Applicant: ______Telephone ______Fax ______
Address: ______Zip Code ______E-mail ______
Owner: ______Telephone ______
Address: ______Zip Code ______
Master Plan Involved:
Name of Master Plan: ______
Total acreage of Master Plan ______Total acreage of area involved in amendment ______
Location of the amendment area within the Master Plan ______
File number of last approved Master Plan ______
Direction from nearest street intersection ______
Tax Schedule No(s). ______- __ __ - ______, ______- __ __ - ______,
______- __ __ - ______, ______- __ __ - ______,
(This can be obtained from the El Paso County Tax Assessor located at 27 E. Vermijo Avenue on the 2nd Floor; phone: 520-6600
or at their web site
ExpressStandardNo Public Notice
Buffer Notification Requirement: 500’ ______1,000’______Modified Distribution (see back) No Distribution
Notify Mineral Right Owners at attached address(es) No owner identified, or no address
Application Submittal Checklist:
Master Plans (25) ___ Master Plans w/Annexation (37) ______Project Statement (25) _____ Project Statements w/Annexation (37) ___
Authorization ______Legal Description ______11 x 17 Black Line ______
Traffic Study (4) ______Geo-Hazard Report/Exemption (4) ______Drainage Study [MDDP] (4) ______
Fiscal Impact Analysis (9) ______Mineral Right Documentation Received: ______
Application accepted for submittal: ______
Fee Receipt #: ______Reviewing Planner Date Application Accepted
The signature(s) hereby certify that the statements made by myself and constituting part of this application are true and correct. I(we) am(are) fully aware that any misrepresentation of any information on this application may be grounds for denial of this application. I agree that if this request is approved, it is issued on the representations made in this submittal, and any approval or subsequently issued building permit(s) or other type of permit(s) may be revoked without notice if there is a breach of representations or conditions of approval. The applicant/owner by their signature understands and agrees that they are responsible for the completion of all required on-site and off-site improvements as shown and approved on the final plan (including landscaping, paving, lighting, etc.).
Signature of OwnerDateSignature of ApplicantDate
*Not required if property owner is also the applicant
I hereby authorize ______to file this application to the City of Colorado Springs Planning Department for processing.
If the following box is not checked, all City Planning correspondence will go to the applicant:
I wish to receive copies of all City Planning correspondence regarding the processing of this application.
Signature of OwnerDate
City Planning maintains an internet-based project tracking system (LUIStrack) that reflects all significant processing benchmarks associated with each development application. Go to to search for your application in LUIStrack project tracking.
A pre-application conference with the planning staff is mandatory for these applications. To be scheduled for a pre-application conference, please call the Senior Planner for the geographic area in which the project is located. During the pre-application conference, the planner assigned to review the application will:
- Identify the planning issues which must be addressed within the master plan or master plan amendment (Note: Additional issues may arise as the application is formally reviewed)
- Decide whether the applicant will be required to set up a meeting with the neighborhood prior to application submittal
- Decide whether the applicant will be required to present the development proposal to the LDTC (Land Development Technical Committee) prior to application submittal
- Determine the public notice (i.e., posting and surrounding property owner notification).
Public notice requirements may be imposed in conjunction with the administrative review of these applications. The public notice
requirements are as follows:
- A public notice poster may be provided to the applicant at the time of the pre-application meeting. If a pre-application poster is required, the site must be posted a minimum of ten (10) consecutive days prior to the submittal of the development application. If the property is posted, the applicant is required to submit an affidavit to the reviewing planner which affirms that the proposed site was appropriately posted;
- A neighborhood meeting may be required at the reviewing planner’s discretion;
- If a neighborhood meeting is necessary, City Planning will coordinate with the applicant on the required postage amount. The
postage must be paid prior to the City’s mailing of the pre-application meeting notices.
- A public notice poster may be provided to the applicant within five (5) days of submission of the formal submittal. If an internal review poster is required, the site must be posted a minimum of ten (10) consecutive days. If the property is posted, the applicant is required to submit an affidavit to the reviewing planner which affirms that the proposed site was appropriately posted;
- A neighborhood meeting may be required at the reviewing planner’s discretion;
- Written notification to the adjoining property owners within 500 or 1,000 feet (at planner’s discretion) of the proposed site may be required. City Planning will coordinate with the applicant on the required postage amount with the postage amount required to be paid when the public notice poster is picked up by the applicant.
- A public notice poster will be provided to the applicant at the time that the item has been placed on the preliminary agenda for the public hearing but not less than a minimum of ten (10) days prior to the public hearing date. The proposed project site must be posted by the applicant a minimum of ten (10) consecutive days prior to the public hearing date. The applicant is required to submit an affidavit to the reviewing planner which affirms that the proposed site was appropriately posted;
- Written notification to the adjoining property owners within 500 or 1,000 feet (at planner’s discretion) of the property site will be required. City Planning will coordinate with the applicant on the required postage amount with the postage amount required to be paid when the public notice poster is picked up by the applicant.
