Fall 1999
Course Coordinator:
Professor Mark Kriger
Telephone: 67-55-72-67
Week 42
SESSION 1 - Monday October 18, 1999 13:00-16:00
“Strategic Management Research: Current Challenges and Likely Future Directions”
Responsible: Professor Mark Kriger
Introduction to the course;Review of recent trends based on conferences, workshops/seminars, and latest issues in key journals.
Required readings:
· Schendel, D. 1994. Introduction to the summer 1994 special issue -Strategy: search for new paradigms, Strategic Management Journal, 15: 1-4.
· Prahalad, C.K. & Hamel, G. 1994. Strategy as a field of study: Why search for a new paradigm? Strategic Management Journal, 15: 5-16.
· Henderson, B. 1989. The origin of strategy, Harvard Business Review, no 6, pp 139-143.
· Hitt, M.A., Gimeno, J., & Hoskisson, R.E. 1998. Current and future research methods in strategic management. Organizational Research Methods, 1(1): 6-44.
· Larwood, L., Falbe, C.M., Kriger, M.P., & Meising, P. 1995. Structure and meaning of organizational vision. Academy of Management Journal, 38(3): 740-769.
· Peroff, Nicholas C. 1999. Is management an Art or a Science? A clue in consilience. Emergence, 1(1): 92-109.
SESSION 2 – Tuesday October 19, 1999 9:00-12:00
“Boards of Directors and Governance”
Responsible: Dr. Morten Huse
Required readings:· Huse, Morten & Eide, Dorthe 1996. Stakeholder management and the avoidance of corporate control. Business and Society, 35 (2): 211-243.
· Forbes, Daniel P. & Milliken, Frances J. 1998. Cognition and corporate governance: understanding borards of directors as strategic decision-making groups. Academy of Management Review. 24 (2): 489-505.
· Huse, Morten 1998. Researching the dynamics of board-stakeholder relations. Long Range Planning, 31 (2): 218-226.
· Pettigrew, A. 1992. On studying managerial elites. Strategic Management Journal, 13: 163-182.
· Kriger, M.P. 1988. The increasing role of subsidiary boards in MNCs: An empirical study. Strategic Management Journal, 9: 347-360.
SESSION 3 – Wednesday October 20, 1999 13:00-16:00
“Innovation and Strategy”
Responsible: Associate Professor Knut Haanes
Required readings:· Haanes, K. and Ø. Fjeldstad (forthcoming). 1999. Linking intangible resources and competition, European Management Journal.
· March, J.G. 1991. Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning, Organization Science, 2: 71-87.
· Lieberman, M.B., and D.B. Montgomery, 1988. First-mover advantages. Strategic Management Journal, 9: 41-58.
SESSION 4 - Thursday October 21, 1999 13:00-16:00
“On Knowledge, Organization and Value Creation”Responsible: Associate Professor Bente R. Løwendahl
Required readings:· Løwendahl, B., Revang, Ø., & Fosstenløkken, S. 1999. Knowledge and value creation in professional service firms. Working paper.
· Grant, Robert M. 1996. Toward a knowledge-based theory of the firm. Strategic Management Journal, (Winter Special Issue), 17: 109-122.
· Kreiner, Kristian 1999 Knowledge and Mind: The management of intellectual recources. Advances in Management Cognition and Organizational Information Processing 6: 1-29.
· Nonaka, Ikujiro and Konno, Noboru 1998. The concept of Ba: building a foundation for knowledge creation. In: California Management Review, 40, (3): 40-54.
· Spender, J.-C. 1996. Making knowledge the basis of a dynamic theory of the firm. In: Strategic Management Journal, (Winter Special Issue), 17: 45-62.
· Blackler, F. 1995. Knowledge, knowledge work and organizations: An overview and interpretation. Organization Studies, 16(6): 1021-1046,
· Hansen, Morten T., Nohria, Nitin and Tierney, T. 1999. What’s your strategy for managing knowledge? Harvard Business Review, March-April, pp. 106-116.
· Løwendahl, B. & Revang, Ø. 1998. Challenges to Existing Strategy Theory in a post industrial society. Strategic Management Journal, 19: 755-773.
SESSION 5 - Friday October 22, 1999 13:00-16:00
“We shall focus on the theory underlying the ‘Value-Creating Norway’ Project
Responsible: Associate Professor Erik Jakobsen
Required Readings:· Krugman, Paul 1994. Competitiveness: A dangerous obsession, Foreign Affairs, March-April, pp.28-44.
· Dunning, J.H. 1992. The competitive advantages of countries and the activities of transnational corporations, Transnational Corporations, 1: 135-168.
· Malmberg, A & Maskell, P. 1997. Towards and explanation of of regional specialization and industry agglomeration, European Planning Studies, 5: 25-41.
· Michael Porter, 1998. Clusters and competition. On Competition. 7: 197-287.
