How to write a moviereview
First steps:- Gather basic information about the movie (actors, country, director, genre, release date, title and so on)
-Take notes on the movie as youwatchit (camera work, costuming, make up, original soundtrack, set design, specialeffects and so on)
-Analyze the mechanics of the movie. How is the acting? Is the cinematography good or bad? What do the costume and set design look like? How is the direction? What about the effects of the editing? What’s the quality of the script? How is the soundtrack? Etc.
Second step:- Think of a thesis. Do youlike or dislike the movie? Wouldyourecommandit to others? What are the movie’sstrengths and weaknesses?Examples: This movieisveryentertainingbecauseitkeeps the strengthsfrom the book but addsa few ownelements. / This film isratherdisappointingbecauseitnevergets close to the detailed descriptions of the original novel. / The movie has somepotentialbecause of itsaddictingcinematography but the bad acting and direction are abigletdown.
Thirdstep:- Start yourwriting. Your first paragraphshouldincludesome basic information and end withyourthesis. Examples: "A Cry in the Wild"is an American adventure movie made for a television channel in 1990. The film is based on the young-adult wilderness survival novel "Hatchet"written by award-winning American author Gary Paulsen...
Fourthstep:- Write a short plot summary in the second paragraph. Tell the readers the story of the movie. Don’tgivetoomuchaway and don’t use any spoilers.Examples: In eight-two minutes, the movieportrays the survival story of the thirteen-year-old Brian Robesonwhois the sole survivor of an unreported plan crash in Yukon…
Fifthstep:- Go back intoyouranalysis of the movie. Rephraseyour initial thesis and givesomesupportingreasons. Examples: The moviesuffersfrom a bad acting and directing performance. The main problem of the movieisthatitiscentered on one single actorwhocan’treallyconvince. The character of Brian Robesonisportrayed by Jared Rushton whowassixteenyearsoldwhentheyturnedthismovie. Manyscenesfeelchildish and aren’tcredible, for example…
Sixthstep:- Givesomerefutations in the nextparagraph to makeyourthesis more credible. If youdidn’tlike the movie, tell some positive things. If youliked the movie, point out itsweaker points as well. Examples: Eventhough the acting performance isdull and repetitive, the cinematographyisstunning and savesthismovie. The landscapes are fascinating. The camera workiscalm and detailed. The soundeffectsreallymakeyoufeel as if youwere in the Canadian wilderness…
Seventhstep:- Wrap up yourreview by givingyourstrongestreason to underlineyour point of view. Add a short conclusion as well in this last paragraph. You canalsoconnectthismovie to otherones of the same genre and recommandthem to the readers. Examples: …In the end,thismovieisworth to bewatched if youreallyliked the novel. Especiallyyounger audiences shouldlikethismoviewhileolder teenagers or adultsmightfindittoorepetitive. If you care for more explicit survivalmovies, youshouldrathertry out…