Please fill out, sign and email this form to at the beginning of the year or after any AGM takes place.
Oxfam Australia Campus groups play an important role in the life of the organisation. It’s important that all Oxfam groups uphold a minimum standard in order to operate as an Oxfam group. This form provides a framework for what it means for your group to be an Oxfam on Campus group and what support you can expect from Oxfam staff.
Group name:______
During the academic year, Oxfam Campus Groups commit to:
- Being positive representatives for Oxfam in all of your activities and programs and be on message when sharing information about Oxfam's work,
- Working on current Oxfam campaigns,
- Hosting a minimum of 2-3 events per semester, with a minimum of 2 events focusing on the relevant major Oxfam campaign at the time,
- Keeping Oxfam updated on group activities (expectation of group executive team),
- Submitting collected petition signatures and funds raised to Oxfam,
- Attending relevant training workshops,
- Regularly communicating with Oxfam staff,
- Raising any issues or concerns about the group with Oxfam staff immediately,
- Reporting back to the group on campaign updates and relevant information,
- Ensuring continuity from year to year by training new leadership and keeping good records of all group finances and activities.
- Having fun!!
What support does Oxfam provide?
- Semester campaign action toolkits and campaign materials (fact sheets, petitions, FAQs, flyers, posters, stickers, etc.),
- Updates about key events, training and other opportunities,
- Free materials! Awesome freebies that you can give away at your events – lollypops, badges, t-shirts, etc,
- Ongoing campaigning training opportunities and skills development,
- Regular communications and mentoring from Oxfam Aus staff who serve as a resource to students,
- Monthly e-newsletter with campaign updates and relevant information, and
- Connections to other Oxfam campus and community groups.
Aim of Oxfam on Campus groups:
- To inspire students to take meaningful action on social justice issues.
- To empower students with the skills, knowledge and opportunities to create positive change through Oxfam Australia’s priority campaigns.
- To raise awareness among students at universities in Australia about the nature and causes of social injustice and poverty in the world, and the purpose of development.
- Group membership must be open to all students who wish to be Oxfam supporters.
- Members will conduct their interactions with other students in an ethical and respectful manner.
- Group members will be positive representatives for Oxfam in all activities and programs and be on message when sharing information about Oxfam’s work.
Financial Management
- The campus group must comply with the Student Associations finance processes and regulations.
- The groups Treasurer will ensure that the group’s books are kept in a satisfactory and transparent manner, and advise members of the group’s financial position regularly at meetings or as stated by the requirements of the Student Association.
Meetings, Events & Communications
- The group will conduct activities and communications in an ethical manner in accordance with Oxfam’s Vision, Purpose and Beliefs.
- Each year the group must hold an Annual General Meeting in compliance with the University Student Association guidelines.
- Campus groups should meet regularly to discuss, plan and implement activities and future actions.
- Oxfam on Campus events and activities will be inclusive, diverse and have clear objectives and aims.
- Group social media promotion and communications must adhere to Oxfam’s Social Media, photography and video guidelines (outlined in the Campus Handbook).
- Oxfam’s public liability insurance extends to campus group events and activities.
Conflict and Dissolution
- The decision to shut down the group must be discussed with staff at Oxfam in the first instance that it is raised.
- Groups must follow guidelines and report any conflict or complaints to their Student Association and notify Oxfam staff of any issues.
- If dissolution is approved by Oxfam Australia staff the group must follow the Student Association guidelines for dissolution.
Executive Team agreement form
Group Name: ______Date:______
Position / Full Name / Contact number / Email address / Course / Graduating YearPresident
Vice President
I the President/Vice President/Secretary/Treasurer of the ______Oxfam on Campus group agree to adhere to the objectives, rules and policies outlined in Oxfam Australia’s Oxfam on Campus affiliation form and agree to fulfill any subsequent obligations required by group affiliation with the University Student Association.
By signing below executive members* understand the leadership commitment they are taking on and the expectation and requirements of the position.
President Vice President Secretary Treasurer
Date signed by members