The City Planning Office may provide the pre-application and internal review poster. The City Planning Office will provide a public hearing poster. All posters should be posted in a very visible location on the site which can be viewed by passing motorists and/or pedestrians without trespassing. The applicant is also required to complete the affidavit (a copy will be attached to the poster) attesting to the specific dates that the site was posted. The applicant must check the site occasionally to confirm that the property continues to be posted throughout the posting period. If the poster is no longer in good shape or has disappeared from the site, please contact the City
Planning Office at 385-5905 for a replacement poster.
An application review fee will be required to accompany these applications (make checks payable to City of Colorado Springs). The fee schedule is as follows:
Master Plans(New or Major Amendments) / Land Use Review Fee:
$1,255 plus $12 per acre
City Engineering Fee:
All major applications are subject to a $25.00 Information/Technology fee. One $25.00 fee shall be collected for applications submitted concurrently. / Traffic Engineering Fee:
$381.58 plus $5.12 per acre
Colorado Springs Utilities Development Services:
Note: A 10% reduction in the Land Use Review Fee is available for all applications submitted for concurrent review, provided they are submitted for the same site and at the same time. / Colorado Springs Fire Department:
City Planning Fees for Master Plans submitted in conjunction with an Annexation Request: Half of the City Planning fee to be paid at the time of application and half of the City Planning fee to be paid prior to City approval and recordation of the Annexation Plat. The Planning Manager may elect to negotiate an alternative Master Plan Fee Schedule for annexations in excess of 5,000 acres. Fees are not required for Master Plan Amendments that are made at the City's request to bring a private Master Plan into compliance with City land use designations or the City's Comprehensive Plan. The fees for a Master Plan Amendments are calculated only on the acreage being modified. If you are indigent, your development application fees may be waived. Please ask the planning staff for an Indigent Fee Waiver form if you wish to apply for this fee waiver.
This application should be submitted to the City of Colorado Springs-Planning Office at 30 South Nevada Avenue, Suite 301. Any application which does not include the reviewing planner’s signature will be considered incomplete and not accepted for review. An
application must be completed in full and accompanied by the following information:
______1.Twenty-five (25) copies of a PROJECT STATEMENT, or thirty-seven (37) copies of a
PROJECT STATEMENT WITH AN ANNEXATION, identifying the following:
- A clear DESCRIPTION of the land uses proposed on the Master Plan or Master Plan______
Amendment. The classification and acreage for each land use type should be clearly noted.
- A JUSTIFICATION based on the review criteria why the proposed master plan______
should be approved.
- An ISSUE LIST stating how each of the pre-application issues, as communicated to the______
applicant/owner by the reviewing planner, has been addressed in the proposed master plan.
______2.Provide one (1) copy of a BLACK LINE of the proposed project reduced to 11” x 17”.
______3.Submit a LEGAL DESCRIPTION of the proposed project in the following space or on a separate
sheet of paper. Subdivision names must be as shown on the recorded plat and include the Book
and Page or Reception Number. Any exceptions must be completely written out in metes and
and bounds. Easements not on the parcel should not be included.
______4.Four (4) copies of a GEO-TECHNICAL HAZARDS STUDY or EXEMPTION are required
for all applications. An applicant form is available at the City Planning Office at 30 S. Nevada
Avenue, Suite 301 or on the Planning Web Page
______5.______Four (4) copies of a DRAINAGE REPORT prepared by a qualified engineer will be required
as follows:
A Master Development Drainage Report is required to accompany all Master Plans.
______6.Four (4) copies of a TRAFFIC STUDY prepared by a qualified engineer will be required as follows:
A Traffic Study is required to accompany all Master Plans.
______8.A FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS will be required The following information if required:
Nine (9) copies of the proposed Master Plan
Nine (9) copies of the currently approved Master Plan (if applicable)
Nine (9) copies of the Traffic Impact Analysis
Data on the total number of traffic lane mils within the proposed Master Plan
Data on the number of residential units proposed in the Master Plan, market value by building type (i.e., single family detached, duplex, townhome, etc.)
Data on the amount of square footage of proposed Commercial, Office and Industrial buildings
Estimate of yearly build-out for all land uses within the Master Plan broken down by residential, commercial, office, and industrial categories
The current assessed valuation of the property.
______9.A copy of the PRE-APPLICATION FORM, or the Pre-Application review letter from the
assigned City Planner, as evidence of completion of the pre-application conferences.
______10.Provide AUTHORIZATION from the property owner, which authorizes the submittal of the ______
application (if submitted by someone other than the owner), and which indicates who is to receive
all correspondence regarding the processing of this application (completeOwner Authorization For
Submittal & Correspondence section above).
