The Old Court House, Floyds Row, St Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1SS
Tel 01865 251946 Fax 01865 204138 E-mail
Application for Employment
IMPORTANT: It is not possible to interview all applicants and we will draw up a shortlist using the Person Specification. Please complete this application form accurately and thoroughly, paying particular attention to the Person Specification, to give yourself the best chance of an interview.
Please do not attach your CV or any extra sheets, except where specified.
If you need help completing this form, contact us on 01865 251946.
TELEPHONE (day): (eve):
Please tell us about any help you would need in order to attend an interview.
Registered charity No. 1108504 Company limited by guarantee 5363946 Registered in England & Wales
Job Title / Name of Employer / Date fromPREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT Please give details of other jobs you have held, starting with the most recent. Give a brief explanation for any gaps. Continue on another sheet if necessary. Attach extra sheets if necessary.
Post held
/Dates from/to
Qualifications and subjects / School, College, University / Dates from/toRELEVANT COURSES ATTENDED
Organised by / Name/description of course / Dates from/toADMINISTRATIVE DETAILS
Please give your National Insurance NumberDo you hold a work permit or would you need a work permit in order to take up this post?
If you already have a work permit, when does it expire?
If you are currently employed, please give your salary (if part-time please give full-time equivalent salary)
Please state how you think your knowledge, skills and experience match those required by the post. Include any voluntary work, community activity or caring duties that you think would be helpful in considering your application. Please refer to the job description and make sure you address all the points in the person specification. If you need additional space, continue on a separate sheet.
Please give the names, addresses, e-mail and telephone numbers of two referees. One of these should be your present or most recent employer.
1. 2.
May we contact these people now? (delete as applicable)
Referee 1. Yes/No
Referee 2. Yes/No
OCVA actively promotes equality of opportunity for all. This position is subject to an enhanced CRB check. Please detail if you have any unspent criminal convictions, as defined in the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
I confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information given on this form is true and correct, and can be treated as part of any subsequent contract of employment.
Where did you see this post advertised? (Please tick relevant box or boxes and give details.)
Newspaper/Magazine *
Website *
Other *
Data protection
The personal information you provide on this application form will be used by OCVA for employment purposes. If the application is successful, the information will be retained for matters such as payroll, pensions, administration etc.
If your application is unsuccessful the information will be retained for six months and then the record will be destroyed.