PACE Rep Meeting
June 12, 2014
Library114 – 2:00pm
Host: Dave Horalek
Recorder: Tamara Harmon
Rep Attendance: Dawn Wendland, Lauri Logan, Larisa Alexander, Kris Haney, Polly Hulsey, Lynndi Walker, Lynn Laird, Maria Ortega, Amy Barker, Amanda Murphy
Exec Attendance: Ansina Durham
Meeting called to order – Dave Horalek at 2:01 pm
Approval of Minutes
Dave called for a motion to approve the May meeting minutes. Lynn moved to accept the minutes as written Maria seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Executive Report - Ansina
Ansina reported that the new PACE Executive officers are Dawn Wendland, Larisa Alexander, Judi Winkle, and Kim LaPray.
The PACE retreat will be July 9, 2014. It will begin at the ropes course where some on the ground team building activities will be done followed by lunch at the Taylor building. PACE executive and building reps are all encouraged to attend. Let Anita Tatge know if you are planning on joining.
Ansina reported that both she and Kris Haney asked Terry Patterson if the building reps could get a tour of the ATIC building. Terry has agreed but would like to wait until all the furniture is put in.
There will be a CSI team in the upcoming color run. This is NOT a CSI event but the wellness committee is sponsoring employees who would like to participate. The run will be July 26. Registration starts at 6:00 am and the run will begin at 8:00 am. Anyone who would like to participate should contact Dawn Orr to get signed up.
PACE is also planning on a rafting trip. This trip is open to employees and their families. Children must be at least 5 to come. This will cost $35 a person which is a 50% discount from regular prices. Employees need to register on the Community Ed website.
Employee of the Year – Lynn Laird
Lynn Laird addressed the reps telling them she was looking for ways to have more participation in the employee of the year nominations and selection. Lynn would like to start tracking when people are nominated for WOW’s. She is thinking that she could contact the employees that nominate someone and ask if they think the same employee they “WOW’d” would also qualify as employee of the year. Lynn added that the committee that selects the employee of the year is looking for specific accomplishments in the year they are being nominated. They like to see things that are above and beyond the employee’s day-to-day tasks. Maria suggested it might help to have the nominations open all year instead of the few months. Lynn responded that she feels that would make it more like a WOW, and for management reasons it needs to stay at a couple months.
Lynn also reported that the new HR Director Eric Nielson has started and is working with Monty to transition in. On June 18 HR will host a “Greet/Retreat” reception in Taylor 277 for both Monty and Eric.
Communication – Maria Ortega
Maria passed around an example of the new format for the newsletter. It also will have some new content. They will be asking the Rep’s for help in gathering content. She spoke about a “Conversations With” section and asked for a volunteer to answer a few questions for that section. Tamara volunteered. Maria also asked that Rep’s bring a few tips and tricks to share about their building or really anything that might be useful.
Transition – Tamara
Tamara addressed that the transition will happen on July first. Rep’s will receive meeting information and other PACE notifications from Tamara. Polly Hullsey has volunteered to be the Assistant Lead Rep in the coming year. Tamara asked if there were any objections or comments. None were raised.
The next PACE meeting will be in August. Tamara will send out an invitation for meeting hosts. Dawn commented that committees will be discussed at the retreat in July.
Building Happenings
Some building happenings were emailed as there wasn’t time to go over them in the meeting.
ADC – Kris
· Things are quiet as the ESL classes are done. They have 4 people who are retiring from the ADC. Debi Klimes, Bruce Bennett, Margaret Peck and Betty Slifer are all leaving. There will be some restructuring in the office in July. Instructions in the classes are split between the English and Math departments under Whitney Smith and Paul Morgan.
· Testing Center has different summer hours.
· Tutors are still available this summer for all subjects.
Idaho STAR – Maria
· STAR has sold all their old bikes and new bikes are being distributed.
· Maria asked if anyone could use a very large trade display board. STAR has one they no longer have a need for. Lynn suggested to Maria she put them in the e-notes to let folks know that they are looking for a new home for them.
Taylor - Lynn
· There are wellbeing activities being scheduled out of the HR office including Tai Chi and food classes. Check e-notes for details on upcoming events.
Desert/Canyon - Lauri
· Dave Wyett has retired so they are hiring for a new department chair.
· Many folks are moving to the ATIC building so they are preparing for that.
· Law Enforcement will be moving into part of the vacated HVAC sections in the Canyon Building.
Library – Dave
· They are working on inventory during the slower times.
Fine Arts – Tamara
· There are still private recitals in the Fine Arts Center
· Camps are coming. Starting in late June and running through to August there will be a youth camp in the building every week.
Evergreen – Dawn
· There are a few classes running this summer. There is a new program Food Processing starting. They will be in the ATIC building. Yana Hamlett will instruct in that program. Ross Spackman retired and he will be replaced soon. The farm is going. They had a few strawberries but this is the last year for strawberries.
· There will be a fire wise area built in Breckenridge. It will consist of a structure with examples of what to plant outside building that are safer for fires and suited for this area.
Shields – Amy
· Things are quiet. Jette Morache retired. She will not be replaced at this time. Maintenance replaced some of the electrics and everyone was displaced for a week, but all is done now.
Herrett - Amanda
· The Herrett Center saw 4,000 students in May. They are enjoying a quieter few weeks.
· The robotics tournament and ISTEM is coming. There are also a few weddings in the Rose Garden.
· In August there will be a new show: Butterfly Adventure in the planetarium.
Head Start – Lynndi
· Pre-school is out. However they still have classes going on.
· Starting in September they will be offering center based options as well as home based ones.
· They are hiring teachers. Jobs are all listed on the CSI Website.
Hepworth – Polly
· Crystal Ayers is the new Business Department chair. She is working on getting settled.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:52 pm.
Upcoming meeting and hosts:
August 14, 2014 - TBA