Putneymead Patients Group

-Working Group Meeting Summary

On:Tuesday, 31 July 2012.at:11:30 – 12:45


Summary JL – 2 August 2012

Patients: / Practice: / Apologies:
Tony HowellsTH / Ashleigh Helm ASH / Eleanor RuddockER
Vicky Diamond VSw / Jak Linsell JL / Kate KirklandKK
Bibi Qureshi BQ / Beverley Toney BT
Sue Rolfe SR / Doug Kershaw DK
Judith Dyson JD
Item / Lead / Comment
01 / Minutesof 12 June any matters arising / TH / Discussion of previous action points and updates shown below.
Additional meeting on 18th July occurred to evaluate the development of the patient group over the past year. The group has achieved and helped to achieve:
-An increasing member list of now over 100 patients
-the running of five public patient meetings
-an effective suggestions and complaints channel
-ongoing improvements to the appointment bookings
-continuing evaluation of the telephone system
-the Putneymead Patient Questionnaire
-the collation of 3000+ email addresses
-input into modernising the practice website and making it easier to use
-the idea for a practice newsletter, which will be newly released in the coming weeks
Are we fulfilling a useful purpose as a patient group?
Despite poor attendances at the public patient meetings, patient involvement does not necessarily have to come through attending, but by an active communication channel such as the suggestions log and email account. The patient group provides an opportunity for patients to voice their opinions, suggestions and concerns.
Have we met our objectives? What is the way ahead going forward? What can we do differently to increase participation?
-Objective of involvement with volunteers and charities has not been achieved.
-Providing a channel of communication has been achieved through various methods (e.g. suggestions log) and the forums, especially the first forum on general topics.
-TH: We need to gauge a better understanding of what the patient population wants us to be.
-DK: We could use the MJOG system to determine who knows about the group and who is interested in joining.
‘MJOG’ is a text based system that can extract all the mobile numbers from our patient database and send patients information and appointment reminders.
-DK: Approximately 80% of patient population have a mobile number
-SR: If texts are sent out, they should be specific as possible to gain volunteers and interest.
-DK: We can create a response system to gauge feedback and opinion. Patients can reply with “yes” or “no” etc, although this is a standard text message rate charge.
-BT: We have to be careful as the prime use for MJOG should be for appointment reminders and too many texts can cause confusion and/or non-interest.
Action Point: Group members to consider appropriate text message design to bring more people tothe group.
- BT: for example, “Are you interested in the Patient Group? If so, please send your email address to ” (raising awareness as opposed to a main method of communication).
02 / Actions Update / JL / The Practice Mission Statement
-BT: The doctors had booked an ‘away day’ for discussing the mission statement but experienced outside facilitator problems.
-Action Point: ASH: Doctors trying to arrange possible November date.
PGMP, Parkside, Putney Clinic signs above Touch Screen
-BT: This has yet to be discussed at the exec meeting as the current focus is around improving the hit and miss appointment system. However, the reception team have been actively demonstrating how to use these screens.
Lift doors closing too quickly
-BQ: The doors close less quickly now.
-BT: the lift engineer will be coming in once a month and the default closing time has been readjusted.
Doctor’s photos on the website
-BT: Discussions are ongoing but no finalised decision has been made yet because of identity theft concerns.
-JD: MPs have their pictures up on governmental sites.
-TH: The photos would be nice to have rather than a need.
-BT: Doctors who want it can; those who don’twill not.
-SR: Some could use avatars, for a sense of humour.
06 / Next Meetings / BT / Steering Group
Date: Tuesday 28th August @11am
Action Point: To consider how to advertise the Patient Group through the new MJOG text messaging system. (BT)
Action Point: To bring the practice newsletter for review by the patient group prior to the first publication. (JL)
Action Point: JL to send BQ patient group flyer for further distribution and to have it up on large Putney Library board.
07 / Any Other Business / TH / JL: Putneymead Patient Group open forums and Putney Society meetings have been clashing on the same evenings. We need to prevent this to enable greater attendance at both events.
VD: Patient Group poster is up on the advertising board located between WHSmith and Starbucks off Putney High Street.

Summary JL – 2 August 2012