Year 5Curriculum Overview 2015-16
Year15-16 / Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer Term
How can you help your child this term? / Please check the VLE on a regular basis for homework opportunities.
Practice using Maths in real life.
Visit Manchester Museum to look at the Egypt section. / Please check the VLE on a regular basis for homework opportunities.
Discuss and look at maps with your children to discover places in the World. / Please check the VLE on a regular basis for homework opportunities.
Help children in their studies in preparation for Year 6. Do they know all of their times tables? Can they tell the time confidently?
English / In writing we will be developing the following skills: to use adverbs and adjectives to improve sentences. We will also be looking at connectives, commas, similes, direct & reported speech and ASPICE
In reading we will be developing the following skills: how to retrieve information from texts.
In speaking and listening we will be developing the following skills: mediation techniques and group speaking; looking at examples of good listening.
The genre we will be using includes; retelling of historical and other stories, instructional writing, sports reports / In writing we will be developing the following skills: to use commas for clauses, apostrophes, hyphens and dashes and ASPICE to improve sentences,
In reading we will be developing the following skills: to use inference and deduction to comments on texts.
In speaking and listening we will be developing the following skills:mediation techniques and group speaking.
The genre we will be using includes; writing a myth, play-scripts, discursive texts, persuasive writing including letter writing and advertising / In writing we will be developing the following skills: to use brackets, colons, paragraphs and ASPICE
In reading we will be developing the following skills: how to review and reflect on texts that we have read,
In speaking and listening we will be developing the following skills: mediation techniques and group speaking.
The genre we will be using includes; a police report, story poems, and interview report, writing a rap
Mathematics / In mathematics we will be developing our number fluency through: revising our x tables, looking at how to multiply & divide by 10 & 100. Revising 4 rules of number and solving real-life problems with the methods. Finding fractions of amounts
In geometry and measures we will be developing our skills in: angles, finding the area and perimeter of simple shapesand revising 2D shapes including types of triangles. Measuring in mm, cm & m / In mathematics we will be developing our number fluency through: Revising x tables.Solving mixed word problems. Understanding decimals and equivalent fractions. Solving real life problems with more than one step.
In geometry and measures we will be developing our skills in: sorting data using Venn & Carroll Diagrams. Drawing line graphs. Measuring and drawing angles including angles of a triangle. Reading scales accurately. Measuring kg, ml & l and solve capacity problems using ml& l. / In mathematics we will be developing our number fluency through: Revising x tables and ensuring the tables are secure, understanding the relationship between division and multiplication. Relating fractions to decimal & percentage. Finding % of amounts. Problem solving using 4 rules.
In geometry and measures we will be developing our skills in: Interpreting data from graphs & drawing graphs. Proportion, averages and probability. Time, 24 hour time-tables. Reflection, rotating, translating shapes including more than one step.
Science / We will be covering the following areas to develop our scientific skills
The movement of The Earth & planets relative to The Sun and The moon. Day & Night / We will be covering the following areas to develop our scientific skills:
Materials; dissolving & separation, reversible & irreversible changes / We will be covering the following areas to develop our scientific skills:
Life cycles and reproduction in some plants and animals.
Mechanisms, resistance & gravity
Computing / We will be developing the following computing skills: the importance of internet safety, how to merge pictures and texts, searching databases and interpreting information. We will be using programs such as Publisher, Word, Crystal Rainforest and Espresso to develop our coding skills. / We will be developing the following computing skills: the importance of internet safety, creating a multi-media presentation and developing coding techniques.
Safer Internet Day activities. We will be using programs such as 2 investigate to explore databases and excel spreadsheets as well as doing internet research. / We will be developing the following computing skills:the importance of internet safety, using control procedures to move vehicles’/objects, design and present a media driven project, select how to best utilize the computing resources available. We will be using programs such as Flowol and Winlogo to sharpen our coding techniques.
RE / We will be studying the following key events/faiths/religions/festivals:
Christianity; The Bible and Key values / We will be studying the following key events/faiths/religions/festivals:
Christianity; Easter / We will be studying the following key events faiths/religions/festivals:
Islam; Holy Books & The 5 Pillars
History and Geography / We will be developing the following skills:Developing a secure knowledge and understanding of History through exploring connections, contrasts and trends over time. Help pupils gain knowledge of the past and the nature of Ancient Civilisations. Asking questions and investigating sources.
The time in history that we will be studying is:Early Civilisations focusing on Ancient Egypt. / This time in Geography we will be; extending the children’ knowledge & understanding of South America
In Geography we will be developing the following skills:
To extend the children’s knowledge & understanding of location & characteristics both human and physical geography of South America.
Identify position of longitude & latitude
Locate World countries using maps / In History we will be studying;
a non-European society contrasting with British History e.g. AD 900 Mayan Civilisation.
Art, design and technology / We will be developing the following skills:sketching, working with clay, reproducing Egyptian Art / We will be developing the following skills:
Still life drawing / We will be developing the following skills:
Making biscuits, making moving cam toys
Gymnastics dance and games. / We will be developing our skills through team games and sport;
Tag Rugby, Hockey, Swimming / We will be developing our skillsthrough dance and team games;
Dance, Football, High Five / We will be developing our skills through;
Athletics, Rounders, Cricket
Music / Developing our skills and performance both in singing and in playing instruments / Developing our skills and performance both in singing and in playing instruments / Developing our skills and performance both in singing and in playing instruments
MFL / We will be developing the following skills in French:
European Day of Languages/ Gender/Definite and indefinite articles/Retelling a story in French. Brothers and sisters / Christmas in France / We will be developing the following skills in French:
Family members. Writing and Speaking focus – description of family / We will be developing the following skills in French:
Food and Drink. At a café / Giving opinions
PSHE / We will be developing the following skills:Managing my feelings, exploring empathy. / We will be developing the following skills:
Self-awareness, motivation, resisting negative peer pressure, respecting the views of others. / We will be developing the following skills:
Coping with change, growth of humans including puberty