THINK-TAC-TOE: The Civil War
Refer to Chapters 10, 11, 12, and Internet sites for information. In each square, select one activity. Then, select two others squares either diagonally, vertically, or horizontally to complete a Think-Tac-Toe. Only complete 3 activities that make a tic tac toe. If you do more, they will not be graded. No bonus points
Create a chart:o Create a flow chart that lists the major events that were causes of the Civil War
(use Google to find examples of flow charts) / Defend your position:
o Of the three Constitutional amendments passed during Reconstruction, which do you think was the most important? Defend your answer. / Interpret a cartoon:
o Interpret the meaning of the songs on page 379. Fully Answer the accompanying questions.
Interpret Primary Resources:
o Read the excerpts on page 426. Fully Answer the accompanying questions.
o Create a venn diagram that compares and contrasts Presidential Reconstruction to Radical Reconstruction / Create a biopoem:
o Write a biopoem about Ulysses S. Grant
o Write a biopoem about Robert E. Lee
o Write a biopoem about William Tecumseh Sherman / Compromise?:
o Create a venn diagram that compares and contrasts the Missouri Compromise and the Compromise of 1850
Walk a Mile in My Footsteps:
o Draw a footprint the size of your notebook paper. Write about a day in the life of a Confederate soldier
o Draw a footprint the size of your notebook paper. Write about a day as President Lincoln. / Battles:
o Draw a picture of one of the following battles: Fort Sumter, Antietam, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, Battle for Atlanta
o Drawing must be in color and historically and geographically accurate / Evaluate:
o Fully Explain at least two forms of resistance to racial equality during Reconstruction.