Delta Secondary School Music Department
Course outline
Course:AMR1O1, Grade 9Repertoire Music (Concert Band) (open)
Teacher:Mr. Smink
Prerequisite:Enrolment in AMU/S
RequiredEquipment:Binder, pencils, good eraser, pen, lined paper, ruler agenda
Course Description: Focus of course is on Performance of Concert Band Repertoire
This course emphasizes the creation and performance of music at a level consistent with
previous experience and is aimed at developing technique, sensitivity, and imagination.
Students will develop musical literacy skills by using the creative and critical analysis
processes in composition, performance, and a range of reflective and analytical activities.
Students will develop an understanding of the conventions and elements of music and
of safe practices related to music, and will develop a variety of skills transferable to
other areas of their life.
This course is divided onto 3 units with the following Big Ideas as the main foci:
By the end of this course, students will:
- Apply the stages of the creative process when performing notated and/or improvised music and composing and/or arranging music;
- Apply elements of music when performing notated and improvised music and composing and/or arranging music;
- Use a variety of techniques and technological tools when performing music and composing and/or arranging music.
By the end of this course, students will:
- use the critical analysis process when responding to, analysing, reflecting on, and interpreting music;
- demonstrate an understanding of how traditional, commercial, and art music reflect the society in which they were created and how they have affected communities or cultures;
- demonstrate an understanding of how performing, creating, and critically analysing music has affected their skills and personal development;
- identify and describe various opportunities for continued engagement in music.
Unit 3: FOUNDATIONS of Music
By the end of this course, students will:
- demonstrate an understanding of music theory with respect to concepts of notation and the elements and other components of music, and use appropriate terminology relating to them;
- demonstrate an understanding of the history of some musical forms and of characteristics of types of music from around the world;
- demonstrate an understanding of responsible practices and performance conventions relating to music.
Homework: will be assigned daily however, there will be a certain portion of class time to complete some of it. It is very important that you attempt some work in class to work out any possible misconceptions. Practicing is a very important part of your home work.
Daily Expectations
- You must bring a writing utensil, binder, paper and a textbook to every class.
- Notes should be kept in a three ringed binder or notebook. Listen and participate in each lesson. Try to complete all assigned work to the best of your ability. Remember, these notes are your link to successful studying and good marks
- Ask for help when needed.
- Be on time and be ready to work. If you miss notes, quizzes, tests or assignments it is your responsibility to get caught up.
- Attendance is very important for the development of the Orchestra
Evaluations will balance between Knowledge & Understanding, Thinking & Investigation, Communication and Application
Term work:(Divided into 3 Units)70 %
Culminating Activities:30%
Culminating Activity: 10%
Final Performance Exam:15%
Final written Exam 5%
Final Mark100%
If you miss a class you are responsible to get the notes or handouts from the missed class. If you have missed an assignment, test or quiz you must it make up in accordance to the Missed or Late Assessment Policy. Do Not Miss Class. School policy requires parental contact if there are more that 5 absences or lates. Each missed assignment, quiz or test will only make this class more difficult. The Orchestra depends on good attendance practices from all students.
Extra Help-I am available before or after class, at breaks or lunch, and before and after school for extra help in room 400.
Evaluations can and will be conducted out side of regular school hours
Orchestra meets on:Monday from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Thursday from 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Major Performance evaluations are conducted during performances