global Connections, Shift from Command to Market
Modernization vs. tradition
Patterns of global migration / 60’s and Civil Rights,
70’s and Vietnam,
80’s and the end of the Cold War
Ongoing issues: Environment, Technology, Human Rights / Personal Economics,
Income tax / Local and State Government

SK-1d (01/12/19)Draft