P-1, Beginning Proficiency, 7th Grade, Spanish


EVALUATOR: It’s great that lesson planning is coming along so more quickly, and that you’re feeling confident in your instruction. What have your assessments been showing when it comes to measurable student growth?

Teacher: Do you mean for my 7th grade Spanish 1 class, or for everyone?

EVALUATOR: Well, let’s start by talking about those 7th graders – since I know you’d had the most trouble investing them in your lessons. What does your data show?

Teacher: Here’s a sample page from my tracking system, showing this unit’s grades so far. Since almost all of my students have never taken any Spanish before at all, I’m OK with where they are. I mean, they’re not at mastery yet, so we’ll obviously do a lot of review. But they’re not bombing the tests, so they’re definitely learning something.

Spanish 1 (7th Grade) – UNIT ONE
Overall Class Mastery: 71% / Current Student Mastery Average: GOAL = 80% / Weekly Quiz1 (rules, intro to Spanish) / Weekly Quiz 2 (#s to 10, colors, calendar, birthday) / Weekly Quiz 3 (#s to 20, introductions, geography) / Weekly Quiz 4 (classroom objects, telling time) / Weekly Quiz 4 (definite/indefinite articles, verb ser, basic adjectives) / UNIT TEST (all goals)
ASSIGNMENT OUT OF… / 20 / 35 / 35 / 35 / 35 / 100
Mastery Averages by Assessment % / 73% / 68% / 73%
Antonio / 82% / 14 / 28 / 32
Benjamin / 91% / 18 / 34 / 30
Carrie / 66% / 12 / 20 / 27
DeShawn / 62% / 16 / 18 / 22
Ebony / 96% / 20 / 35 / 31
Felicia / 79% / 15 / 26 / 30
Grant / 54% / 15 / 12 / 22
Harmony / 38% / 8 / 14 / 12
Isaac / 31% / 6 / 10 / 12
Jon / 92% / 19 / 33 / 31
Kyana / 93% / 20 / 30 / 34
Lee / 68% / 13 / 26 / 22

EVALUATOR: It’s true that you should be proud of the fact that some of your students are doing very well. I do notice, however, that a significant number – including Carrie, Grant, DeShawn, Harmony, Isaac, and Lee – are failing. Do you know what’s holding them back?

Teacher: I’d have to look at the tests themselves to know for sure, and unfortunately I already handed them back so the students could show their parents as well as study for a re-test. That said, I think it was the conversation vocabulary that was hardest this past week. Do you want to see a copy of the quiz?

EVALUATOR: Yes, that would be helpful. What specific objectives were you testing with this quiz?

Teacher: We had three overarching objectives. The first was “SWBAT use basic conversational vocabulary (greetings, introducing self and others, expressing simple emotions).” Another was “SWBAT identify the numeral for each Spanish number word 1-20 and generate the Spanish number word when given a numeral 0-20.” And last, “SWBAT list 3 Spanish-speaking countries with their geographical region.” Anyway, here’s the quiz…
(See accompanying document below.)

Spanish 1 – Weekly Quiz

Name: ______

Date: ______

Class Period: ______

Parte Uno (15 points total; 1 point/blank)
Choose the terms from the word bank to complete the following three conversations. BE CAREFUL: Some words are used more than once! Some aren’t used at all!

P-1(1): According to the narrative, the key learning goals to be taught/assessed were:

  1. SWBAT use basic conversational vocabulary (greetings, introducing self and others, expressing simple emotions).
  2. SWBAT identify the numeral for each Spanish number word 0-20 and generate the Spanish number word when given a numeral 0-20.
  3. SWBAT list three Spanish-speaking countries with their geographical region.

This question covers the first learning goal. (BP)

hasta / mal / buenas / hola / gusto / mal
gracias / pasa / llamas / días / qué / presento
llamo / pronto / así / cómo / me / placer

1. (5 points)

SR. MARTINEZ: ______tardes, Paula.

PAULA: Hola, Sr. Martinez. ¿______está Usted?

SR. MARTINEZ: Bien, ______, ¿ y tú?

PAULA: ______-así. ¡Hasta ______!


2. (6 points)

HECTOR: ¡Hola, Anita!

ANITA: ______, Hector. ¿ Qué ______?

HECTOR: Nada. ¿ ______tal?

ANITA: ______, gracias. Hector, te ______a Maria

HECTOR: Mucho ______, Maria.

MARIA: Es un ______, Hector.

3. (4 points)

SR. DE PACHECO: Buenos días.

SR. GÓMEZ: Buenos ______.

SR. DE PACHECO: ¿ ______se llama Usted?

SR. GÓMEZ: ______llamo Sr. Gómez. ¿ Y Usted?

SR. DE PACHECO: Me ______Sr. de Pacheco.

Parte Dos (10 points total; 1 point each)
Write the numeral that matches each Spanish number (1-5) or the Spanish word for each number (6-10).

  1. veinte ______
  2. seis ______
  3. once ______
  4. quince ______
  5. cero ______
  6. 10 ______
  7. 7 ______
  8. 14 ______
  9. 19 ______
  10. 4 ______

Parte Tres (10 points; 2 points/country)

Please list 5 Spanish speaking countries, and label them as a part of South America, Central America, or Europe.

EXAMPLE: Chile, South America

  1. ______,______
  2. ______,______
  3. ______,______
  4. ______,______
  5. ______,______