Pacetti Bay Middle School SAC Meeting

October 8, 2015

Attendance: Jay Willets, Drew Chiodo, Lisa Fink, Stephanie Gionet, Donna Frank, Heather Toombs, Chris MacEwan, Taylor Cardona, Michelle Irizarry, Jennifer McCrary, Beth Stojanovic, Michele McLean

·  Meeting was called to order by Lisa Fink at 2:18 pm

·  Financial Update
The current balance is $0.

·  Vote: SAC Bylaws/Roberts Rule: Presented by Lisa Fink
The SAC committee approved both the Roberts Rules of Order and the Bylaws for 2015-2016.

·  Testing: Presented by Drew Chiodo
Working on determining what testing is going to look like. District/State personnel will be on campus to discuss what FSA will look like, etc. Under the “Check It Out” link on the PBMS website, you can open the assessment calendar. Mr. Chiodo showed upcoming testing dates and details around who is testing, the purpose, etc. Midterm, FSA, and FCAT information is all included. Currently, the charts show state testing dates. We are waiting on the district to approve Pacetti Bay testing dates. There will be a 90 minute testing window (45-60 min. exam) in each class period.
PTSO helped raise technology money. Approximately $20,000 to upgrade computers to be used in the classroom. Two new laptop carts are being added. A new “Testing” link has also been added to the PBMS web page.

·  School Improvement Plan Goals:
Our goals were presented Tuesday at the board meeting. We are currently waiting on feedback on whether or not they were approved. There is extreme growth taking place in norther St. Johns County and around Pacetti Bay. We expect to see at least 100 new students next year as well as more portables. A traditional middle school has not been built in some time. FSA percentile rankings were received for each student. Parents will receive data in late October, 2015. A percentile rank for Math and ELA will be included in that data. Pacetti Bay showed clear trends and appear to have done very well. We were the third highest in Geometry. Passing score components/cut scores are being seen all the way up thru high school.

·  IB Update:
Reauthorizing in 2017-2018. The goal next year is IB Unit plans using IP philosophy for every unit. Community Service Trackers Oct. 9th in 1st period/HR. Students will begin to record all service learning experiences and review learner profiles. 6th – 2 experiences, 7th – 3 experiences, 8th – 4 experiences

·  Good News: Presented by Mr. Willets
Pacetti Bay’s current enrollment is 1,215. Ms. Demaio our current Art teacher is leaving The Bay. Her position will be posted soon. Deputy Kennedy is also leaving and Deputy Graham will replace him. Volleyball season has started up as well as new clubs: Sociey of Sisterhood, Running, Art, Robotics, and Dreams Come True. The PBMS website has been updated and is now more user friendly. An eNews notification will go out at the end of each month. Blackboard Connect is a new communication medium for parents. The first quarter is quickly approaching with Teacher Planning on 10/19. Band performances have increased by parent request (see calendar)
Teacher of the Year: Katie Ludwig
Rookie Teacher of the Year: Kim Schwenck
Staff Member of the Year: Michelle Leitao

EOC – 100% proficient

·  Next Meeting Dates:
The SAC Meeting: Thursday, November 12. Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 pm.