The Link between Climate and Streamflow for the La Colle River Basin, Vanuatu
Pilot Project Survey for Vanuatu Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources (DGMWR)
This survey aims to obtain feedback for the PI-CPP pilot project on The Link between Climate and Streamflow for the La Colle River Basin, Vanuatu. The PI-CPP Project Manager is seeking feedback from both the Vanuatu Meteorological Services (VMS) and the Vanuatu Department of Geology, Mines and Water Resources (DGMWR) and the comments obtained will assist the project manager in evaluating the benefits, shortcomings and lessons learnt from this pilot project.
As not all pilot projects can be continued, the responses from this survey will also assist the Project Manager in determining priorities and identify the pilot projects which will be included in the Climate and Ocean Monitoring and Prediction (COMP) component of the new Climate and Ocean Support Program for the Pacific (COSPPac). COMP is the expanded continuation of the PI-CPP and any pilot projects continued in COMP will become Climate Application Projects and be managed by the COMP Project Manager.
The survey responses will be compiled and shared with AusAID and the PI-CPP Project Review Team. They may also be shared with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and other organisations active in the Pacific Region, to assist in their planning activities associated with this project and with other programs related to climate prediction and observations.
Should you wish to speak to the PI-CPP/COMP Project Manager in regards to the project and/or your feedback please contact:
Amanda Amjadali
Telephone: +61 3 9669 4448
Fax: +61 3 9669 4708
Survey Respondent Details:
Pilot Project Implementation
1. What was the role of DGMWR in this pilot project? (Please specify)
2. During the implementation of the pilot project did DGMWRgain any benefits?
□Yes□No (go to Q 4)
3. If yes, what were the benefits gained by DGMWR? Select the relevant response(s) and specify any other benefits not listed.
□ Improved understanding of how climate variability can impact dam storage levels and the impact this has on floods in the La Colle River Basin
□Enhanced interaction and communication with VMS
□Identified potential future collaboration with VMS and/or other stakeholders from climate sensitive sectors
□ Other (Please specify) ......
4. Only answer this question if you answered ‘no’ to Q 2.
Please comment on the reasons why EPC did not gain a benefit from the pilot project implementation.
5. Are you aware of any challenges that impacted the implementation of the project?
If yes, please specify the challenges.
□ Supplying data
□Personal engagement with VMS
□Personal engagement with the pilot project team
□ Other (please specify) ......
Pilot Project Activities and Workshops
6. Please indicate if VDMG participated in any pilot project activities and/or workshop(s)
□Yes □No (go to Q 10)
If yes, please specify the activities participated in.
□ Supplying data
□ Processing data
□Personal engagement with VMS
□Personal engagement with the Pilot Project team
□ Attended pilot project workshops (please specify the workshop(s) attended)
□ Other (please specify) ......
7. Were the pilot project activities and/or workshopsuseful?
□Yes□No (go to Q 9)
8. If yes, please specify what was beneficial about the pilot project activities/workshop(s).
□ Obtained useful information and updates on PI-CPP pilot projects
□ Opportunity to network with stakeholders, including stakeholders from other climate sensitive sectors
□Improved understanding of the potential for using customised climate products to assist climate sensitive sectors, such as the energy and water sectors in planning and decision making
□ Obtained useful information on climate information and climate products (please specify).....
□ Opportunity to participate in training to build knowledge and skills......
□ Other (please specify)......
9. Only answer this question if you answered ‘no’ to Q 7.
Please comment on the reasons for indicating that the project activities and/or workshops were not useful. Please include suggestions on how the workshops and pilot project activities could have been improved?
Pilot Project Engagement
10. Where you satisfied with the level of interaction, communication and contact from:
the pilot project team?
□ Unsatisfied□ Somewhat satisfied□ Satisfied
and VMS?
□ Unsatisfied□ Somewhat satisfied□ Satisfied
11. Do you have any recommendations in relation to what could have been improved in regards to interaction, communication and contact from pilot project team and/or VMS?
Pilot Project Potential Benefits
12. What do you perceive are the potential benefits as a result of the pilot project?
□ Assist climate sensitive sectors, such as the energy and water sectors in planning and decision making
□ Assist communities to adapt to climate variability
□ Enhanced relationships with VMS and other stakeholders
□Enhanced capacity of VMS to provide customised climate products for climate sensitive sectors
□Opportunities for future collaboration with VMS
□ Other (please specify) ......
Additional comments (Please feel free to elaborate on potential benefits)
Continuation of the Project
13.A water balance model for La Colle River Basin model has been developed as a result of the pilot project. Additional work would need to be completed for the water balance to be operational. Is there value in continuing the project to develop the water balance to be operational for La Colle River basin?
□Yes □No (go to Q 15)
14. If yes, please comment on the potential for DGMWR to collaborate with VMS to supply relevant data, including the digitising of data. Please include any potential barriers that could impact DGMWR’s involvement and the digitising and sharing of data.
15. Only answer this question if you answered ‘no’ to Q 13.
Please comment on your reasons why you indicated ‘no’.
16.What would you perceive as a successful outcome of the pilot project?
□ Development of an operational service
□ Capacity building in data collection and analysis
□ Capacity building of the VMS to provide customised climate products
□ Capacity building of DGMWR to understand and utilise customised climate products
□Other (please specify) ......
Customised Climate Products
17. Do you see the benefit of VMS producing customised climate products for climate sensitive sectors?
□Yes □No
Please explain your answer......
18. If you answered yes to Q 17, what key sectors in Vanuatu would benefit from customised climate products? If known, please specify the specific industry stakeholder.
□ General Public
□ Agriculture (including forestry)......
□ Health......
□ Industry (including construction, manufacturing)......
□ Marine......
□ Energy (including renewable)......
□ Tourism & Recreation......
□ Emergency/Disaster Management......
□ Water Resource Management......
□ Government, policy, agencies, NGOs......
□ Other (please specify)......
Additional Comments
If there is additional feedback you would like to provide that was not covered by the survey questions please specify below.
Thank you for completing the survey.