· Victor Norman, Næringsklynger. Chapter 5 in a NOU-report.
Week 44
SESSION 6 – Monday November 1, 1999 09:00 -12:00
“Research on Strategic Change Processes - Some Theoretical and Methodological Aspects”Responsible: Professors Leif Melin
Required Readings:· Pettigrew, A. 1990. Longitudinal Field Research on Change. Theory and Practice, Organization Science, 1(3): 267 – 292.
· Pettigrew, A. 1997. What is Processual Analysis? Scandinavian Journal of Management, 13(4): 337-348.
· Melin, L. & Hellgren, B. 1994. Patterns of Strategic Processes: Two Typologies. In H. Thomas et al (Eds), Building the Strategically-Responsive Organization, John Wiley.
· Hellgren, B. & Melin, L. 1993. The Role of Strategists' Ways-of-Thinking in Strategic Change Processes. In J. Hendry & G. Johnson, Strategic Thinking: Leadership and the Management of Change, John Wiley.
· Thomas Ericson & Leif Melin, 1999. Strategic Change in Professional Organizations - The Role of Actors Way-of-thinking. (paper under review)
SESSION 7 – Tuesday November 2, 1999 13:00-16:00
“Strategic and Economic Cluster Theories”
Responsible: Torger Reve
Required Readings:· Shapiro, Carl. 1994. Endogenous innovation in the theory of growth. The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 8(1): 23-44.
· Porter, Michael. 1990. The Competitive Advantage of Nations. Harvard Business Review, March-April.
· Reve, Torger & Mathiesen, Lars. 1994. European Industrial Competiveness. SNF June. 1994.
SESSION 8 – Wednesday November 3, 1999 13:00-16:00
“Competitive Dynamics: Porter and Beyond”
Responsible: Associate Professor Øystein Fjeldstad
Required readings:· Chen, M.J, and MacMillan, I.C. 1992. Nonresponse and delayed response competitive moves: the roles of competitor dependence and action irreversibility, Academy of Management Journal, 35(3): 539-570.
· Chen, M.J., Smith, K.G., and Grimm, C.M. 1991. Action characteristics as predictors of competitive responses, Management Science, 38 (3): 439-455.
· Porter, M. E. 1991. Towards a dynamic theory of strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 12: 95-117.
· Weigelt, K. and MacMillan, I.C. 1988. An interactive strategic analysis framework, Strategic Management Journal, 443-454.
SESSION 9 – Thursday November 4, 1999 13:00-16:00
“Strategic Alliances: Structure, Organization and Managing People”
Responsible: Assistant Professor Randi Lunnan
Required Readings:· Gulati, R. 1998. Alliances and networks. Strategic Management Journal 19 (4): 293-317.
· Gulati, R. 1999. Network Location and Learning: The influence of Network Resources and Firm Capabilities on Alliance Formation. Strategic Management Journal 20 (5): 397-420.
· Lorenzoni, G., and A. Lipparini. 1999. The leveraging of interfirm relationships as a distinctive organizational capability: A longitudinal study. Strategic Management Journal 20 (4): 317-338.
· Lunnan, R., and R. Kvålshaugen. 1999. Acquiring knowledge in alliances: The impact of individual characteristics. Submitted to SMS Berlin 1999: Norwegian School of Management
· Bradach, J.L, and R.G. Eccles. 1989. Price, authority and trust: From ideal types to plural forms. Annual review of sociology, 97: 97-118.
· Heide, Jan B. 1994. Interorganizational Governance in Marketing Channels. Journal of Marketing 58 (January): 71-85.
· Powell, W.W., K.W. Koput, and L. Smith-Doerr. 1996. Interorganizational collaboration and the locus of innovation: networks of learning in biotechnology. Administrative Science Quarterly 41 (1): 116-141
SESSION 10: Friday November 5, 1999 13:00-16:00
“Knowledge Conversion and Strategic Management”
Responsible: Professor Mark Kriger
Required readings:· Boisot, M.H. 1998. Knowledge assets: Securing competitive advantage in the information economy. London: Oxford University Press, pp. 41-69.
· Kriger, M.P. 1999. The many ways of knowing: Extending knowledge conversion processes. Paper presented at Re-Organizing Knowledge Conference, September.
· Nonaka, I. & Konno, N. 1998. The Concept of “Ba”: Building a Foundation for Knowledge Creation. California Management Review, 40(3): 40-54. (re-read)
· Spender, J.-C. 1996. Making Knowledge the Basis of a Dynamic Theory of the Firm. Strategic Management Journal, (Winter Special Issue), 17: 45-62. (re-read)
· Hansen, Morten T., Nohria, Nitin & Tierney, Thomas. What’s your strategy for managing knowledge? Harvard Business Review, March-April 1999. (re-read)
· March, J.G. 1995. The Future, Disposable Organizations and the Rigidities of Imagination, Organization, 2(3): 427-440.