P.E. spending includingSport Initiative funding (£8625) 2015 - 2016
Provider / Initiative / Cost / Timescale / Success CriteriaCastle View in house CPD / Continuation of current excellent practice developing our current staff.
PF to work alongside staff. Provision of demonstration lessons, peer planning, peer lesson delivery and approaches to assessment. Staff to observe /work alongside to receive quality, targeted CPD.-aim to provide higher standards in the delivery of PE-sustained over a long period. Staff will also be supported on a more regular basis with planning their own sessions, using ideas demonstrated from previous sessions and the effective structure of lessons. Class cover needed to support PF.
Building a Castle View P.E. scheme based on pupils progressing abilities, on-going assessment and increased participation within intra-school and inter school competition.
The continuation of the PE Keep Fit Circuit, supported by PF is used to help provide sustained activity and developing pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the benefits of exercise and healthy lifestyles.
The PE Keep Circuit scheme also provides formative assessment and feedback for teachers and pupils to aid progression and identify the developing needs and future targets of the pupils.
Further staff CPD will include how to develop the format of the keep fit sessions into a structured, regular intra-school competition to encourage further focused participation, recording of attainment and useful assessment. / £2,974 / September 2015 – July 2016
38 weeks / All teachers are supported in PE lessons through peer planning and teaching.
Teachers have stated in QAs that they feel more confident to deliver their own PE lessons and to provide higher quality teaching in this subject.
The school PE scheme is being developed to best suit the needs of the children in each year group through observations by staff and the PF during continuous, consistent lessons. PF is also able to observe and select pupils for inter school competitions based on ability shown in lessons and extra-curricular clubs.
All children receive a minimum of 2 hours PE each week.Classes are supported in structured curriculum lessons and PE Keep Fit sessions by PF and Dance is supported by a specialist outside agency.
Castle View / Inter-school small tournaments hosted at Castle View during the day for a range of sports with a sports cluster group- medals, certificates, staff cover- to encourage sports participation and competition. / £600 / Autumn and Spring-tri-football tournaments hosted at CV / Pupil’s participation, enjoyment, competition. Pupils are able to experience successes during inter school competition and receive suitable rewards for their achievements.
Stronger relationships are developed between schools in Halton and visiting schools from outside boroughs.
CPD courses / Access to a range of CPD courses for PE / £500 / CPD further develops the skills of staff and opportunities for pupils to progress in a range of activities.
Further CPD and development has been highlighted and arrangedfor Foundation stage and lower KS1 staff to benefit the pupils and improve general PE lessons.
CPD in O&AA and Badminton expand the range of activities and introduce lessons and skills rarely targeted in previous years.
Participation in Halton Sports Association AGM. Supporting and helping to guide the development of sport in the local authority. / September 2015 / CV is recognised as a school that supports PE and sport in school and is pro-active in attending and supporting intra and inter school competition on a regular basis. PF has also taken up a more active role within Runcorn schools football and manages the local league and cup competition.
P.E. and school sports conference. / £165 / TBC / Feedback regarding new initiatives will be presented to colleagues and materials will be available for staff to access on the school network. Many of these techniques will be trialled and implemented into school PE sessions.
Karen Drake / Cricket: 10hrs of cricket coaching. Access to two level 2 (girls and mixed) Halton schools competitions with progress to level 3 county competitions. One place on a cricket teacher training course. / £250 / 10 sessions of coaching leading to competitions in May 2016 / All children will benefit from teaching and coaching provided by outside agencies specialising in various sports and skills. Most of the Y5/6 children will take part in a whole course of sessions which will lead to the tournament at a cricket club. They will experience working towards a final goal and use the skills that they will learn in an inter school environment.
A staff member will attend the cricket CPD and will be able to incorporate this and support staff with feedback and techniques as well as their own development.
Liz Lilouet / Dance throughout school and after school clubs- a range of dance styles covered. / £1800 / All children develop skills linked to a range of genres and enjoy weekly, sustained physical activity through dance sessions. Many dance sessions are also designed and delivered to support school performances at Christmas and in the Summer terms in order to enhance the experience for both children and visitors to those performances.
A range of providers TBC / Initiative for greater participation in sport
Continuation of the reward scheme for all pupils who regularly participate in PE sessions- certificates and sports activity and Play Leader reward sessions led by other providers on and off the school site. / £800 / 3 termly sessions
Crazy golf November
ArcheryJuly 2015/16
Martial Arts 2015/16
Play Leaders Rewards
July 2015/16 / The PE initiative provides staff with a clear
criteria and format to follow and goal to work towards to improve the image of PE in school. Staff are clear as to what kit is required by pupils and also to health and safety aspects, e.g. jewellery.
