Ashley’s Secret Part 2

Ashley and Kay-lee had a special friendship. Though they kept is a secret until school year was over, the girls both had a dark secret. Every weekend they would hold crush parties. Ashley would come over with her uggs and other footwear and crush things under her while Kay-Lee records with her cam. It was arousing to them but even more so when they are more then just bugs and cakes.

People in the town were disappearing and things seemed to be getting a little out of hand. The 'missing' people found themselves caught under a spell, shrunk to a crushable size then placed in a jar by Kay-Lee. At this point it didn't matter who they were. Some were poor bums, people who if they disappeared no one would even notice. Others were everyday people who had a future be it young adults to older. It didn't matter anymore, their lust for crushing was too much.

In the basement of Kay-Lee's house was where most of the film was shot in. Kay-Lee wished to keep the footage of the crushing for later viewing. Ashley would simply walk upon her victims, smearing their worthless bodies under her boots. Her uggs were her favorite but changing to her converse sneakers was her second best. Ashley loved how their bodies would squish and ooze up deeply into the large grooves. Walking around in them after a crush session, they would be stick under her foot for days. This was their life now. They longed for the next crush party.

Five weeks after school was over, Ashley casually made a call to Kay-lee's house, exciting to talk about the next session they are going to have. Ringing and ringing there was no answer. Feeling like taking a little walk, she pulls on her sneakers. The bottoms still sticky from the squished mess from last weekend. He giggles to the sound of the footwear as they roll heel to toe. Dirt began to build and before you know it, it was just a complete black mess under the sneaker. It didn't matter to Ashley what became of their little bodies. They were dirt under her feet anyways.

Ashley made her way toward Kay-Lee's house, knocking she waited for a response. She waited for a few more moments, letting her head tilts back to view the windows and then to her side. The garage door was open. Smiling, she decided to go look inside. Strolling in the large doors she stops to see Kay-Lee sitting on the ground, packing a box of things. Next to her was another tower of boxes. Placing her hands upon her hips and giving Kay-Lee a stern look, the poor girl is stunned.

“What is all this ?”, Ashley asks rubbing the bottoms of her sneakers on the hard floor.

“We..are moving.”, Kay-Lee voice was soft and submissive.

Something tells Ashley that Kay-Lee wasn't going to say anything and for her special friend to just disappear, not going to happen. Slamming her sneaker upon the box right in front of Kay-Lee, Ashley displays her dominance.

“You are going to leave me ?”, Ashley's face littered in anger.

The girl stares at the sneaker, remembering the events from the other night. She whimpers, complete helplessness as if she lost all control. Her hand falls to Ashley's foot, kissing the sneaker like a slave.

“I.. I have too.”, Her mouth muffled slightly from the shoe. “He found us again..we have to go.”

“But you just moved her before school ended... Wait who is 'he' ?”

Kay-Lee stops worshiping the sneaker and looks up to Ashley.

“My father...”

Ashley tilts her head to look down at Kay-Lee then suddenly bursts out of laughter.

“What..are you scared of him or something ?”, Ashley mocks her.

Kay-Lee head lowered as she nods.

“He is a bad person... My aunt called me and told us he found us again... so we have to move.”

Ashley's face turns to concern and leans over to Kay-Lee's ear whispering, “You will not leave me. Figure out what to do to solve this because you are mine.”

A shiver rolled up Kay-Lee's spine. She felt the power, the pressure as if her sneaker was crushing her. Kay-Lee nods to Ashley in acceptance to her statement.

“Good, now tomorrow you will bring me lots of tinies. I want to feel like I am crushing the earth!”, Ashley declares before turning away, walking out of the garage. “Don't forget!”

The rest of the day and most of the next went as normal for Ashley. Her body tingles in anticipation of the night. As the evening falls she calls over to make sure Kay-Lee is home and indeed she was. She seemed a little distant as they talked but either way she had lots of tinies to crush and that was the main thing.

Making her way over in her parents car, she bought a few pairs of footwear and a few new ones to get broken in. Once she got there, a police car was already in the driveway. Swearing under her breath she ran to the door which was already opened. Screaming Kay-Lee's name, the house just seemed creepy. No-one was around, it seemed completely empty. A voice echos from down stairs, a familiar voice. Walking down the creaking stairs, her uggs feeling heavy as fear digs into her.

“Kay-Lee ?”, Ashley questions openly.

Kay-Lee lid on the floor, exhausted from something. Resting next to her was 2 jars, filled with tiny people. Kay-Lee completely weaken just smiles to Ashley as she walks in.

“I.. Won't be moving anymore..”, Kay states in her lack of breath voice.

“What happened to you ?”

“The shrinking takes it's toll on me. I was able to collect a lot for you though.. I am a good Kay-Lee”, she states, to weak to even open the jars she closed herself.

Ashley smiling knowing she did all of this for her and enjoys the idea of so many tinies about to become mush.

“You did just rest I will take care of the rest.”, Ashley states taking the first jar and opening the lid.

Kay still had enough energy to use the cam, making sure it was aiming to the floor at Ashley's boots. Dumping some of the little people carelessly she giggles at the pile up. Ashley lays the half empty jar next to her and stands to her full height. The pile of about 25 people begin to panic and push and shove trying to get away. Ashley wasn't going to let that happen. Putting both of her uggs together she hops upon them. The bottoms of the boots instantly slam down crushing all of the little bodies under it. The crimson entrails squirt out from the sides as she continues to hope on the like a buddy. Giggling to her fun, she stops and remains standing upon the pile of mush.