______11. Provide Mineral Estate Owner Notification Certification Affidavit.______
The affidavit requires the applicant to identify the mineral estate owner(s) and certifies that the applicant will notify the owner not less than thirty (30) days prior to the initial public hearing. Failure to notify will cause the project’s hearing to be postponed. The date of public hearing shall be coordinated with and determined by the reviewing planner.” (See attached Mineral Estate Owner Notification Certification Affidavit.)
12. City Planning, City Planning Commission and/or the City Council may require other ADDITIONAL
INFORMATION for this application as needed.
13. CONCURRENT REVIEW of Master Plan Applications and other associated development applications
(i.e., zone change, development plans, etc.) are allowed ONLY if all items are submitted for review at
the same time.
______The applicant is required to submit twenty-five (25) copies of a complete MASTER PLAN, or______
thirty-seven (37) copies of a complete MASTER PLAN WITH AN ANNEXATION. The plans must
include all of the information set forth below along with any additional checklists set forth in this
application and MUST BE FOLDED no larger than 11” x 14” with the lower right hand corner facing up.
Please complete the following checklist by checking all appropriate categories under APPLICANT column, indicating compliance with
these content requirements. All submitted plans shall contain the following information:
______1.Analysis of how the master plan is supported by the policies of the Comprehensive Plan,______
adopted City side system Plans and other public plans.
______2.Analysis of improvements or additions to public facilities necessitated by the development______
of the master plan, based on built-out of the master plan, and their impacts on the city’s ability
to maintain adopted service standards. Public facilities should include major and minor streets,
traffic signals, stormwater and drainage facilities, utility facilities (wastewater, water, natural gas,
and electric), police protection and fire suppression.
______3.Analysis evaluating impacts of the development on the surface transportation system, including______
streets in adjacent neighborhoods, the transit system, bicycle and pedestrian travel and
proposed major streets.
______4.Calculations for the park and school dedication requirements based upon the City Code,______
Section 7.7.12.
______5.A Land Suitability Analysis, see Section 7.3.504 of the City Code and the City Planning______
Land Suitability Analysis Policy for more information.
______6.Special agreements (if applicable). Description of special agreements which pertain to financing,______
maintenance, etc. which are not applicable to other submittal requirements.
______7.Master plan map including a fractional and bar scale, north arrow and vicinity map.______
______8.Master Plan Name.______
______9.Proposed land use by parcel. Land use classifications are set forth in Section 7.5.406.______
______10.Adjacent zoning and land use.______
______11.Existing major streets and collectors.______
______12.Existing open space.______
______13.Existing public and private parks.______
______14.Existing trails and on-street bike routes.______
______15.Existing schools.______
______16.Existing other public facilities.______
______17.Contour lines, 5’ intervals.______
______18.Significant natural features. Consult the Colorado Springs Open Space Plan and Significant______
Natural Features Inventory.
______19.100 and 500 year floodplains per the FEMA maps.______
______20.Major utility lines and easements.______
______21.Legend including the following:
- Proposed land uses by classification______
- Acreage of each proposed land use.______
- Existing land use mix______
- Proposed land use mix______
The Applicant certifies that he has complied with the applicable provisions of the City of Colorado Springs Mineral Estate Owner Notification process. The Applicant certifies that the records, including filed requests for surface development notification forms, of the El Paso County Tax Assessor and the Clerk and Recorder were examined. The Applicant further certifies the following:
Yes, a separate mineral estate owner(s) was identified and the Applicant certifies that 1.) the mineral estate owner(s) was notified by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by a nationally recognized overnight courier of the initial City Planning Commission public hearing not less than thirty (30) days prior to the hearing; 2.) he has attached a listing of the Mineral Estate Owner(s) with mailing addresses, and 3.) has attached a copy of the notice that was mailed. Said notice contained the time and place of the public hearing, the nature and subject of the hearing, legal description of the property and the name of the applicant.
Yes a separate mineral estate owner(s) was identified, but the Applicant certifies that 1.) no mailing addresses of record(s) are known; 2.) he has attached a listing of the Mineral Estate Owner(s); and 3.) no further action was taken.
Noseparate mineral estate owner(s) were identified and no further action was taken.
Pursuant to 24-65.5-103(4), C.R.S., I certify that above is true and accurate and that I have acted in good faith to comply with the applicable provisions of the City of Colorado Springs Mineral Estate Owner Notification process.
Dated this day of, 20.
Notary Certificate:
) sis
The foregoing certification was acknowledged before me this ___ day of ______., 20__, by ______.
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission Expires: ______
Notary Public
The internal review procedure will take a minimum of eight to twelve (8-12) weeks to complete. The first review letter from the applicable planning staff member will be sent to the applicant within approximately six (6) weeks from the time of formal submittal. The amount of time for the administrative review procedure is dependent upon the timeliness of the return of revised plans from the applicant to the reviewing planner. Once the internal review procedure has been completed, the application will be scheduled for the next available City Planning Commission hearing. The amount of time to schedule an item for Planning Commission will take approximately four to eight (4 -8) weeks depending on the date the internal review procedure is completed.