Participation continues to increase from previous years due to the incentive of each PE reward.
All parentsare informed of success criteria for achieving reward and are aware of the school’s PE policy.
CV Sports Day continues to be greatly attended and every pupil participating will be dressed in the correct PE kit.
Play Leaders will receive a reward trip for their participation and effort during the scheme.
Initiative for greater participation in sport- provision of spare school sports kit to each class to increase sports participation for the pupils persistently failing to bring kit and for those who require support due to social / home situations. Those children in specific need have been previously allocated their own PE kit in school. / £400 / September 2015 / Spare PE kit ordered and supplied to each class if required.
Teachers keep a log of children with / without full kit and reward those who bring their own full kit on a regular basis.
This has meant that no child has missed any PE lesson through lack of suitable PE kit and all PE lessons have been attended by pupils wearing the correct kit regardless of responsibility or social/home situation.
Support for SSCO
Gill McGough / Quality CPD, play leader training, co-ordinator cluster meetings. INSET training for assessment implementation and monitoring progress through staff support.
How to support further progression in each teaching unit and to challenge higher ability children. / £1,078 / September 2015 – July 2016 / SSCO Support again utilised to train play leaders working within a play leader timetable for KS1 playtimes. Play leader training to further increase sustained, focused physical activity during play times to accompany the developing scheme of work and provide an enjoyable experience, particularly for KS1 children.
The school PE scheme of work has additional lesson plans and schemes of work to complement current Val Sabin scheme and to further develop the rest of the PE yearly framework.
All teaching staff will attend INSET on how to assess pupils and then will teach subsequent lessons using techniques shown from Gill. This further develops staff confidence and their ability to teach a range of approaches and to develop understanding of assessment in PE. Further development and ideas to support other units, e.g. net / wall games and the expansion of sports taught within school by specialist sources and CV staff.
Gill McGough / Developing a range of PE assessment strategies across the key stages:
Gill to work alongside PF and other members of staff to formulate and implement our assessment strategy for PE. These resources and CPD meetings will allow PF to develop the assessment scheme designed to cater appropriately for Castle View pupils and staff. Gill is also available to provide future support to evaluate and assess how the school monitors pupil’s attainment. / £400 / September 2015-July 2016 / Staff will be supported by PF and will take part in pupil assessments and identify pupils to target to develop and those who may be higher ability. This also provides staff and PF with a better understanding of pupil’s ability in this subject and informed future lesson planning. This support will also eventually allow teachers to assess without necessary PF support.
Widnes Vikings / Professional Rugby coaching sessions
Staff CPD / £240 / 6 sessions Autumn 2015 / There will continue to be good levels of participation in a sport increasingly delivered last year. Excellent coaching provided by outside specialists. Good staff CPD- ideas for skills and small games activities to increase teaching of this sport in the future.
HBC / Expertise swimming Instructor/bus cost / £1400 / Year 3,4,5
12 sessions in total / Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 non-swimming children receive swimming sessions during academic year.
Frank James / Table Tennis coaching sessions for KS2 classes with view to participate at the inter school competition in February 2016. / £250 / 5 sessions January 2016 / To increase the range of sports available to pupils and to link this to intra and inter school competition.
Castle View / PF / PF organising and leading Runcorn Primary Schools Football Championship / September 2015 - July 2016 / PF provided with classroom cover to arrange and attend organised competitions throughout the year, e.g. Schools Cup in June 2015/16.
A Range of providers TBC / School clubs provided by outside agencies / £500 / September 2015 - July 2016 / In order to develop the schools range of sports and activities, an increase of outside agencies will be used to provide sessions for all age groups.
Participation in Inter school competitions from the School Sports Competition calendar. Includes teaching cover for staff and transport costs. / September 2015 - July 2016 / An increase in a range of sports also encourages the increase in a range of inter school competitions. To enable pupils from all year groups to participate and to experience intra school competition.
Resourcing PE curriculum
Range of new equipment to fully resource existing sports delivery and enhance the subject with new sports equipment, e.g. table tennis equipment, suitably sized team football kit for both key stages, etc. / £TBC / Autumn term audit
PF / PE resources and equipment have updated and relevant to the various units taught throughout the school year.
The range in new equipment acquired improves the opportunities for delivery and quality of lesson.
Each year group is consistently provided with various clubs each lasting a minimum of 5 weeks at a time.
Extra-curricular activities are mostly physically active.