100 Ways to Obtain Bookings
- Host your own show
- Send a catalog to a co-worker who has moved
- Post a catalog in the Teacher’s lounge at your child’s school
- Post a catalog in the employee lunchroom
- Hold an open house
- Have a booth at a school fair
- Advertise in your Alumni newsletter and/or community newspaper
- Give a catalog to the receptionist at your Doctor’s/Dentist’s Office
- Include a Mini Catalog or specials flier with your bill payments
- Call a past Hostess
- Put a current catalog or flier in your neighbor’s door (include 10% off coupon)
- Ask a friend to have a show
- Advertise in your Church Bulletin
- Take a Pampered Chef recipe to every party/event you attend
- Host an Office party at lunch or pamper a business
- Offer the Bridal registry
- Describe and highlight the hostess plan during shows
- Be friendly and enthusiastic
- Promote the Pampered Bride show
- Treat your Hostess to a special “Hostess Appreciation Tea”
- Encourage relatives to host a show
- Encourage your Hostess and guests to refer potential hostesses to you
- Ask, ask ask! Offer, offer, offer!
- Follow up with every booking lead
- Use open-ended questions, especially when dealing with booking concerns
- Host a show before, during, or after a PTA meeting or social meetings
- Mail out specials, catalogs, and a wish list to everyone you know
- Send a catalog to your Tupperware, Avon, Longaberger, Pink Zebra, Stella Dot, PartyLite, etc Reps or exchange shows.
- Set up a display at a craft fair
- Participate in a school fundraiser
- Have your Husband or significant other promote products at work
- Have you and your family members wear Pampered Chef attire
- Hold a Christmas or Mother’s Day shopping event for men
- Use your products and recipes at home, work, camping, parties, etc.
- Read sales, self-improvement, and positive –thinking books
- Join a new social group use “meet up”
- Put an “Ask me about Pampered Chef” pin on your clothing or purse
- Ask past hostesses at shows to talk about their free products
- Hold an Opportunity Night
- Do random mailings. Open a phone book and randomly choose
- Mention hostess half-price combos and other benefits at least 3x per show
- Hold up higher price products and mention half-price benefits to encourage bookings
- Mention how much your “average” hostess gets in products
- At the beginning of your show, mention the hostess’s goal
- Share upcoming specials at shows and on phone calls
- Tell your hostess how much she saved by hosting a show
- Encourage frequent customers to regularly plan a show
- Encourage hostesses to rebook a show in 6-9 months
- Call at least two potential hostesses every night
- Dream and imagine the possibilities and join business networking groups
- Set goals and review them constantly, put them up where you can see them
- Ask a friend to help you get started or reach a certain goal
- Use hostess benefit fliers
- Use postcard and/or newsletter to spark interest
- Encourage high attendance at shows
- Post fliers on bulletin boards and businesses
- Schedule shows out of town while you are visiting relatives
- Do a separate prize drawing for those who schedule a show
- Have a neighborhood “Get Acquainted” party Pampered Chef style
- Offer your own free or discounted product as an incentive if someone schedules a show on your desired date
- Don’t pre-judge anyone, ever! They could be your next $1,000 show!
- Use the 50 Guests in 5 Minutes for yourself to brainstorm potential bookings
- Donate prizes for raffles at fairs, schools, and fundraisers. Attach your card to everything!
- Try ideas again! Just because something didn’t work before doesn’t mean it may not work now!
- When in the check-out line at the grocery store, hand a card and a catalog to your cashier
- Ask for referrals. Offer a 10% incentive if someone refers someone else to you for a booking
- Get back with guests 24-48 hours after the show or having met them
- Give products as gifts
- Don’t be shy about talking about the products or the business
- Be willing to share the business opportunity
- Call someone who has said “Maybe” or “sometime”
- Be prepared to answer questions about your work
- Write down the names of those who “owe you a favor”, then follow up
- Call the most familiar first
- Smile when talking on the phone
- Review orders from past shows to see if there are any upcoming specials that might interest them
- Call potential hostesses who postponed or did not hold their original bookings
- Contact schools, churches, and other groups for fundraisers
- Leave your business cards on bulletin boards or in local businesses
- Talk about upcoming specials to everyone!
- Spend time every day working on some aspect of your business
- Always keep a consistent show schedule
- Put a Pampered Chef sticker on your car
- Have FUN at your shows!
- Offer a cooking class
- Call your Realtor with suggestions for a “New Home Package”
- Let guests keep their catalogs to have around or hand out
- Carry a notepad to write down names as you think of them
- Give extra service and time to good customers-they will be repeat hostesses and customers
- Keep a list of special requests and call those customers when they go on special
- Offer a bonus to hostesses who book on days and/or months that you need an extra show
- Start an email address book of customers and send them specials
- Have your hostess share why she booked a party
- Advertise in sporting or musical programs
- Participate in trade shows when possible
- Do a demo at your Children’s school or day care center
- Keep an attitude of Gratitude
- Use social media, green dot contacts
- Offer a Freezer Meal Workshop