Annual Meeting of Members

September 18, 2006



1. Call To Order

The Annual Meeting was called to order at 7:50 PM by President Dawn Summers. The meeting was conducted at the Pacific Point clubhouse, Pacifica. Ca. 94044. The current Board members introduced themselves to the membership.

Dawn Summers welcomed the owner present and briefly reviewed the accomplishments of the 2005/2006 Board, which included obtaining homeowner approval for the June Special Assessment to provide funds to the reserve account and enable exterior painting of the complex. Specifications from Kelly Moore Paint resulted in quotations from eight local painting contractors being solicited. Following negotiations with the best two quotations, Draeger Painting was selected for the job.

The legal suit brought against the Association at unit 70 has been settled through the insurance company.

The Disaster Planning Committee, following meetings with officials and reviewing the logistics

following a national disaster has resulted in emergency supplies purchased for future use with a

detailed Disaster Plan being provided to each homeowner.

The Board is providing oversight to Draeger Construction repairs to sixteen incidences of water

intrusion. Some being warranty repairs to prior work, with other problems being diagnosed as

being window and door issues.

Other items of Board activities over the last year briefly noted included the Welcoming

Committee having met with two new homeowners over the last year, the hiring of Kevin O’Neil

for maintenance services, investigation of solar power for hot water and common area lighting,

expansion of the Associations web page, with thanks to owner/webmaster Paul Clegg.

Draeger Construction representative, David Hughes was present to overview the painting

project. The painting and construction divisions of Draeger Construction will work together to

fully prepare and then paint each building. Power washing of the 5001 building is presently

underway in preparation for painting, with a schedule of buildings to be provided in the near

future. Patch repairs to several ocean-facing buildings is also underway.

Owners were requested to clear patios, take down wall-hanging items and close windows during

the power washing phase. An estimated time frame of three to four weeks per building was

noted, with power washing likely to identify new problems to be addressed.

Surfaces will be spot primed and scraped as required, with Dunn Edwards paint to be used.

Painting will be conducted when temperatures are fifty degrees or higher with progress being subject to weather conditions. The latex paint to be used on exterior surfaces will require two hours at 50 degrees to properly setup.

The membership gave Dawn Summers a round of applause for her efforts in heading the projects of Association over her term as President.

Pacific Point Homeowners Association

Minutes of Annual Meeting DRAFT

September 18, 2006

Page 2 of 3

Upcoming work will include landscaping preparation for painting, Ramcon Plumbing has been retained to clean drainage grates in the common area and add metal screens to existing grates to minimize debris blocking the drain lines.

The approved color scheme will be implemented with minor changes to colors at window trim.

2. Proof of Notice of Meeting

Managing Agent David Esty provided proof of notice by mail within the period of time prescribed by the Associations governing documents and Civil Code provisions. Quorum was met with 49 owners represented either by presence at the meeting or by written proxy.

3.  Reading of Minutes of Preceding Annual Meeting

The Minutes of the September 19, 2005 Annual Meeting were reviewed and approved as submitted.

4.  Election of four Directors – The terms of Dawn Summers, Peter Garcia-Guzman and Kevin Rohan end this evening, with Dawn Summers stepping down. A vacancy to the Board exists resulting from the resignation of Louella Monte, due to business commitments. The election will place three directors to a two-year term and one director for the remaining one-year term of Ms. Monte.

Dawn Summers introduced candidates to the Ballot, including incumbents Peter Garcia-Guzman

and Kevin Rohan, along with Sue Brown, owner of #17 and Lee Miller, owner of #57.

5.  Unfinished Business


6. New Business –

a.  Review of New Election Laws

The new Election Laws, effective July 1, 2006 have been implemented with the Annual Meeting. A copy of the new laws were provided to each owner with the Annual Meeting Notice, along with a copy of the Code of Conduct of Directors. Formal approval of the new Election Laws will be conducted in the Executive Meeting of the new Board, following the Annual Meeting.

Following a brief overview of the provisions of the new Election Laws and Code of Conduct of Directors, the review of the new Election Laws was closed.

b.  Election of four Directors

Nominations from the floor were opened. Write in candidates to the Ballot included Jane Schenkel, Joan Arthur, Steve Rhodes, and Helen Karr. With no further nominations forthcoming, nominations were closed.

Inspectors of the election were requested, with owners ______and ______offering their services to receive and record ballots. A brief recess was conducted during the tabulation of ballots.

Pacific Point Homeowners Association

Minutes of Annual Meeting DRAFT

September 18, 2006

Page 3 of 3

Following tabulation of ballots cast, the owners elected to the Board of Directors for

2006/2007 shall include Peter Garcia-Guzman, Kevin Rohan, Sue Brown and Lee Miller.

Paul Montelaro will continue on the Board to complete his two-year term in 2007.

c.  Approval of IRS Ruling 70-604

“Resolved that the excess assessments over and above the amount used for operations in the year ended December 31, 2006 be carried forward and applied to the following year’s assessments in accordance with Revenue Ruling 70-604” was approved by a majority of the membership.

d.  Discussion of 2007 Budget, Dry Rot Repair Project and Funding

The updated Reserve Study will be implemented for development of the 2007 budget.

Painting of structures will be the initial project to be pursed, along with the finalization of

any outstanding water intrusion problems.

7.  Adjournment -

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM