ALRDC Seminar for Inventors of New Artificial Lift TechnologyPage 1
2015 ALRDC Seminar for Inventors of New Artificial Lift Technology
How Was Seminar Helpful or Worthwhile? / How Could It Be Improved? / Other Comments / CompanyName
- Got some very good advice.
- We felt the audience was very attentive and asked some good questions and gave us some encouragement.
- I really don’t know of any improvements.
- The semi-casual environment was great.
- Thanks for the opportunity to tell our story.
- Thanks for lunch.
Keith Miller
- Excellent format for exposure to new technology.
- Excellent networking.
- Solid presentations.
- Venue if fine.
- It’s about the content.
- Thank you to Weatherford for hosting.
Ron Melynh
- Saw new designs.
- Liked it.
- None.
- None.
Gabriel Logo
- It showcased the various new technologies.
- Some of the presentations seemed repetitive with very similar products.
- Some presenters need more time so they don’t have to rush.
- Multidisciplinary and practical.
- Well organized – stayed on schedule.
- Informative and reflective of current industry needs in artificial lift field.
- Have a couple Operators present their biggest artificial lift problems and concerns.
- Love this format.
- Excellent job!
- Look forward to next year and follow up with Presenters from today.
Rob Davis
- Highlights problem areas looking for solutions.
- Focus was good!
- Appreciated variety of approaches that industry is addressing.
- Variety of presentations was good.
- For presentations, less word slides, more diagrams are preferred.
JP Lahey
- Great to learn about new technologies and network with some follow artificial lift professionals.
- Presenter list up front with what their presentation are on.
Aaron Hilber
- I though venue was fine, even with the AC problems.
- Maybe some type of microphone for the speakers.
- Have Presenters tell us up front what they need.
- Keep this up!
Ben Liscom
- Always good.
- Lots of new information.
- Maybe go from 30 to 40 minutes.
- Many times new technology requires more time.
- I like the idea of integration time/tables.
- Definitely want contact information for all presenters.
Bill Hearn
- Networking
- Expanding ideas on ways to optimize.
- Deal making.
- Have each participant sate on the concluding slide what they desire form the audience.
- Should be the same template for each Presenter.
Jim Shipstead
- Good collection of broad range of technologies.
- Current forum for Presenters to share their work.
- Thanks for ARLDC.
- Nice facilities.
- Thanks to Weatherford.
Joseph Zupanick
- Great seminar.
- Good presentations.
- Ran well on time.
John Allred.
- Review and discussion of various new ideas and equipment in artificial lift technology.
- Along with the networking of participants is very beneficial.
- Seminar is on a good track right now.
- Just keep up the momentum.
- Perhaps have updates of successful ideas/technologies presented at previous ALRDC seminars would be meaningful.
Robert Lannom
- Some interesting new / different technologies.
- Maybe have a return presentation (or two) that have had field trials as are result of these meetings.
- This would make a good kick-off presentation.
- Good venue.
Michael Romer
- New technologies were exiting
- How does someone know about this?
- I found out from another attendee.
- Very good.
Manish Agarwal
- It was really helpful to understand where the industry is going and how our company needs to adjust its business strategy.
- I think the approach is just right.
Rodrigo Ruiz
- Opportunity to view early technologies and visit with industry experts.
- Time for everyone to stand up and introduce themselves.
Robert Sachs
- Always good to hear about new / different applications.
- GARP was technically questionable as well as his results.
- How to qualify presentations is extremely difficult / impossible.
- Glad I came.
Toby Pugh
- Great venue for exchanging ideas.
- Temperature was fine.
- Parking spot was hard to find.
- Thanks to Cleon and Bill for organizing and facilitating.
Holden Zhang
- Very worthwhile forum for exchange of ideas, inventions, and exchange of ideas.
- It was good as is but could have had one hour sessions including questions.
- Some of the presentation material was complex and difficult to present in in 30 minutes.
- Good location.
- Bad traffic.
American Industrial Engines, LLC
Robert Harris
- Knowing new trends of technology in Artificial Lift.
- Communicating between Inventors and Operators.
- Low cost technology.
- High cost but long strategies,
- Very informative!
- It would be helpful if more experts were invited.
Ganelin Boris
- Exposure to many experts in many areas of Petroleum Production to gain insight.
- Good size – Presenters and Attendees.
- Maybe more promotion to attract more attendees.
- Great facilities.
- Great technologies presented --- better than last year.
- I highly recommend this Seminar.
- Excellent managers (Bill Lane and Cleon Dunham).
Michael Kenworthy