Raises her foot to inspect the bottoms, it was quite messy. Their bodies were stuck flat under the soles. She can clearly see the outlines of little faces, hands and feet stuck crushed under her boot. She giggles to their misfortunes and places her foot back on the pile. Shifting her weight from on foot to the next, bubbles form and pop under the powerful uggs.

“MMMM.... It's like their squished bodies are giving me a foot massage. How lovely of them.”

Letting her feet soak a bit more, their bodies becoming lumpy, sticky mess to the concrete floor she decides another victim is needed. Sitting her ass to the floor Ashley reaches in to take another little woman. Lifting her heel, the gooing messy making long pink stringy gunk sticking to it as she places the woman in the gore. The woman, fully clothed still screams. Her little body is face up, stuck completely unable to move. The boot begin to roll back to it's heel, feeling it enter is mud like ooze under it. The woman disappears, Ashley is able to get a clear view of her face before it is replaced with the heel of her boot.

Pressing down slowly, the tiny body sinks down in the mush. The woman, completely in despair, no hope beating the heel with her little hands. It was no use, the foot wasn't going to stop and moments later the body began to crackle. Ashley began to twist, having to force her deeper into the mess to get the floor. The red mass began to spread under her as the body get to the floor, grounding under the heel. She didn't stop twisting, she kept grinding the little body until it was completely mixed into the mess already under her.

Lifting her ugg's heel she watches the lump of inner tries to remain holding on. She laughs as it begin to fall in small plopping masses.

“Well, they must love it. Why else would they cling to my foot even after death ?”, Ashley looks at the tired Kay-Lee who was already touching herself.

Rubbing her foot down and back and forth on the remains, she leans over to get another tiny but takes the jar instead. Moving a little she leans her legs to the side, her red stained uggs facing each other. One by one she begins to stuck their naked bodies to the bottoms of her feet. The boots were able to hold about 10 each, emptying the jar. Looking between her feet she watches the living bug people squirm and try to get away.

“Well.. Time for you to feel the true power of my crushing boots.”, Ashley says slowly closing the gap between her feet. “Soon you will all become nothing but a squishy mess between my uggs.”

Unable to hold back, she lifts her short skirt and begins to thrust her fingers into her cunt. Watching them wiggles, fight and scream. The walls of her feet were coming together. The people mashed into to each other, feeling firm but the giantess powerful feet did not let up. The bodies began to squish just like Ashley said they would. Their bodies begin to make crunching noises as if she was crushing corn pops. Feeling every body slowly give away between her feet she cums a little.

“Worthless worms, You deserve to die between my feet!” Ashley screams out. “You nobodies! You are bugs for my pleasure! Now die.. Crush delightfully between my boots like the bugs you are!”

Cumming hard she presses her feet together. Rubbing them against each other the bodies smear like jelly under her soles. Closing her eyes she lays down, her boot extended as Kay gets a close up of the aftermath. Their bodies were mangled beyond recognition. Crimson red drips like syrup from the boots to the floor. They were her victims, playthings that only gave her a few moments of pleasure.

The girls enjoy the scene, Kay-lee takes out another man from the jar. The man looked familiar to Ashley.

“Isn't that your Father ?”, Ashley spat out, seeing pictures of him in the house.

Kay-lee nods, hate in her eyes she places him down on his back. Pushing his body into the squished remains of the bodies on the floor. The little man struggled but he was stuck firmly to the floor. Ashley understood what that meant and stood up. The boots made a loud sulking sound as the soles press into the hard concrete. She glared down at the tiny man.

“You..”, Ashley points to the little bug. “You are worthless.. You are dirt. You are...” She raises her boot over him, “Dead..”

Wigging her toes in the boot, she savors the power. Enjoying the feeling of domination of this tiny mortal. He was helpless and soon he would be just another crushed insect. Before Ashley would slam her boot down, she looks to Kay.

“You do it”, Ashley demands, placing her boot back down next to her. “Crush him flat, Kay”

Kay stumbles before standing. The girl was barefoot as she had no intention of crushing any of these tinies but this was a demand and she will do what is needed. The black haired girl looks down upon her father who was swimming about in the pile of blood and bones. The black painted toes curled with the idea. The idea of ending her own blood under her was exciting. He dirty sole of Kay's foot raised. Dust and grime brushed over the man, as the dark shadow loomed overhead.

“This is what it comes to... you will never hurt anyone again!”, The filthy foot slams down upon the gore, upon her father. She can feel the guts ooze between her toes as the body struggles under her. He wasn't dead, the goo must have cushioned him. It didn't matter, in fact she was happy he lived for the moment. Feeling his helpless body under her was a turn on.

“Kiss your daughter filthy feet. Beg me to spare your life!”, she screamed on the top of her lungs.

Ashley watched as the beloved friend expressed her rage. The toes, now covered in a rich red playdoh type of jelly digs into it. She pressed forward, feeling the body scratching at her sole. Trying to desperately live. Pressure builds, the body feels so weak, plump.

“This is the end you deserve. Crushed under me like a disgusting worm”, with that she twists her foot, rising her heel to add on extra weight. The body, split for the sides and joined in the mess under her foot. Teeth grinding she lifts her foot, slamming her heel upon the remains of her father. Again and again. The pasty mess splattering as each slam feel like a sledge hammer. Ashley enjoying her view of Kay's crushing looks to the rest of the tinies in the jar grinning.

“So.. Which one is next ?”.....

To Be Continued.