Colorado Anglers Club

P.O. Box 1405, Grand Lake, CO 80447

March 15, 2014, 10:00 am Grand County Fire Department meeting room

Meeting started at 10:00am

Attendees: Len Verhoven, Martin Nicoulin, Mike Monley and Ralph Chiarella via telephone

Board opened with a short discussion and vote on positions for the year. Len was voted to remain President, Ralph was voted to remain Treasurer and Dennis was voted to remain Secretary, Mike was voted Vice President and Martin was voted Member at Large.

Ralph reviewed the current financials as of February 28, 2014.

-The cash position of the HOA is strong as of Feb. 28, 2014 the HOA had $49,522 in cash and equity

-Board reviewed the past due accounts and unanimously voted to waive the late fees for Kevin and Pam Ortell who were 8 days late with dues and charged late fees on each of their lots.

-Ralph will follow up with 5 of the past due account that the board thought we could reasonably collect from

-Snow plowing is slightly over budget this year, the board acknowledged the fact but also acknowledges the fact that we have had a significant amount of snow in January and February compared to the last few years.

-Ralph will verify HOA property taxes were paid

-Ralph will pay E&O insurance in May before the next board meeting

-Len picked up the HOA mail prior to the board meeting and will send the plowing bill and attorney bill to Ralph to pay.

Ralph brought up the fact that there had been a question with block 2 lot 13 and if that lot was a part of the HOA and if the owners had been paying HOA dues and that lot was not a part of the HOA and was due a refund. The question was Morris King purchased this lot on 5/12/2002, prior to the formation of RMEOA, which took place on 4/15/2005. All lots owned prior to this date were exempt from the Association and have remained so, until this lot changed ownership. Morris King sold the lot on 11/04/2009.

The board had voted to via email on February 5, 2014 to issue a full refund for all fees paid and remove that lot from the HOA.

Len had received a quote of $650 to fix the fence along Grey Hackle that had been cut. Letters were send to our neighbor, Mary, by regular mail and certified mail. We did not get any response and the certified letter was never picked up. The board agreed to wait until next board meeting to decide on the next step.

Len will get a quote from ATH for spring road maintenance and cleaning of those two retention ponds and a separate quote from Clive Smith to clean the retention ponds.

Len will also get a quote from Clive Smith to fix the entire fence along Grey Hackle once the snow and mud are gone so a proper evaluation of the fence repairs can be made.

Ralph updated the board on the status of Block 6 lot 16. Someone has paid the taxes the last few years and will obtain a deed for the property. Ralph explained the HOA has the right to buyout the lien for approximately $1200 and with additional attorney fees and a foreclosure process could own the lot. The board decided it was not worth the cost and the lot would not benefit the HOA so they board voted to not pursue the lot and Ralph will let the county and the owner of the tax lien know.

The board discussed the HOA sign at the entrance of coachman drive and county road 4, we plan to add solar lighting to the sign this year and $2,000 was budgeted for the solar lights. Mike and Martin agreed to look at solar lighting and obtain quotes in June when the weather is better and the snow and mud are gone.

The board discussed the lot clean up letters that were sent out last Fall and the fact there were more lots cleaned up with this round of letters. The lots owned by Randy Hays in particular came up because of the foundation and several piles of dead trees. The board wanted a second letter sent in the winter so Randy Hayes who needs to burn those dead trees while there is snow on the ground. Mike agreed to send a follow up letter to Randy Hays, who owns 3 lots, block 8 lots, 9, 10, 11.

Len brought up complaints about plowing snow in front of driveways. The board decided the HOA is only responsible for HOA roads and decided not to address these complaints with ATH.

Rich Graff house update: the garage door was replaced in the fall and there is a rumor he may be purchasing the lot next to the house, block 11, lot 27 to complete the exterior of the house and cut in a proper driveway. The drainage problem in that area has been addressed and is fixed.

The next board meeting will be Sat. June 21 or Sat. June 28 at 10:00am

Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am.